Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 4.djvu/307

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The following are the main sub-divisions of the community in the Madras Presidency: —

1. Jangam. The priestly class.
2. Banajiga or Banjig, divided into Banajigas proper and Jain Banajigas.

These are essentially traders, but many are now cultivators. The equivalent in the Telugu country is Linga Balija. Jangams occasionally take Banajiga girls in marriage. The girl has to undergo certain ceremonies before her marriage, and after that she should not be treated as a daughter or sister of the family, but should be considered as a Jangam's wife, and respect paid to her. Jangam girls are not given to Banajigas as wives. Jain Banajigas are considered as inferior to Banajigas proper, and girls of the former are not married into families of the latter.

3. Sadaru, divided into Kumbala Kudi Sadaru and Chadaru Sadaru. The great majority are cultivators.
4. Laligonda, divided into Hera (elder) and Chikka (younger) Laligonda.
5. Kāpu, Rēddi, and Vakkalīga, cultivators.

The Aradhya Brāhman is termed a Lingāyat. This caste is not included in the present note. The members of it wear the sacred thread, as well as the lingam. They are strict Saivite Brāhmans, and have nothing to do with the Lingāyats proper.

The three religious divisions of the community are styled: —

1. Nirabara Vīra Saiva. Sanyāsis or ascetics,wearing only the kaupinam or loin-cloth.
2. Vishesha Vīra Saiva. The priestly class, generally called Jangams.
3. Sāmānya Vīra Saiva. This includes all Lingāyats, who are not Sanyāsis or Jangams. The whole