Page:Castle Rackrent and The Absentee - Edgeworth (1895).djvu/47

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TAGB ' The priest positively refused to take anything ' . . .271 '" Let him speak," said Lord Colambre, in a tone of authority' . 275 ' Garraghty started back ' 284 ' " First came in, hobbling, rank and gout; next, rank and gaming"'. ......... 299 ' " Oh, mother ! " cried Lord Colambre, throwing himself at Lady Clonbrony's feet '........ 309 ' As it flashed across her mind, she started back ; her face grew crimson, and, in the same instant, pale as death ' . . 323 ' " My dear count! the greater pleasure for being unexpected " ' 329 ' He now joyfully and rapidly went on ' . . . . . 339 ' She explained, that she " could not j'usify say where he was " ' 343 ' "Take care ! Don't mention him to me " ' . . . -35* ' " Yes, get up ! ^et up ! my own Grace, and be surprised " ' . 369 ' " But now, my charming Grace," said Lord Colambre, kneeling beside her ' 371