Page:Castlemon--Joe Wayring at Home.djvu/390

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"What's the reason we can't go with them?" said Joe, suddenly.

"I reckon you can. You know more about the woods than some of that party do, and you might be of some use to them."

"Well, look here, Mr. Morris: Will you fix up our boat in good shape, give her a coat or two of paint and take care of the things that we shall be obliged to leave behind us?"

"I will, sartain," answered the guide, readily.

In an instant both the lockers were opened, and Joe Wayring, snatching up a camp basket, started post-haste for the hotel to hire a skiff and purchase a small supply of provisions for the trip, leaving Roy and Arthur to select the outfit. The tent and the most of their heavy cooking-utensils were to be left behind. They were very useful articles, of course, but they were not absolutely necessary to their existence, or even to their comfort. Besides, the skiff that would be provided for them would not carry as much "duffle" as the roomy boat they were going to leave in the guide's keeping. Their bows and arrows, blankets, the knapsacks that contained their extra clothing,