Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/123

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A818381 — A818621
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A818180 (con.)

community college health instruction. By Suebelle Schlossman Verity. aicrofiloi. O suebelle Sctlossman Verity; 15Dec76; 4818380.


Nisbes, dreams and liesi conqressional redistrictinq after the 1970 decennial census in Ohio* Massachusetts and Mew york. By Bare Alan Eichen. Bicrofilin. e Bare Alan Eichen; 15Dec76; A818381.


sealed to the bone: poems, 1966-197fc. By Arthur Mirst Lumpkin. Hicrofili. Arthur Hirst Lumpkin; 15Dec76; A 81 83 82.


Hero and haclequin: burlesque comedy in Paradise lost. By John Calvin Hooten. Microfilm. John Calvin Wooten; 15Dec76: A818383.


Mats synthetic topoqraphic oappinq. By Sherman Shou-chou Bu. Microfilm. e Sherman Shou-chou Uu; 15Dec76; A8183 8it.


Communication and morality: a study of the ethics- rhetoric relationship as conceived by Aristotle, Francis Bacon, and John DCMey- By Christopher Lyle Johnstone. Microfilm. e Christopher Lyle Johnstone: lSDec76; A8ie385.


The Influence of the t»enty-four day outward Bound experience on self- actualization. By John Tracey Leiweke. Microfilm. John Tracey Leiweke; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1975); A818386.


Coercion and resistance — dependence and compliance, the Germans, yichy« and the Frencn economy. By Simon Mathew Karter. Microfilm. O Simon Mathew Karter; 15Dec76: 4818387.


4 Maximum likelihood approach to stochastic models of brand choice. By Bobert Milton Atkinson, 2ad. Microfilm. e Sobert Milton Atkinson, 2nd; 150ec7b; 4818388.


Ualter Kerr; the critic as theorist, a study of aesthetic, theatrical, and dramatic principles. By Uilliao Harold Kimes. Microfilm. Hillian Harold Kimes; 15Dec76; Aai8389.


The Effects of plasma bindinq on the pharmacokinetics and salivary excretion of several barbiturates. By 4nthony Joseph Piraino. Microfilm. O Anthony Joseph Piraino; 15Dec76; A818390.


Adiectives in Theocritus: a study of poetic diction in the pastoral idylls. By Linda Hardinq Gold. Microfilm. « Linda Harding Gold; 15Dec76: 4818391.


The Black mask in American literature: four essays. By Danny Lyon Scarborouqh. Microfilm. C Danny Lyon Scarborouqh; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1975); A818392.


ShinqoD-Mysticism Subhakarasimha and I-hsinq's commentary to the Ma),i v^icocana- sutra, chapte! one, an annotates translation. i. wiihelm Kuno r.ii>:ller. Microfilm, e mlhelm Kuoo dueiier; ISUecTt; 4818393.


A Comprehensive plan for water quality control and management for Karun-Dez Eiver in Khuzistan, Iran. By Eiazollah Sabahi. Microfilm. i) Eiazollah Sabahi; 15Dec76; A8183914.


The Oesiqn of the microtron injector ret the U.H.-P.S.L. storage rinq. By Michael Antnony Green. Microfilm. C Michael Anthony Green; 15Cec76; A81S395.


Maauess on stage: the history of a tradition in drama. By Joseph M. Hayse. Microfilm. o Joseph d. Hayse; 15Dec76; 4818396.

48 1639 7.

Measuring pupillary and visual temporal functions usinq a new pupillometer- stimulator. By Sherman Lee Heller. Microfilm. e Sherman Lee Heller; 15Dec76; 4818397.


Bertolt Brecht and post-Har French drama. By Victoria uilliams Hill. Microfilm. O Victoria uilliams Hill; 15Dec76; A818398.


The Evolution, development, and future for school district-directed adminis- trative staff development programs in a large urban school district. By Joseph Donald Liggins. Microfilm. Joseph Donald Liggins; 15Dec76; Aei8399.


The Effects of European cultural influences on programs for mentally retarded people. By Jean Carol Badtke. Microfilm. O Jean Carol Badtke; lSDec76; 4818«00.


Film study in seminaries accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. By Joseph Uayne Brownrigg. Microfilm. C Joseph Wayne Brownrigg; 15Dec76; 4818<t01.


The Image of woman in Bertolt Brecht's poetry. By 41 ja Kuplis. Microfilm. O 4lia KUplis; 15Dec76; 4818102.


The Effects of between- and within- language repetitions on free recall and semantic clustering. By fiodrigue Joseph Landry. Microfilm. C Bodrique Joseph Landry; 15Dec76; 4818403.


The Theme of escape in the short stories of Liam O'Flaherty. Frank O'Connor, and Sean O'Faolain. By Deborah Moore Averill. Microfilm. O Deborah Moore Averill; 15Dec76; 4618404.


A Theory of roll call behavior: the impact of constituency. By Jane Lewis Gilbert. Microfilm. O Jane Lewis Gilbert; 15Dec76: A818405.

A8 18406.

The Ose of market information in resource policy: a conceptual framework and case study. By Guy Ouaae Phillips. Microfilm. O Guy Duane Phillips; 15Dec76; 48 18406.


Technoloqical innovation, structure, environment, and policy implications: continqency approaches. By Linsu Kio.. Microfilm. a Linsu Kim; 15r/ec76; 4818407.


The Nature of regressions in oral reading and their relationship to three measures of comprehension. By Corine B. Lipset. Microfilm. o Corine B. Lipset; 15Dec76; A818408.


The Development of the definite article in old Norse. By Gail ferkins Johnseu. Microfilm. e Gail Perkins Johcsen; 15Dec76; A815409.


Individual differences in the uH- the formation of illness-induced aversions in Japanese quail. ly James Allan Czaplicki. Microfilm. a James Allan Czaplicki; 15Dec7fc; A818410.


Biochemical explanation for the adrenocorticolytic effect of o,p*-DDD in the dog. By Fred Hartz. Microfilm, e Fred Martz; 15Dec76; 4818411.


United states foreiqn policy reqardinq the Spitsberqen (Svalbard) question, 1907-1935. By Elen Christine Singh. Microfilm. 6 Elen Christine Singh; 15Dec76; 4818412.


Charles Oickens: the dialectic of self. By Sadci N. Eaina. Microfilm. O Badri H. Eaina; 15Dec76; 4618413.


Pt. 1: Hydrogen isotope effect in the photobromination of 1-subst it uted 2-methylpropanes. Pt. 2: 4 Hyperbolic free energy relationship. Pt . 3: A Study on the acidity of some substituted fluorenes. By Chien Celia Chu. Microfilm. e Chien Celia Chu; 150ec76; A818414.


U.S. aid and economic development: a comparative analysis of the priority of the development goal. By Hasakatsu Kato. Microfilm. O Masakatsu Kato; 15Dec76; 4818415.


4n 4nalysis of the vocational choices of black students at the University of Southern Mississippi. By Milton Hurley Cambridge. Microfilm. e Milton Hurley Cambridge; 15Dec76: 4818416.


4 Study of the photochemistry of chromophores in the backbone of flexible polymer chains. By David Ta-li Chen. Microfilm. David la-li Chen; 15Dec76; 4818417.


An Empirical investigation of a dynamic model of lalx>r turnover in U.S. manu- facturing industries. By Robert George Crawford. Microfilm. C Bobert George Crawford: 15Dec76 (in notice: 1975); A816418.


The Letters of Caroline M. Kirkland. By Audrey Joyce Boberts. Wicrofilm- Audrey Joyce floberts; 15Dec76;



Industrialization and social chanqe in a nineteenth-cectuty port city: New Bedford, Massachusetts, 1665-1900. sy Thomas Austin flcBullin. Microfilm. O Thomas

Austin McMullin; 15Dec75; A81S420.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.