Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/205

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deavouring to collect fortitude from necessity she thus addressed him, "The liberty I have taken in requesting the honour of seeing your Lordship here requires many apologies, but I am in a very singular and distressing situation. Will your Lordship permit me to ask you how long you have known the Countess Berniti" The Count started at the question. "Almost from a child, madam; we were brought up in an intimacy from our youth." "You knew her unfortunate husband then, and his brother, (said she) and possibly may recollect it was supposed the infant daughter of the Countess died in convulsions?" "Supposed! (repeated he) good God! What can you mean, madam?" "To recall to your mind, Sir, those circumstances on the developing of which my future happiness depends. Save your surprise, my Lord, and to elucidate my meaning, I must entreat the favour of you to peruse these papers, the confession of a dying man once brother to the late Count Berniti." The Count took the papers with the most eager curiosity.