Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 2.djvu/390

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Mogēr. The Halēpaiks sometimes call the sept Sura Honnē.

Honnungara (gold ring). — An exogamous sept of Kuruba.

Huli (tiger). — An exogamous sub-sept of Kāppiliyan.

Hullu (grass). — A gotra of Kurni.

Hunisē (tamarind). — An exogamous sub-sept of Kāppiliyan.

Hutta (ant-hill). — An exogamous sept of Gangadikāra Holeya.

Huvvina (flowers). —An exogamous sept of Oddē and Vakkaliga.

Īchcham (date-palm: Phœnix sylvestris). — Īchcham or Īchanjānār is recorded, in the Tanjore Manual, as a section of Shānān. The equivalent Īchang occurs as a tree or kothu of Kondaiyankōttai Maravans.

Idachēri.___An occupational name for a section of Nāyars, who make and sell dairy produce. The word corresponds to Idaiyan in the Tamil country.

Idaiyan. — The Idaiyans are the great pastoral or shepherd caste of the Tamil country, but some are land-owners, and a few are in Government employ. Those whom I examined at Coimbatore were engaged as milkmen, shepherds, cultivators, gardeners, cart-drivers, shopkeepers, constables, family doctors, and mendicants.

It is recorded in the Tanjore Manual that "the Rev. Mr. Pope says that Ideir are so-called from idei, middle, being a kind of intermediate link between the farmers and merchants." Mr. Nelson *[1] considers this derivation

  1. • Manual of the Madura district.