Page:Castlemon--Joe Wayring at Home.djvu/360

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spite of the warning events of the afternoon, he kept on until he was close enough to the skiff to take hold of it. I saw the whole proceeding, but of course could do nothing to arouse the slumbering campers.

"Now, turn about on your seats and give way the best you know how," I heard Matt whisper to his boys. "We must pull her off into deep water before them fellers can wake up an' get a holt on her."

"Say, pap," whispered Jake, in reply. "Ain't we goin' ashore to give them a good larrupin' before they make up?"

If the guide had not been there, these words would have horrified me; but as it was, I did not feel at all uneasy. I knew very well that Matt and his boys were no match for our party, and that they would all be captured as surely as they put their feet on shore; but I did not want to see them steal that skiff. Oh, why didn't Jim wake up and alarm his master!

"We'll 'tend to them after we get the skiff an' all the nice grub an' things that's into it," said the squatter, as he tightened his grasp. "Now be you all ready? Then give way."