Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/141

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A819083 — A819121
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A819082 (con.)

cieaninq services- Foidec. Appl. au: Lewis B. Boynton & liichacd L. BoyotoD. e Dunn's Reliable Services; 15llo»76;



The Theatre of Jean Genet; a casebook. Edited by Bichard N. Coe. 250 p. NM: foreword, cocniDentary C compilatioc 6 Grove Press, Inc.; 15Dec69 (in notice: 1970); 4819083.


Nothinu special, just a christian! By Ken 4bcahaD. 255 p. 6 Hatch Husic company; 1<tAuq76: 4819084.


The Gifts of the spirit; the Church of Illumination. Prepared for the HuBa- nitarian Society by Emerson il. Clyner. 1 v. Nd: revision £ additions. O The Uumanitarian Society; lONovTe; 481908S.

48190 86.

Subconscious safe; the fun way to prevent accidents. By Leah 8. Kuhns. HI P. (3 Subconscious Enterprises, Inc.; 2HDec75; 4819086.


Glossary for hominoloqy. By Louis 4rthur Buybalid. 79 p. SM: 723 entries in the glossary. c Louis 4. Buybalid; 1Dec76; 4819087.


Gold on qold; nature poetry with love for children & adolts. By S. David Davis. 35 P. e S. David Davis; 5Dec76; 4819088.


Hootchie Jcootchie man. By Jaoes Otis Williams. 20 p. Portion pcev- pub. in Synerqy anthology, 1975. O Otis Uilliaas; 11»ov76; 4619089.

48190 90.

Our 4frican violet heritage; a thirty year romance with 4frican violets. By 4nne Tinarl. 83 p. O Tinari Greenhouses; 25feb76 (in notice: 1975); 4819090.


Dream of a dream. By Bobert Penn barren. Folder. C Bobert Pena Uarren; 10NOV76: 4819091.


Touch me if you love me; a selection of poems. By Bobert K. Swisher, Jr. 18 p. e Bobert K. Swisher, Jr.; 16aar76; 4819092.


National Registry of Health Care Providers in Clinical social Boric. 120 p. S The National Beqistry of Health Care Providers in Clinical Social Hork; 15Jun76; 4819093.

48190 91).

Values in conflict; a Christian approach to decision makinq. By James B. Dunninq, qeneral editor; Mary Perkins Byan. 73 p. 4ppl. au: National Office of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. National office of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (in notice: National Office of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine — CCD); 3Nov76; 48190911.


Parallax. By Ellen L. 4nderson. 60 p. Some poems appeared in The Golden anniversary antholoqy & others. NM: additional poeas £ revisions. Ellen 4ndersan; 20Ilov76; 4819095.


Study qu ide for ecology. Prepared by Neil Ualsh 411en, revised by Nancy Toomey. 85 p. 4dd. ti: Ecology study qulde. Based on the teitbook Environmental conservation, by Bay Bond F. Dasaann. 4ppl. au: 4merican School. NM: 20% additional material. e 4merican School; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1974, 1976); 4819096.


Live today. By Joseph P. Orth. 1 p. NO: artwork 6 additions. e Joseph P. Orth; UDec76; 4819097.


The Supervisor. By Bichard Dean Toalinson. HH p. € Benee Enterprises; 170ct76; 4819098.

48 19099.

The Silk industry in Ch'inq China. By Shih ain-hsiung, translated by E-tu Zen Sun. 98 p. (Michigan abstracts of Chinese and Japanese works on Chinese history, no. 5) Prev. pub. as Ch'ing-tai ssu-cuih kunq-yeh ti fa-chan. NM: translation 6 revisions. Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan; 9Feb76; 4819099.


Payday. Folder. 4dd. ti: Bules for playing Payday game. NM: revisions 6 additional text. e Parker Brothers, division. General Mills Fun Group, Inc.; 29Sep76; 4819100.

4819 10 1.

Probe. Folder. 4dd. ti: Bules for Probe game. NM: revisions & additional text, o Parker Brothers, division of General Mills Fun Group, Inc.; 31&ug76; 4819101.


Frank Sinatra: a photobioqraphy. By George Bishop. 1 v. 4ppl. au : Epps- Praxis Publishers. Q Epps-Praxis Publishers; 2llNov76; 4819102.


Stewardship of time and talent; a parish manual for lay ministries. Editor: Francis 4. Novak. 1 i|3 p. National Catholic Stewardship Council, Inc.; 150ct76; 4819103.


Uashingtonian singles survival guide for Metropolitan Washington. Editor-in-chief: Laughlic Phillips, editor: Marian Hoffman, assistant editor: Gigi Pickford. 112 p. 4dd. ti; Washingtonian singles guide to Metropolitan Washington. C Washington Magazine, Inc.; 17Sep76; 4819101*.


Scott standard postage stamp catalogue, 1977. Vol. 4. Editor-in-chief: James B. Hatcher 6 other editors. 133rd ed. 806 p. O Scott Publishing Company; 20Dec76; 481910 5.


Scott special pages for United States twentieth century blocks of four- Suppl. no. 37. Sheets (8 p.) NM: revisions £ compilation. © Scott Publishing Company; 1NOV76; 4819106.


Scott United States commemorative album, suppl. no. 10. Sheets. 4dd. ti: Suppleaent number 10 for U.S. comme- morative singles and blocks of 1 stamp album. NM: compilation. 9 Scott Publishing Company: lNov75; 4819107.


Scott plate block album for United states twentieth century regular and air post issues. Suppl- no. 10. Sheets (5 p.) 4dd. ti: Supplement number 10 for U.S. regular and air plate block stamp album. NB: compilation. Scott Publishing Company; 1Dec76; 4819108.


Scott special pages for stamps under United States administration. Suppl. no. 21. Sheets (5 p.) 4dd. ti: Supplement number 21 for U.S. administration (Canal Zone) stamp album. NM: compilation. Scott Publishing Company; lDec76; 4819109.


Scott specialty album for postage stamps of Canada. Suppl. no. 28. Sheets (8 p.) 4dd. ti: Supplement number 28 for Canada stamp album. NM: compilation. C Scott Publishing Company; 1Dec76; 4819110.


Scott special album for Onitad Nations imprint blocks. Suppl. no. 25. Sheets. 4dd. ti: supplement number 25 for U.N. iaprint blocks stamp album. KM: compilation. 6 Scott Publishing Company; 1Dec76; 4819111.


Scott national postage stamp album. Suppl. no. 11. Sheets. 4dd. ti: Supplement number 11 for national stamp album. NH: compilation. Scott Publishing Company; 1Nov76; 4819112.


Scott Minuteman album for United States and United Nations stamps. Suppl. no. 8. Sheets. Add. ti: Specialty supplement for Minuteman stamp album. NM: compilation £ revisions. 6 Scott Publishing Company; 1NOV76; 4819113.


Scott American album for United States stamps. Suppl. no. 37. 1977 ed. Sheets. 4dd. ti; Specialty supplement for 4merican stamp albua. @ Scott Publishing Company; 1NOV76; 4819111.


Scott United States commemorative album. Suppl. no. 6. Sheets. 4dd. ti: Specialty supplement for U.S. commemorative singles. NM: compilation 6 revisions. 9 Scott Publishing Company; 1Nov76; 4819115.


Scott special album for United Nations stamps. Suppl. no- 13 fi 25- Sheets (5 p.) Add. ti: Specialty supplement number 25: U.N. singles and postal stationery (U.N. singles number 13) NM: compilation- Scott Publishing Company; lDec76; 4819116-


Scott plate block album for United States twentieth century commemoratives. Suppl. no. 27- Sheets. Add. ti: Supplement number 27 for U.S. comme- morative plate block stamp album. NM: compilation. © Scott Publishing Company; lDec76; 4819117.


Carolina living animals and plants. 15 p. © Carolina Biological Supply Company; 25NOV76: A819118-


Carolina bacteriological media and chemicals- 23 p. 6 Carolina Biological Supply Company; 17Jan77; A819119-


Carolina dissecting instruments- 15 p. © Carolina Biological Supply Company; 5Jan77; A819120-


How to get a divorce. By Sandra Kalenik

£ Jay S. Bernstein- 109 p. Sandra


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.