Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 1).djvu/58

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

things scattered about: she was surprised—she knocked, she called, she had no answer. Terrified beyond expression, she ventured into the other room, where the bed was; it was empty, but had the appearance of being laid on; a little cabinet, which stood on the drawers, was open and emptied of its contents. She returned; she went through the several rooms that were open, all were desolate; she once more went back to the ground floor. The candle was nearly extinguished, she took, up and lighted the other, and, on looking round, she saw the door that opened from the bed room into the garden was a jar, and on trial it opened; she then readily conceived the lady must have been carried away through the garden, but by whom it was impossible to guess; robbers would never have incommoded themselves with females. She came in and was about to shut the garden door, when she thought the sound of footsteps reached her ears—she trembled and stopt, presently a door, the opposite side of the bed, opened, and Joseph appeared: she was over-joyed—