Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India.djvu/59

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In this connection, I may record the statistics relating to the nasal indices of various South Indian jungle tribes : —

—— Nasal Index.
Average. Maximum. Minimum.
Paniyan 95.1 108.6 72.9
Kādir 89.8 115.4 72.9
Kurumba 86.1 111.1 70.8
Shōlaga 85.1 107.7 72.8
Mala Vēdan 84.9 102.6 71.1
Irula, Nīlgiris 84.9 100 72.3
Kānikar 84.6 105 72.3
Chenchu 81.9 95.7 68.1

In the following table, I have brought together, for the purpose of comparison, the average stature and nasal index of various Dravidian classes inhabiting the plains of the Telugu, Tamil, Canarese, and Malayalam countries, and jungle tribes : —

—— Linguistic area. Nasal Index. Stature.
Paniyan Jungle tribe 95.1 157.4
Kādir Jungle tribeDo. 89.8 157.7
Kurumba Jungle tribeDo. 86.1 157.9
Shōlaga Jungle tribeDo. 85.1 159.3
Irula, Nīlgiris Jungle tribeDo. 84.9 159.8
Mala Vēdan Jungle tribeDo. 84.9 154.2
Kānikar Jungle tribeDo. 84.6 155.2
Chenchu Jungle tribeDo. 81.9 162.5
Pallan Tamil 81.5 164.3
Mukkuvan Malayālam 81 163.1
Paraiyan Tamil 80 163.1
Palli TamilDo. 77.9 162.5
Gāniga Canarese 76.1 165.8
Bestha Telugu 75.9 165.7
Tiyan Malayālam 75 163.7