Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 1).djvu/35

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

may suppose, madam, I was scarcely able to support myself. Having heard thus far I tottered from the summer house, and got into the shrubbery, where I threw myself on the ground, and preserved myself from fainting by a copious flood of tears.

"Overwhelmed by my own reflections, with out a friend or habitation to fly to for protection, uncertain whether this man was really my uncle or not, yet convinced he had the most diabolical designs against me, and that in his house I could not be safe: it is impossible to describe my feelings and distress; at length I arose and recollected what the horrid woman had said of Albert, it was my only resource. I walked from the garden towards the stables; most fortunately I met him coming from them. "Albert, (said I, hastily) I wish to speak with you, follow me into the park." The man looked surprised—"Me, Miss—I follow you?" "Yes, immediately," (I replied.) I walked quickly to the park, he came after me; when out of sight of the houseI turn-