Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/151

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trembling.) "To Germany doubtless (replied he.) "By water?" "Yes, by water: but ask no questions, Matilda; I am once more your uncle during this voyage, to preserve your character." "And do you think, Sir (said she, assuming courage under a palpitating heart) do you think I will give a sanction to your falsehoods, and permit myself to be made a slave of" "You will find, (answered he) you can have no voice to alter my determinations; but I will now make you a fair proposal, If you will consent to marry me, I will, in this very town, receive your hand, and without scruple then carry you to join your friends: if you refuse I will not part with you, but where I propose carrying you, shall be entire master of your destiny. The old story is propagated by my servant, that you are my niece, and I am saving you from a shameful marriage with a footman." "Good God! (cried she) is my character thus traduced? And do you suppose such methods will oblige me to become your wife? No! Sir; I will die first." "Very