Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/107

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A817733 - A817773
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A817732 (con.)

Louise Bennett. HicrofilB. O Adelaide Louise Bennett; 15Dec76; S817732.


coasts of illusion: the travel books o£ D. H- Lawrence. By Billy Tobin Tracy. Bicrofila. 6 Billy Tobin Tracy; 15Dec76: A817733.


The Fruits of transition: Aaerican youth in the 1920*s. By Paula S. Fass. Hicroiilm. O Paula S. Fass; 15Dec76; jei773it.


The Bole, position and perceptions of Hocen school board nenbers in Texas. By llary Ella Lone. Bicrofiia. C aary Ella Lone; 15Dec76; A817735.


Excluded fanilies. By Leonard James Tiernev. aicrofiln. € Leonard Jaoes Tierney; 15Dec76; A817736.


Albert Gallatin and the political economy of republicanisa, 176 1-1800. By Edkrln Gwynne Burrons. Hicrofila. 6 Edu^ii Giiynne Burrows; 15Dec76; A817737.


Attitudes of colleqe and university presidents and school superintendents in oeober institutions of Southern Asso- ciation of colleges and Schools toward external doctoral degrees and proqrans. By Bicbael Harvin nayall. Hrcrofila. Hichael narvin aayall; 15Dec76; A817738.


From Dada performance to the Surrealist sketch. By Annabelle Henkin. Bicrofilm. Annabelle Henkin; 15Dec76; A817739.


A Study of competencies for health, physical education and recreation majors with implications for articulation between community colleges and state uniwersities in Tennessee. By Ozane Bobinson Adams. Bicrofilm. e ozane Eobinson Adams; 15Dec7b; A817740.


A Dual beta approach to portfolio analysis. By Charles Donald Uigqins. Bicrofilm. t} Charles Donald Wiggins; 15Dec76; A817741.


Literary piracy in Bnglajid from the fiestoration to the early eighteenth century. By Joyce Uelene Brodowski. Bicrofilm. C Joyce Uelene Brodowski; 15Dec76; A81771I2.


A Coccelation study of personality factors and learning selected motor skills in traditional and programmed instruction methods. By Sylvia Sue Hargrove HcDonald. Bicrofilm. © Sylvia Sue Hargrove BcDonald; 15Dec76; A8177H3.


Alvaro obregon and the Bexican Bevolution, 1912-1920: the origins of institutionalization. By Linda Bieseie Hall. Bicrofilm. C Linda Bieseie Hall; 15Dec76; A8177it«.


Anxiety relief, progressive muscle relaxation acd expectancy relaxation in the treatment of speech phobia. By 8obert Sterling Lynd. Bicrofilm. Robert Sterling Lynd: 15Dec76; AB177«5.


An Economic analysis of the Christmas ciub account and bank behavior. By Irving Bichaei nilier. aicrDfiim. 6 Irving aichael siller; 15Dec7t>; A3177U6.


Tne Poetry of the Kinj Jam&s Version of the Bible in the college literature class. By Edward L. Greenwood. Bicrofilm. Edward L. Greenwood; 1SDec76; Aei77il7.


Democracy in the American Public Health Association; a historical analysis. By Kathleen Frances Cortes. Bicrofxlm. C Kathleen Frances Cortes; 15Dec76; Aai77il8.


Uinston Churchill and the shaping of the Hiddle East, 1919-19 22. By Sara Beguer. Bicrofilm. e Sara Geguer; 15Dec76; A8177119.


Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia and Honore D»urfe»s L'Astree: studies in the Benaissance and mannerist pastoral romance. By Byriam Yvonne Jehenson. Bicrofilm. « Byriam Yvonne Jehenson; 150ec76; Aa17750.


Prayer in the writings of Jean-Jacques Bousseau. By Charles Arnold Spirn. Bicrofilm. 4 Charles Arnold Spirn; 15Dec76; A817751.


Form and content in the Videvdad: a study of change and continuity in the Zoroastriau tradition. By Dale Lawrence Bishop. aicrofiia. G Dale Lawrence Bishop; 15Dec7o; 4817752.


4 Procedure for evaluating institutional readiness for non- traditional education. By Vernon Lloyd Bike Bahoney. Bicrofilm. e Vernon Lloyd Bike Hahoney; 15Dec76; A8 17753.


Gabriel Harvey: his life, marginalia and library. By Virginia F. Stern. Bicrofiia. ^ Virginia F. Stern; 15Dec76; Afll775«.


A History of the Communist Academy, 1918-1936. By Joel Shapiro. Bicrofilm. e Joel Shapiro; 15Dec76; A817755.


Export of technology from India. By Aluru Jagadish Prasad. Bicrofiia. Aluru Jagadish Prasad; 15Dec76; A817756.


An Analysis of the effects of a human relations coaponent in an introduction to education course on tjie self concept and interpersonal relations of secondary education pre-service teachers. By Joyce Evelyn Kyle ailler. Bicrofilm. C Joyce Evelyn Kyle Biller; 15Dec76; A817757.


The Use of concepts in income deter- mination by members of the agricultural sector of tue Plains area of Texas. By Kiliiam Joseph Bichalka, Jr. Bicrofilm. « William Joseph Bichalka, Jr.; 15Dec7o; 4817758.


Syntactic structure in Mmbaud's Illuminations: a stylistic approach to the analysis of form in prose poetry. By Susan Uirth Fusco. Bicrofilm. € Susan Wirth Fusco; 15Dec76; 4617759.


The Beasurement of intracellular potassium ion activities in canine cardiac Purkinje fibers with potassium sensitive iicroelectrodes. Ey Dennis Selji aiura. Bicrofilm. Dennis Seiji Biura; 15Dec76; 4817760.


Afro-American thought on the New York City Public School System, 1905- 195<t: an analysis of sew York City Afro- American newspaper editorials. Vol. 1-2. By Claude Juiien Bangum. Bicrofilm. 4 Claude Juiien Bangum; 150ec76; A817761.


African-American interest in Africa and interaction with west Africa: the origins of the Pan-African idea in the United States, 1900-1919. By Bllfrad C. Fierce. Bicrofilm. e Bilfred C. Fierce; 15Dec76; 4817762.


The Estabiishme;it of the 4cademy of Pedagogical Sciences of the JSSB. By Beatrice Beach Szekely. Bicrofilm. O Beatrice Beach Szekely; 15Dec76; 4817763.


Belodrama and Sean o*Casey: a study in critical method. By David Paul Brunet. Bicrofilm. e David Paul Brunet; 15Dec76; A81776U.


Sir James Fltzjames Stephen: the Great Dissenter. By James Alfred Colaiaco. Bicrofilm. <J James Alfred Colaiaco: 15Dec76; 4817765.


Bural population change in the Soviet Union and its implications: 1959-1970. By Nicholas Dima. aicrofiln. Nicholas Olaa; 15Dec76; 4817766.


A Study of cue salience and rule identification in three beginning reading tasks. By Joyce Norton French. Bicrofilm. «5 Joyce Norton French; 15Dec76; A817767.


Expanded plastics used as sculptural patterns for burn out in ceramic shell molds. By Lilburn Carl Penland. Bicrofilm. e Lilburn Carl Penland; 15Dec76; A817768.


Acrylic polymer used for sculptural biomorphic shapes. By Caroline Allera Bontague. Bicrofilm. e Caroline Allera Bontague; 15Dec76; 4817769.


4 Partial needs assessment of the fashion design program of the Department of 4rt at North Texas State University with implications for curriculum revision. By Jean 4ndcews. hicrofilm. Jean 4ndrews; 15Dec76; A817770.


Kinematic design of cam-follower systems. By Hitoshi Tanaka. Bicrofilm. O Hitoshi Tanaka; 15Dec76; Aai7771.


Bahayana Buddhist influence on the Gauaa school of Advaya Vedanta: an analysis of tne Gaudapadakarika. By Alexander Paul Hixon, Jr. Bicrofilm. c Alexander Paul Hixon, Jr.; 150ec76; 4817772.


Dozen's formativ historical study a

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These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.