Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/134

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A818890 — A818065
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Journals and dreams; poeias. By Anne Ualdian. 211 p. NH: compilation E, additional poems. S Anne Ualdman; 26fei)76; A818809.


Psychoanalytic theory: an exploration of essentials. By Georqe Stuart Klein. 330 p. Q International Universities Press, Inc.; 10Jan76: ABISSIO.


The Descendants of Doctor Lewis Derochbrune of Queen Anne's county, Haryland. By Georqe B. Uilson. 283 p. e Georqe B. Biison; 17Dec76; 1818811.


Gooantic bards and reviewers; a selected ed. of the contemporary reviews of the worKs of Wordsworth, Coleridqe, Byron, Keats 6 Shelley. Edited by John 0. Hayden. ^33 p. Prev. pub. abroad 9Dec71, 6 req. AI- 128111. SH: in trod., compilation 6 notes. e John 0. Hayden; 22Sep76; 4816812.


Directory of the colleqe student press in America. Edited by Dario Politella for the National Council of College pub- lications Advisers, 3rd ed. 365 p. 3 Oxbridqe Communications, Inc.; 3lAuq73; A818S13.


How to deal with lawyers. By Harold U. Henzel. 202 p. 6 Harold H. Menzel; 22Sep76; 1818811.


A Proposal for the development of an interstate rail system. By Charles Philip Zlatkovich. 253 p. e Charles Philip Zlatkovich: 17Dec76; A818815.


The Best of Corvette news; a nineteen year selection, 1957-1976. Edited by Karl Ludviqsen. 656 p. NH: introd. & pref. & Princeton Publishing Company, Inc. ; 10ct76; A818816.


Automobile Quarterly's Great cars and qrand marques. Edited £ with an introd. by Beverly Eae Kimes. 239 p. 9 Au- tomobile Quarterly Publications (in notice: Automobile Quarterly, Inc.); 150ct76: A818817.


iinona then and now, 1888-1976. compiled by Velma Allmon, Margaret Bookman £ Betty Jean Biley. 200 p. KB: compilation. @ Velma Allmon, tfarqaret Bockman £ Betty Jean alley; 16Dec76; A818818.


Motes on the history of Damariscove Island in Haine. The First Englishmen in America, 11*97-1605. By Helen Foster Snow. 1 v. e Helen Fester Snow; 3Nov76; A818819.


Der Schauspieldirektor; a comedy with music in one act, K.it86. By Bolfganq Amadeus Mozart, pref.: Charles Ryskamp, biblioqraphy fi introd. ; J. Riqbie Turner. 85 p. Add. ti; The Impresario. HM: pref., introd. £ biblioqraphy. (g The Pierpont Morgan Library; lDec76; A8ia8 20.


The Isiac tablet; or. The Bembine table of Is is. By <i. Wynn Uestcott, intro- ductory pref. by Hanly P. Hall. 19 p- NH: introductory pref. ^ The Philo-


Winston-Salem's heritage of hospitality; Bicentennial ed- 292 p. 9 The Junior league of Winston- Salem, Inc.; 9Sep75; Aai8822.

A8 18823.

Improving your diet with herbs and Making herb therapy easy. By Edward Milo Millet, illus. by Nada Buth Silliamson. 2 V. in 1. (Basic series in ethnobotany and herbology, vol. 1-2) 9 Edward Milo Millet; aNov76; 4818823.


HP 981344 option 066 interface; operating note- 14 p. 4dd. ti; Hewlett-Packard 98154 calculator 981344 option 66 interface printer operating note; 93 1344 option 066 interface printer operating note. 4ppl. au: Allen Bruce Herder. Q Hewlett-Packard Company; 1Dec75 (in notice: 1976); 4318824.


HP 961324 plotter interface operating manual. 48 p. Add, ti: Hewlett-Packard 98154 calculator 981344 plotter interface operating manual. Appl. au: 411en Bruce Herder. 8 Hewlett-Packard company; 2Jun76 (in notice: 1975) ; 4818825.


HP 981344 option 064 interface operating note. 32 p. Add. ti: Hewlett-Packard 98154 calculator 981344 option 064 interface digitizer operating note; 981344 option 064 interface digitizer operating note. 4ppl. au: 411en Bruce Herder. S Hewlett-Packard Company; 1Dec75 (in notice: 1976); 4818826.


HP 981344 option 63 interface operating note. 10 p. Add. ti: Hewlett-Packard 98154 calculator 981344 option 063 interface tape reader operating note; 981344 option 063 interface tape reader operating note. 4ppl. au: 411en Bruce Herder. 9 Hewlett-Packard Company; 1Dec75 (in notice: 1976); A818827.


Our biggest catalog sale of the year; Midwest ed. , Chicago, Columbus* Min- neapolis. 223 p. Add. ti: Sears 1977 midwinter sale. DM: additions, abrid- gments, revisions in the text £ new illus. Q Sears, floebuck and company; 180ct76;



Our biggest catalog sale of the year; Seattle. 223 p. Add. ti: Sears 1977 midwinter sale- UM: additions, abrid- gments, revisions in the text £ new illus. e Sears, Boebuck and Company: 290ct76: A818829.


Our biggest catalog sale of the year; Los Angeles, 223 p. Add. ti: Sears 1977 midwinter sale. NM: additions, abrid- gments, revisions in the text £ new illus. 3 Sears, Roebuck and Company; 2Nov76; A818830.


Our biggest catalog sale of the year; Eastern ed. , Philadelphia, Boston. 223 p. 4dd. ti: Sears 1977 midwinter sale. © Sears, Roebuck and Company; 130ct76; 48 13831.


Our biggest catalog sale of the year; Southern ed. , 4tlanta, Jacksonville, Greensboro and others. 223 p. Add- ti: Sears 1977 midwinter sale. SB: additions, abridgments, revisions in the text £ new


Our biggest catalog sale of the year; Kansas City. 223 p. 4dd. ti: Sears 1977 midwinter sale. MM; additions, abrid- gments, revisions in the text £ new illus. 9 Sears, Roebuck and Company; 260ct76: A818833.


Our biggest catalog sale of the year; Dallas. 223 p. 4dd. ti: Sears 1977 midwinter sale- NM: additions, abrid- gments, revisions in the text £ new illus. e Sears, Roebuck and company: 2Nov76; A818834.


Sears business equipment and supply catalog, 1977; Atlanta, Memphis, Greensboro and others. 91 p. 6 Sears, Roebuck and Company; 23Bov76; 4818835.

481 8336.

Sears business equipment and supply catalog, 1977; Los Angeles, Seattle. 91 p. & Sears, Roebuck and Company; 23Nov7e: 4818836.


Sears business equipment and supply catalog, 1977; Philadelphia, Boston. 91 p. © Sears, Boebuck and Company; 231JOV76; A818837.


Sears business equipment and supply catalog, 1977; Chicago, Columbus, Minneapolis and others. 91 p. @ Sears, Boebuck and Company; 11Nov76: A818838.


Sears floorcoverings '77; chicagu, Columbus, Minneapolis and others. 35 p- © Sears, Boebuck and company; 13Dec76; A818839.


Plan for end stage renal disease services in Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain and Medina Counties. 32 p. Metro- politan Health Planning Corporation; 30NOV76: 4818340.


Alpha beginnings: a program for youth ministry and the faith development in the Christian community. By Sister Dorothy Thomas Dussman, 0. P. (Margaret M. Dussman) £ Brother William John Meyer, S.M. 141 p. 9 Dorothy Dussman £ William Meyer; 1Jun76: 1818841.


Principles of nuclear gravitation for engineers and scientists. By Gilbert F. Jordan. 1 v. SM: additional text. e Gilbert F. Jordan; 1511ov76; 4818842.


Masterpieces of 19th and 20th century European graphics; The Detroit Institute of 4tts calendar, 1977. 4ppl. au: Mary Jane Jacob £ Susan F. Rossen. 9 The Detroit Institute of Arts; 1Jul76; A818843.


4 Poem for Christmas. By Kenneth Patches. 1 p. in folder. 6 Miriam Patchen; 2 0Dec76; A8 18844.


THRPIPE, a system of computer programs for the complete analysis of nuclear piping. Magnetic tape £ printout. 4dd. ti: TflRPIPE system of computer programs for the complete analysis of nuclear piping. e Teledyne Engineering Services, division Teledyne Industries, Inc.;

14Dec76: 4818845.


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