Page:Castlemon - Frank the Young Naturalist.djvu/157

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Frank, The Young Naturalist.

As soon as the coast-guards could recover from their surprise, Charles shouted,

"Uup anchor—quick!"

The next moment he called out,

"Jim, take your division, and creep down the shore of the island, and be ready to catch her there, if she gets away from us."

For a few moments there was a "great hurrying" among the coast-guards. The anchors were drawn up with a jerk, the sails flew up the masts, and the little fleet bore rapidly down upon the smuggler.

As soon as Frank saw that the race had fairly begun, he exclaimed,

"Now's our time, Ben!"

They ran back to their boat, and hastily shoved from the shore, and the Speedwell, making good her name, was soon plowing the river, in the direction of the island.

So intent were the coast-guards upon catching the Alert, that they thought of nothing else; and Frank rounded the head of the island, and landed, without being discovered.