Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/19

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and shall be torn from you." Both burst into tears, equally for herself and friend.

The Marchioness, who saw him depart, now entered the room; "As I supposed, (said she) you retired to frighten each other, but that I shall not allow, so ladies, if you please, throw on your cloaks; I have made up two parties this morning for an airing: in my coach goes Lord Delby, the Count, my sister, and Miss Matilda; I accompany Mrs Courtney, in her chariot;—so pray hasten directly, the carriages wait."

She withdrew on saying these words, and left them no power to frame excuses, and consequently they were obliged to follow, though with aching hearts.

They were disposed of according to the Marchioness's arrangements, but for some minutes after the carriage proceeded all were silent. Lord Delby first spoke, and regretted the party did not seem to accord with the