Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/210

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remember the Chevalier N———, who went abroad so many years since?" "Ah! (said she, with a sigh) I do indeed remember him; is he alive,—does this lady belong to him?" "He is not living, (answered the Count, for Matilda permitted him to suppose he was dead, without asserting it;) this young lady was in some degree related to him, but I think more nearly so to your ladyship." "Heavens! my dear Count, you surprise me! I know not of any female relation I can possibly have." "She is certainly a near relation, however, (replied the Count) and you must prepare yourself for a most agreeable surprise, as I am convinced you will love her dearly." "Indeed, my good Count, (exclaimed the Countess) you have given me violent emotions; my heart palpitates, and my whole frame trembles; for God's sake, do not keep me in suspense—who can this lady be?" "Before we answer you, my dear friend, (said the Count's Lady) let me persuade you to take a few drops, in water, the agreeable flutter of your spirits will require