Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1457

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AF45119 — AF45955
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AF45918 (con.)

SN 19-6166) ippl. au; IBM Prance. MH: revision e updating. 6 InternatioDai Business Machines corpoEation, alternate designation: IBM corporation; 20Apr77; AF45918.


I«S/VS-TPLH support; progran description and operation nanual. Prograamxng BPQ SU007it, program no. 5799-4PX. Denmark. 26 p. (Systeu) ippl. au; IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 29Bar77: AFH5919.


IBM 3750 support under IMS/VS; progran description and operation joanual. Frogramiiing BPQ SD0038, progran no. 5799-AJY. 3rd ed. Denoark. 13 p. (System) Appl. au; IBM France, e International Business Machines Corporation: 29Mar77; 4FU5920.


IMS/VS interface for IBM 3750 support; progran description and operation manual. Progranuing BPQ 300065, progran no. 5799-ANI.. 2nd ed. Denmark. 60 p. (Systen) Appl. au: IBM France. O International Business Machines Corporation; 29Har77; AF45921.


IMS/VS-3750 TPLH support; progran logic nanual. Progranning BPQ SU007>|. progran no. 5799-AP)l. Dennark. 29 p. (System) Appl. au: IBM France. O International Business Machines Corporation; 29Mar77; AF45922.


IBM 3650 retail store system sales operation guide for CASH and CARRY — IBM 3653 point of sale terminal. Dennark. 5 p. (IBM/technical neasletter, no. GI(19-b294) Appl. au: IBM Germany. MM: revision £ updating. O International Business Machines Corporation, alternate designation: IBM Corporation; 30Mar77; AF15923.


IBM system/370 OS/VS strategy evaluator and planning system — production (STEPS- production) ; operations guide. Program no. 57<tO-XXB. 2nd ed. Dennark. 80 p. (Progran product) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 23Mar77; AF45924.


A.D.M. "SAIAP" sistema/32 persona- lizzazione sicurezza. Italy. 106 p. IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Mar77; AF45925.


CICS/VS-3750 TPLH support; progran logic manual. Programming BPQ SU007a (OS), program no. 5799-AQG 6 programming BPQ SU0079 (DOS), progran no. 5799-AgH. Denmark. 40 p. (System) Appl. au: IBM France. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 29Mar77; APU5926.


IBM 3750 switching system diagnostic and utility prograns. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM/technical nensletter, no. SH1 1-8232) Appl. au: IBM France. IIM: revision e updating. C International Business Machines Corporation, alternate desig- nation: IBM Corporation; 23Mar77; AF45927.


CICS/VS-3750 IPLB support; program description & operation manual. Programming RPQ S00a7a (OS), program no. 5799-AQG 6 progranning BPQ SU0079 (DOS), progran no. 5799-AQH. Dennark. 34 p. (Systen) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines corporation; 29Mar77; AF45928.


3750 switching system — tie line attachment type 1155. 2nd ed. Dennark.

1 V. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM France, e International Business Machines Corporation; 23Mar77; AF45929.


Line attachment tester — theory, maintenance, installation, parts catalog. 3rd ed. Dennark. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM France. C International Business Machines Corporation; 23Mar77; AF45930.


IBM 3767 communication terminal; operator's guide — BPQ X71429, document insertion device. 3rd ed. Denmark. 17 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. O International Business Machines Corporation; 25Har77; AF4593 1.


"SAXAP" dati tecnici e costi sul sistema/32 (5797 NQX); guida applicativa. Italy. 522 p. IS IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Mar77; AF45932.


"SAXAP" gestione magazzini sul sistena/32 (5797 NQI) ; guida applicativa. Italy. 522 p. IBM Italia, S.F.A.; 1Mar77; AF45933.


Bach; a biography, with a survey of books, editions and recordings. By AXec Bobertson. Great Britain. 140 p. O Ciive Bingley. Ltd.; 2IAp[77; AF459J4.


U. H. Hudson: a bibliography. By John B. Payne, foreword by Alfred A. Knopf. Great Britain. 248 p. O John B. Payne; 21Apr77; AF4b935.


Chopin; a biography, with a survey of books, editions and recordings, by Derek Melville. Great Britain. 108 p. Derek Melville; 21Apr77; AF45936.


Essays in labour history, 1918-1939. Edited by Asa Briggs & John Saville. Great Britain. 292 p. O Asa Briggs t, John Saville; 20Apr77; AF45937.


The Striker stricken. By G. D. H. Cole, pref. by Margaret Cole. Great Britain. (In Essays in labour history, 19 18-1939, p. 57-101) e Margaret Cole; 20Apr77; AF4593B.


Cholesterol metabolism and lipolytic enzymes. Edited by J. Polonovski. France. 211 p. Papers presented at the 19th International Congress on the Biochemistry of Lipids, held in Paris, Sept. 6-8, 1976. 6 Masson , Inc.; 6Apr77; AP45939.


The Blue raapart, and other titles. By Sorley Maclean. Scotland. Add. ti: Am mur gorm. English & Gaelic. (In Modern Scottish Gaelic poems, p. 70-115) e Sorley Maclean; 30Sov76; AF45940.


To a bonny birch tree, and other titles. By George Campbell Bay. Scotland. Add. ti: Do bheithe boidheach. English fi Gaelic. (In Modern Scottish Gaelic poems, p. 116-IJ9) e George Campbell Bay: 30NOV76: AF45941.


Harvest field, and other titles. By Derick Thomson. Scotland. Add. ti: Achadh-bhuana. English i Gaelic. (In Modern Scottish Gaelic poems, p. 140-167] Derick Thomson; 301lav7e; AF45942.


young girl, and other titles. By Iain Ccichton Smith. Scotland. Add. ti: A nighean og. English e Gaelic. (In Modern Scottish Gaelic poems, p. 168-191) C Iain Crichton Smith; 30llov76; AF45943.


Boimh-radha, and other titles. Scotland. English t, Gaelic. (In Modern Scottish Gaelic poems, p. 19, etc.) Appl. au: Donald HacAulay Q Donald MacAulay; 30ilov76; AF45944.


The History of The Tale of Peter Babbit. Great Britain. 63 p. Taken mainly from Leslie Linder's A History of the writings of Beatrice Potter. Appl. au: Leslie Linder. NM: editorial revision £ postscript on p. 61-63. C Frederick Harne and company. Ltd.; 20Oct76; AF45945.


The Queen bee. By Phyllida Barstow, pseud, of Phyllida Duff-Hart- Davis. England. 227 p. Phyllida Duff- Hart-Davis (Phyllida Barstow. pseud. J; 25Sep75; AF45946.


Grinm: Tom Thumb. Translated by Aiithea Bell, illustrated by Svend Otto S. England. 1 v. Add. ti: Grinm's Tom Thumb. Translation of Tommellden. U uu English translation: Pelhan Books, Ltd.; 26Aug76; AF45947.


Larousse dictionary of wines of the world. By Gerard Debuigue. England. 271 p. Translation of Larousse des vins. O on English text; The Hamlyu Publishing Group, Ltd.; 27Aug76; AF45948.


The Opening of Parliament. By Mary Uilson. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 11-12) Mary mison; 26May77; Af4 594 9.


The Queen and the constitution. By Bobert Blake. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 13-27) o Bobert Blake; 26fay77; AF45950.


The Queen as Queen of Australia. By Donald Home. United Kingdom. (lu The Queen, p. 29-43) Donald Home; 26May77; AF45951.


Personal styles in twentieth-century monarchy. By Elizabeth Longford. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 45-64) O Elizabeth Longford; 26May77; AF45952.


Cousins of the House of Hindsor. By Denis Judd. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 65-79) Denis Judd; 26May77:



Boyal residences. By J. H. Plumb. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 81-93) O J. U. Plumb; 26May77; AF45954.


The Queen's succession. By Terry Coleman. United Kingdom. (In The Queen, p. 95-104) O lerry Coleman; 26May77;



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