Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1464

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AFO-46540 — AFO-46577
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AFO-86539 (con.)

German. Appl. am ESTA, employer for hire of Sheila Nelson, Christine Heman, Johannes Zentner £ Anthony Uuriel. Universal Edition, A.G.; 1Sep75; AFO-86539.


Erqonomisches Stoma-Sy mboisystem fuer Bef undauf nahme, Planung und Behandlun- qsverlauf. Von Anton Kratschmar. 2., neubearb. & erweiterte Aufl. Austria. 2 V. Q Doktor Anton Kratschmar (in notice: Verlaq Doktor A. Kratschmar) ; 25Ilay76; AFO-8654O.


BaenderstruJctur und Stromtransport. By Ualter Heyuanq S Hans Wolfqang Poetzl. west Germany. 281 p. (Halbleiter- Elektronik, 3) 6 Sprinqer-Verlag; 12NOV76; &F0-865m.


Topological stability of smooth mappinqs. By Christopher G. Gibson & others. Best Germany. 154 p. (lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 552) e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 15Nov76; AFO-86542.


Entscheidunqeu bei unvollstaendiger Information. By Eduard Kofler 6 Guenter Nenqes. Cest Germany. 357 p. (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 136: econometrics) O Sprinqer-Verlag; 15Nov76; AP0-86543.


Finger style qurtar in theory and practice. Book 1. By Ivor Mairants. Euqlaod. 40 p. British and Continental Music Agencies, Ltd.; 2'lNov76; AFO-86544.


Heidelberqer Jahrbuecher, 1976. Mo. 20. Hrsg. von der Universitaets-Gesellschaf t Heidelberg. Vest Germany. 321 p. Appl. au: Hilhelm Doerr 6 Erika Dinkier V. Schubert. Springer-Verlag; 15Mov76; AFO-86545.


Rapid n* right finger fun book tuo for piano. By Colin Kelly in collaboration with Chris Lovett. Canada. 17 p. O Gordon V. Ihoapson, Ltd.; 29Nov76; AFO-86546.


Orqelkurs fuer Alle. Bd. 3. By Willi Nagel. Uest Germany. 47 p. NH: editorial selection & arr. 3 Musikverlag Hans Sikorski; 19Nov76; AFO-86547.


Pathology of the qastro-intestinal tract. Editor: B. C. Morson. West Germany. 353 p. (Current topics in patholoqy. vol. 63) Appl. au: A. C. Branfoot 6 I. a. P. Dawson. C Springer- Verlag; 15Dec76; AFO-86548.


Safari cards. No. 265-288. S»it- zerlaud. 24 cards. Swedish only. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. € on Swedish translation; Editions Eencontre, S. A. ; 24Sep76; AFO-86549.


Safari cards. No. 217-240 £ folder. Switzerland. 24 cards £ folder. Swedish only. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. @ on Swedish translation; Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 24Sep76; AFO-86550.


Sinnesphysiologie. T. 1. By Wolf Dieter Keidel. 2. korriqierte Aufl. West Germany. 229 p. (Heidelberqer Tas- chenbuecher, Bd. 97) 6 Springer-Verlag; 150ct76; AFO-86551.


Equality for freedom; a critical study of unresolved problems of school desegregation cases in the United States. By Gabriel Hoens. Austria. 73 p. Hilhelm Braumueller, Universitaets- Verlagsbuchhandlunq, G.M.B.H.; 10ct76; AFO-86552.


Deutsche Dichter der Klassik und Bomantik. By Eobert Huehlher. Austria. 543 p. e Hilhelm Braumueller. Univer- sitaets-Verlagsbuchhandlung, G.H.B.H.; 26NOV76; AFO-86553.


Der Keynesianismus, 2; die beschaef- tiqunqspolitische Diskussion vor Keynes in Deutschland, Dokumente £ Kommentare. Hrsg. von Gottfried Bombach, Hans-Juergen fiamser, Manfred Timmermann £ Ualter Bittmann. West Germany. 331 p. e Springer-Verlag; 150ct76; AFO-86554.


Melancholie; Problemgeschichte. Endoqenitaet, Typologie, Pathogenese. Klinik. By Hubertus Tellenbach. 3. erweiterte Aufl. West Germany. 220 p. e Sprinqer-Verlag; 30Sep76; AFO-86555.


Vorlesungen ueber Massivbau. T. 4. Von Fritz Leonbardt. West Germany. 194 p. Springer-Verlag; 250ct76; AFO-86556.


British syndicalism, 1900-1914: myths and realities. By Robert Holton. United Kingdom. 232 p. 8 Pluto Press, Ltd.; 25NOV76; AFO-86557.


fiadiation and cellular control processes. Edited by Juergen Kiefer. Uest Germany. 321 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Q Sprinqer-Verlaq; 20Oct76; AFO-86558.


Le Livre de la jungle. £ecit du film de Halt Disney, d'apres Budyard Kipling, texte de Mary Carey, traduit de !• anglais par Jecin Muray. France. 186 p. NM: translation. Q Halt Disney Productions; 8Sep76; AKI-86559.


Michael, chien de cirgue- De Jack London, illus de Paul Durand. France. 183 p. NM: illus. 6 Librairie Hachette; 29Sep76; AFO-86560.


Vaart vackra Europa. Sweden. 312 p. Add. ti: Europe the beautiful. Prev. pub. 1975 in France. NM: Swedish translation. 9 Header's Digest, A.B.; 140ct76; AFO-86561.


Gedeon au bord de l*eau. D'apres Benjamin Babier 6 le feuilleton televise de Michel ocelot, adaptation: Helene Batye £ Gilles Cot tin. France. 48 p. NM : adaptation. 3 Editions Garnier Freres (in notice: Garnier Freres) ; 30Aug76; AFO-86562.


Suzette et Nicolas dans leur jardin. Illus de Satomi IchiJrawa. France. 29 p. Appl. au: Henriette fiobitaillie. iB Gautier-Languereau; 30Sep76; AFO-86563.


1830-1860. Teite de Pierre Miguel, illus de Claude Millet £ Denise Billet. France. 68 p. (La Vie privee des hommes) e Librairie Hachette; 29Sep76; AFO-86564.


Au temps des chevaliers et des chateaux forts, 1250-1350. leite de Pierre Miguel, illus de Pierre Probst. France. 67 p. (La Vie privee des hommes) Q Librairie Hachette; 150ct76; AFO-86565.

AFO- 86566.

Jouons aux marionnettes. By Beatrice Tanaka, photos de Yves Jannes, dessins realises par Denise Millet. France. 30 p. O Librairie Hachette; 8Sep76; AFO- 86566.


Je decouvre cent et un jeux avec Pierre, Pic et Martine. Texte de Jean-Pierre Enard, dessins de Pierre Magnin. France. 156 p. librairie Hachette; 15Sep76; AFO-86567.


Oavy Crockett et les pirates. De Halt Disney, texte francais de Jean Muray, illus de Henrr Dimpre. France. 186 p. Adapted from the film Davy Crockett and Mike Fink. NM: translation £ illus. e Librairie Hachette; 60ct76; APO-86568.


Halt Disney presente la Belle et le clochard. Texte francais d'Arlette Sylvain pseud, of Arlette Bosenblum. France. 120 p. Prev. pub. as Lady and the tramp NM: translation. e Halt Disney Productions; 160ct76; AFO-86569.


Je soigne bien mes petits animaux. By Marcel Everaere 6 Francoise Letellier, photos de Jean-Claude Marie, pseud, of Jean-Marie Baufle, £ Francois Cherrier. France. 30 p. @ Librairie Hachette; 8Sep76; AFO-86S70.

AFO- 86571.

Mes poupees droles. By Girofla. pseud, of Eliane Cohen £ Monigue Tranchard. France. 29 p. 6 Librairie Hachette; 15Sep76; AFO-86571.

AFO- 86572.

Iplanentap. By Serge Peynet £ Philippe Bounard. France. 1 v. Q Garnier Freres; 30Sep76; AFO-86572.

AFO- 86573.

Mais enfin, pourquoi voit-on de si droles de choses dans le ciel du royaume de Julelejuste ler? By Max Cabanes. France. 1 v. C Garnier Freres; 30Sep76: AFO-86573.

AFO- 86574.

Le Boman de fienard. By Odette Larrieu, illus de Chica, pseud, of Marcel Chikhanovitch. France. 152 p. e Librairie Hachette; 29Sep76; AFO-86574.


Greffe et taille des arbres en 10 lecons. By Louis Giordano* illus: Jacques Digout. France. 188 p. e Librairie Hachette; asep76; AFO-86575.


La Cabocharde. B^ Anne Deslauriers, pseud, of Genevieve Lajeunesse. France. 223 p. O Librairie Hachette; 1Sep76; AFO-86576.

AFO- 86577.

Meeresverschmutzung: Diagnose und Therapie; Hochschuitext. By Sebastian A. Gerlach. Hest Germany. 145 p.

O Springer-Verlag; 290ct76; AFO-86577.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.