Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/100

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A817435 — A817482
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Welcome baby. Editor: Haryiane Hooper lonn £ other editors. 1 v. NH: compi lation« additional text 6 pictorial matter. © Ideals Publishing corporation; UJan??; 48171135.


Great sausaqe recipes and meat curing. Ev fiichard S. Katas, uith sketches by Christine Engla Eber. 169 p. 6 Eichard S. Kutas; 150ct76: A817106.


The Pill book. By Vito A. Perillo, photos, by Dean Auve. 61) p. 8 Vito A. Perillo; 260ct76; A817437.


Taxation in Australia. 90 p. (International tax and business service) Prev. reg. 1969. SH; revisions. e Haskins and Sells; 281>ec76: A8171I38.


Good old camp meeting songs. By Herb Walker, illustrated by Ed»ard fork 6 James Brunelle. 64 p. NH: compilation, additional text £ pictorial matter, e Baxter Lane company; 5Jan77: A817439.


All-American peanut cookin*; main dishes thru desserts, historical peanut facts. Cartoons: Pat McCarthy. 64 p. Appl. au: L. Baxter Lane. NB: compilation, additional text S pictorial matter. e Baxter Lane Company: 5Jan77; A817440.


Easi-Bild Build-It- Yourself catalog; patterns, home improvement books, educational film strips. Book no. 600. By Donald E. Brann. 130 p. Add. ti: Easi-Bild catalog. NH: revisions, additional text £ illus. 8 Directions Simplified, Inc.; 3Jan77; Aei7441.


Opus/one; user^s manual. 88 p. ^ Administrative Systems, Inc.; 1Dec76; A817442.


Marlon Brando. Sritten by David Paige. 39 p. © Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77: A817443.


Lucille Ball. Britten by David Paige. 31 p. © Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77; A817444.


Hary Tyler Hoore. yritten by David Paige. 30 p. <3 Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77; A817445.


Carol Burnett. Britten by David Paige. 30 p. & Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77; A817446.


fiobert Bedford. Hrittea by David Paige. 30 p. © Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77; A817447.


Sidney Poitier. written by David Paige. 31 p. © Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A817448.


Bob Newhart. Written by David Paige. 30 p. © Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77; A817449.


Johnny Carson. Written by David Paige. 31 P. © Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77; A817450.


Walpole and the nits: the relation of politics to literature, 1722-1742. By Bertrand A. Goldgar. 256 p. 3 aniversity of Nebraska Press; 28Dec76; A817451.


The Folding schooner and other adventures in boat design. By Philip C. Bolger. 198 p. © International Marine Publishing Company; lDec76; Aei7452.


Textbook of gynecology. Edited by Eussell Eamon De Alvarez. 546 p. © Lea and Febiger; 14Jan77; A817453.


Canine ophthalmology. By William G. Hagrane. 3rd ed. 305 p. 6 Lea and Febiger; 14Jan77; A817454.


Hassey-Ferguson shop manual, model aF285. Manual no. MF-36. 48 p. © Intertec Publishing Corporation; 7Jan77; A817455.


Massey-Ferguson flat rates. Manual no. MF-34. 26 p. Add. ti: Hassey-Ferguson flat rate manual. NM: revisions E additions. © Intertec Publishing Corporation; 28Dec76; A817456.


Massey Ferguson shop manual, models MFIIOS, Hf1135, Mr1155. Manual no. MP-31. 84 p. © Intertec Publishing Corporation; 23Dec76; A8 17457.


Increase your pushup pouer. Sheets (3 p.) Appl. au: John L. Knecht. © John L. Knecht; 22Nov76; 4817458.


Montgomery Ward 1977 suburban farm and garden. 159 p. Add. ti: Suburban farm and garden, 1977. 6 Montgomery Bard and Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A817459.


The Game of Allowance. 5 p. Appl. au: Jane Diana (Benjamin) Kaasa. © Jane Oiana (Benjamin) Kaasa; 7Jan77; 4817460.


ECE calculator for thoroughbred and harness racing. 4 p. Appl. au: Alan Ackerman. © The ECE Company; 12Jan77; 4817461.

A8 17462.

Beserve Mining Company: a case study of the enforcement of water quality standards for Lake Superior. 20 5 p. Appl. au: Willlaji N. Thee, Jr. © William N. Thee, Jr.; 31JU176; 4817462.


The Strategy of decision. By David H. Borwick & Benjamin D. Boruick. 106 p. © David H. Boruick £ Benjamin D. Boruick; 6Jan77; A817463.


Traditional math, restored, simplified, condensed, brought up to date, made relevant, programed and all those good things. Grades 5 through adult. By John 4. Hornof. 235 p. C John A. Hornof; 3Jan77; 4817464.


Lone star afghan and pillow. Folder. Appl. au: Barbara J. Wyche. © Barbara J. Wyche d.b.a. Crafts Masters, Ltd.; 1Jun76; A817465.

A817466. The Resurrection. 1 p. Appl. au: George A. Botar, Jr. George A. Botar, Jr.; 12Jan77; A817466.


Packaged electric heat tracing systems design. 22 p. NM: revisions £ additions. © Thermon Manufacturing Company; 20Oct76; A817467.


Burpee's Garden calendar for 1977. Appl- au: W. 4tlee Burpee (Burpee's) © W. Atlee Burpee Company; 15Dec76; A8 17468.


Consumer protection multiple choice tests. 13 p. From Wisconsin real estate law, 1976 edition, chapter 19. © Wisconsin School of Real Estate, Inc. ; 20Apr76; A817469.


Investigative organic chemistry (a laboratory guide for the identification of organic compounds) By H. Dupont Durst £ George W. Gokel. 287 p. S H. Dupont Durst 6 George W. Gokel; lDec76; A817470.


The Wine Vault wine vault manual. 1 v. Appl. au: Viking Sauna Company. © Viking Sauna Company d.b.a. Nine Vault Company; 10Jan77; A817471.


100-CCE control by Viking Sauna. Folder. © Viking Sauna Company; 4Jan77; A817472.


100-SE control by Viking Sauna. Folder. © Viking Sauna Company; itJan77: 4 817 473.


125-S control by Viking Sauna. 2 p. © viking Sauna Company; 4Jaii77; 4817474.


200-A control by Viking Sauna. 1 p. © Viking Sauna Company; 4Jan77; A817475.


300-SE control by Viking Sauna. Folder. © Viking Sauna Company; 4Jan77; 4817476.


3Q0-CCE control by viking Sauna. Folder. © Viking Sauna Company; 4Jan77; 4817477.


Montgomery Hard big winter sale, March 14, 1977. 195 p. © Montgomery Ward and Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A817478.


Order admitting will to probate. 1 p. NM: revisions. © Action Forms, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4817479.


Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company, hereinafter called the company, issues this policy to, hereinafter called the policyholder, to insure the health of certain employees of the policyholder. 9 p. Add. ti; Policy to insure the health of certain employees of the policyholder. Appl. au: Henry T. Dunker, Jr. © Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company; 30Dec76; A817480.


Business development record. 1 v. Appl. au: Edward Lee Kennedy, Jr. (E. Lee Kennedy, Jr.) © E. Lee Kennedy, Jr. £ Bogers, Butler and Burgun; 3Jan77; A817481.


Hot pad belly fat reducer, by using a

low voltage heat pad. 1 p. Appl. au:


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.