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A818647 — A818679
JAN.-JUN. 1977


EI4 supervisory alert: personal action. Vol. 5, no. 1*1), NOV. 3, 1976. Folder (p. 193-196) ippl. au: aichard S. Salzmann. @ The Research Institute of America, Inc. ; 3KOV76: A818617.


Tai coordinator. Vol. 22. no. 45, sections 1-2, Nov. 4. 1976. Sheets (346 p.) S 8 p. 4ad. ti: Besearch Institute of Anerica tax coordinator. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. 6 The Research Institute of 4iiierica, Inc. ; 4Nov76; A81B648.


Research Institute pension coordinator: checklist. Vol. 3, no. 21, Nov. 3, 1976. 40 p. sad. ti; Research Institute of America pension coordinator: checklist. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. 6 The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 3Sov76: A818649.


The Research Institute of America, Inc., tax coordinator. Vol. 22, no. 47-48, Nov. 18, 1976. 1 v. £ sheets. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. d The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 18NOV76; 4818650.


Can cultures communicate? An AEI round table held on Sept. 23, 1976. Moderator: Edward C. Stewart, participants: Samuel P. Huntinqton, Laura Nader, Mustafa Safwan £ Edward Said, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 33 p. Q American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 30Dec76 (in notice: 1975) ; A8ia651.


Welfare reform: why? A round table held on Bay 20, 1976. Moderator: Robert H. Bork, panelists: Hilbur J. Cohen, Barber J. Conable, Jr., Paul B. HacAvoy £ Abraham A. aibicoff, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 41 p. 9 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 19Auq76; 4818652.

A8186 53.

Busing: constructive or divisive? A round table held on Mar. 18, 1976. Moderator: Virginia Trotter, panel: Nathan Glazer, Robert L. Green, Charles Morgan, Jr. S Orlando Patterson, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 45 p. 6 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 7JU176: A818653.

4818654. a ho U.S.S 1976. Melvi Cha Ameri Polic Ente n defense — the a. S. or the >und table held on June 3. By John Charles Daly, moderator, £ n R. laird, Thomas J. Mclntyre, es acC. Mathias £ Paul Kitze, editor: Enterprise Institute for Public


National economic planning: right or wrong for the U.S.? An AEI round table held on Apr. 1, 1976. Moderator: John Charles Daly, participants: Clarence J. Brown, Hubert H- Humphrey, Hassily Leontief £ Herbert Stein, editor: America Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 51 p. S 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch; 14JU176: 4818655.


Advertising and the public interest. I round table held on June 10, 1976. Moderator: John Charles Daly, participants; Joan Z. Bernstein, Robert H- Bork, lom Dillon £ Benjamin Rosenthal, editor; American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 40 p. 6 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 30Aug76; A818656.


How much defense spending is enough? 4 rational debate held in Washington, DC. By John Charles Daly, moderator, 6 Jack Kemp S Les Aspin, editor: American Enterprise Institute for public Policy Research. 64 p. (Rational debate series) © American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 80ct76; A818657.


Castroism and communism in Latin America, 1959-1976: the varieties of Marxist- Leninist experience. By William E. Ratliff, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 240 p. (4EI-Hoover policy studies, 19, Nov. 1976) (Hoover Institution studies, 56) American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 30Nov76; 4818658.


The Defense transportation system: competitor or complement to the private sector? By Clinton H. Hhitehurst, Jr., editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 171 p. (Domestic affairs studies, 48, Oct. 1976) © American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 290ct76; A818659.


Government credit subsidies for energy development. By Murray L. Weidenbaum £ Reno Uarnish, with James McGowen, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 55 p. (Studies in energy policy, 2) (AEI studies, 137) American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 30Dec76; A818660.

Significant decisions of the supreme Court, 1974-75 term. By Bruce E. Fein, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 148 p. (Studies in legal policy) e American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 30Dec76; A818661.


The Future of private pension plans. By Norman B. Ture , with Barbara A. Fields, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 128 p. (Studies in social security and retirement policy) American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch: 29Nov76; A818662.


China's scientific policies: impli- cations for international cooperation. By Charles P. Ridley, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 92 p. (AEI-Hoover policy studies, 20, Oct. 1976) (Hoover Institution studies, 50) S American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 290ct76; 4818663.

A8 18664.

Japan at the polls: the House of Councillors election of 1974. Edited by Michael K. Blaker £ American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 157 p. (Foreign affairs studies, 37, Aug. 1976) O American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch; 26Aug76; A818664.


Saudi Arabian development strategy. By Donald A. Bells, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 80 p. (National energy study 12, Sept. 1976) 6 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 70ct76; A818665.


The Robinson-Patman act: Federal regulation of price differences. By Richard A. Posner, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 53 p. (Evaluative studies in Government regulation, 1) S 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 290ct76; A8 18666.


Drug regulation and innovation; empirical evidence and policy options. By Henry G. Grabowski, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 82 p. (Evaluative studies, 28, Sept. 1976) 6 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch; 24Sep76; A818667.


The Crisis in the Lebanese system: confessionalism and chaos. By Enver B. Koury, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 92 p. (Foreign affairs studies, 38, July 1976) e American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 6Aug76; A818668.


Brazil in the seventies. Editors: Riordan Roett £ American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 118 p. (Studies in foreign policy) e American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 30Dec76; A818669.


Accounting standards and international finance, with special refinance to multinationals. By Jose^,!' H. Burns, editor: American Enterpr. a^ Institute for Public Policy Research. "9 p. (Domestic affairs studies, 49, Sept. 1976) e American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 13Sep76; A818670.


On the way to a new international monetary order. By Otmar Emminger, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 21 p. (Foreign affairs studies, 39, Aug. 1976) e American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 27Aug76; A818671.


The World price of oil: a medium-term analysis. By Hendrik S. Houthakker, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 37 p. (National energy study, 13, Oct. 1976) American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch; 12Gct76; A8 18672.


Social security — the long-term deficit. By J. W. Van Gorkom, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 28 p. (Studies in social security and retirement policy, 2) Q American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch; 10Dec76; A818673.


Towards a reconstruction of macroe- conomics: problems of theory and policy. By William Fellner, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 150 p. e American Enterprise Institute for public Policy Besearch; 23JU176; A81B671.


The Question of offshore oil. Edited by Edward J. Mitchell £ American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch, with a foreword by Tom Bradley. 161 p.

Conference on the Costs and Benefits of


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