Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1452

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AF45737 — AF45777
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AF45736 (con.)

Ltd- NH: translation & coopilation of ilius. e Ezer Seizman; 18Mar76; AF15736. (2nd impression, pub. Apr. 1976, deposited)


The War illustrators. Compiled & uritten by Pat Hodqson. England. 191 p. HH: compilation of illus. 8 Pat Hodgson; 30tlar77; AF45737.


Franz dec Dcache. Idee e Bllder von Ursula Konopka, lextfassung: Josef Suggenmos. West Germany. 1 v. S on illus.: Verlag Heinrich Ellerman; 5Sep76; AF45738.


A Woman's place, 1910-1975. By Huth Adam. Great Britain. 224 p. 6 Buth Adam; 160ct75; AF45739.


The Madonna of the astrolabe; a novel. By J. I. H. Stewart. Great Britain. 304 p. 9 J. 1. (1. Stewart; 6Apr77: AF45740.


The Sociology of education. By Olive Banks. 3rd ed. England. 294 p. S Olive Banks; 17Jun76; AF45741.


On human finery. By fluentin Bell. England. 239 p. Nd; foreword, pref . , revisions to text 6 appendixes. 6 Quentin Bell; 17Jun76: AF45742.

Af4 5743.

Islamic patterns; an analytical and cosmoloqical approach. By Keith Critchlow, foreword by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. England. 192 p. <S Keith Critchlow; 14Jun76; AF45743.


Cascade rouge. De carter Brown, traduit de i'americain par Janine Herissou- France. 179 p. Original ti. : The Creative murders. 9 on translation: Editions Gallimard; 30Jun76; AF45744.


Le Uonde des oiseaux. Par Les Line & Franklin Bussell, traduction de Claude Freqnac. France. 291 p. Original ti.; The Audubon Society book of wild birds. © on translation: Librairie Hachette; 30Sep76; AF45745.


Contact lens correction. By Norman Bier & Gerald Eugene Lowther. England. 520 p. © Butter worth and Company, Publishers, Ltd.; 3Har77; AF45746.


Buzzbugs. By Bruce Cartel', pseud, of Eichard Hough. Great Britain. 119 p. 8 Bruce Carter; 214pr77; AF45747.


Solomon's folly. By Leslie Croxford. England. 206 p. © Leslie Croxford; 240ct74; AF45748.


The New Chinese Bible (New Testament) Translated by The New Chinese Bible Commission. Hong Kong. 421 p. Appl. au: The Lockman Foundation. Gospel of John prev. pub. 1973. NH; translation. 6 The Lockman Foundation; 22Auq76; AF45749.


The New rice in the Philippines. Issued by United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, by Ingrid palmer. Switzerland. 200 p. (Studies on the "green revolution", no. 10) © United lSep76 (in notic


One penny, two penny. story fi cartoons by Gordon Bruce Sutherland. Canada. 48 p. 9 Bruce Sutherland; 20Apr77; AF45751.


Greek architects at work: problems of structure and design. By J- J- Coulton. Great Britain. 196 p. 6 J. J. Coulton; 23aay77; AF45752.


The Hammerhead Light. By Colin Hilton Thiele. Australia. 127 p. O Colin Thiele; 1Jul76; AF45753.


5788-DKH. France. Printout. 6 IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 21Har77 (in notice: 1976); AF45754.


5788-OBP. Best Germany. Printout. Appl. au: IBH Deutschland, G.B.B.H. 6 IBM Corporation; 12Sep74; AF45755.


The Encyclopedia of sea mammals. By David J. Coffey. England. 223 p. Appl. states all new except scattered quotations £ 100 illus. e George Bainbird, Ltd.; 24Har77; AF45756.


Hitler's decision to invade Bussia, 1941. By Robert Cecil. Great Britain. 192 p. a on text; Robert Cecil; 270ct75; AF45757.


Hitler's decision to invade fiussia, 1941. By Robert Cecil. Great Britain. 192 p. Appl. au: Noble Frankland 6 Christopher Dowling. & on introd. ; Noble Frankland fi Christopher Dowling: 27oct75; AF45758.


The King of the Nihelung. By Eichard aagner, English translation by Andrew Porter, illus. by Eric Fraser. Great Britain. 362 p. 6 on translation fi essay "Translating the Ring"; Andrew Porter; 17Aug76; AF45759.


The Greatest thinkers. By Edward De Bono, diagrams by Edward Oe Bono with George Dauiby. England. 214 p. Appl. au; European Husic, Ltd., eaployer for hire. 6 on Edward De Bono's text; European Husic, Ltd; 30Sep76; AF45760.


The Greatest thinkers. By Edward De Bono, diagrams by Edward De Bono with George Dauiby. England. 214 p. Appl. au: George Heidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd. , employer for hire. 6 on compilation of illus. E all material except Edward De Bono's text; George weidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd.; 30Sep76; AF45761.


Brass instruments: their history and development. By Anthony Baines. Great Britain. 298 p. © Anthony Baines; 15NOV76; AF45762.


B-17 Fortress at war. By Roger A. Freeman. Great Britain- 185 p- © Roger A. Freeman; 21Feb77; AF45763.


Pharmacology and therapeutics. Vol- 1, no- 3-4, pt- C- Executive editor: Alasdair H- Breckenr idge. Great Britain, p. 259-509- Appl- au: A- Barbeau, T- J- H. Clarke & Pergamon Press, Ltd- , employer for hire of editor- © Pergamon Press, Ltd-; 21Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AF45764-


Towards a new democracy. By V- Giscard D'Estaing, translated by Vincent Cronin. England- 150 p- NB: translation- © Hilliam Collins Sons and Company, Ltd- & Doubleday and Company, Inc- ; 30Hay77: AF45765.


IBH syEtem/370 planning, control, and decision evaluation system/standard (PLANCODE/S) program reference manual; program no. 5740-XX9 (OS/VS) 5746-JtXA (DOS/VS) Denmark. 1 v. (IBH/technical newsletter, no. SN19-1082) Appl. au: IBH France. NH: revisions & updating. © International Business Hachines Corporation; 16Har77; AF45766.


Josephine: the Empress and her children- By Nina Epton. Great Britain. 230 p. e Nina Epton; 90ct75; AF45767.


Government in Canada. By Thomas 1. Hockiu. Great Britain. 252 p. © Thomas A. Hockin; 11Har76 (in notice; 1975); AF45768.


Honsieur Honde vanishes. By Georges Simenou, translated from the French by Jean Stewart. England. 137 p. First pub. in France 1952 as La Fuite de Honsieur Honde. © on English translation: Haoish Hamilton, Ltd.; 120ct67; AF45769.


A Book of enchantments and curses. By Buth Hanning-Sanders, illustrated by Robin Jacques. Great Britain. 127 p. © Ruth Hanning-Sanders; 16Sep76; Ar45770.


The lord of the dance. By Judy Allen- Great Britain. 124 p. 6 Judy Allen; 2S0ct76; AF45771.


Strange meeting. By Susan Hill. Great Britain. 223 p. C Susan Hill; 180ct7X; AF45772.


Diabetic retinopathy. By Alberto Urrets-Zavalia. France- 125 p. © Hasson Publishing USA, Inc- (in notice; Hasson, Inc-J ; 64pr77; AF45773.


The caretaker wife. Pt. 4. By Barbara Uhitehead, illustrated by Len Thurston. England. (In Boman, Har- 26, 1977, p- 41, etc-) NH: text- Barbara whitehead; 19Har77; AF45774-


3614 consumer transaction facility models 2 and 12 security grid parts catalog supplement. Denmark. 8 p. (IBH maintenance library) Appl. au; IBH Germany- © International Business Hachines corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice; 1976); AF45775.


3612 passbook and document printer model 2 passbook printer 10 character spacing fiPQs maintenance information supplement parts catalog section. Denmark. 6 p- (IBH maintenance library) Appl- au: IBM Germany- © International Business Hachines corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice; 1976) ; AF45776.


Rechnungsschreibung ait IBH 3471


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.