Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 1).djvu/47

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

there, having property and friends in that city, and she might run the hazard of being discovered.

Whilst she was speaking the lady's attendant entered with a letter, "Joseph has just brought this, my lady." "Joseph! (repeated Matilda, involuntarily.) "Yes, (said the lady, smiling) your friend Joseph is my friend also; this letter is from my sister—but bid our old friend step in." Joseph entered, but started back with surprise when he beheld Matilda seated quietly in the room,—"Good Lord! (cried he) how came young madam here?" "This lady's courage, you see, has penetrated through our secret, and now we have no occasion for any reserve before her, she will as carefully guard it from your wife as you do." "Lord! I am sure (answered Joseph) it goes to my heart to keep any thing from poor Bertha, she is such a good creature, but women's tongues will blab sometimes, to be sure, and as I have sworn to your ladyship, God forbid I should break my oath, thoughoften