Page:Castlemon--Joe Wayring at Home.djvu/149

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point, re-embark and paddle back to starting point.

Single paddling race.—Half a mile and return.

Hurry-Skurry race. Run ten yards, swim twenty-five yards, paddle three hundred yards.

These were the ones, as we know, which Tom and his cousins had "booked" themselves to win. Then there were sailing races, tandem races, and boys and girls' races; and the meet was to wind up with a greasy pole walk.

"You fellows must certainly enter for that,"said Sheldon. "You have no idea how much sport there is in it. Some of the Mount Airy people say that it is the best part of the performance."

Tom replied that he did not know just what a greasy pole walk was, and reminded Sheldon that he and his cousins were not yet members of the club.

"But you will be members before the day set for the races, you may be sure of that," said Joe. "I'll propose you at the next meeting, and I know there will not be a dissenting vote."