Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1466

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APO-86618 — APO-86648
JAN.-JUN. 1977


The Acupuncture treatmeot o£ pain. By LGon Chaitou, drauinqs by Ken Horling. Enqland. 160 p. Leon Chaitow; 25NOV76; AFO-86618.


Burda perfekt Seibstschneidern. No- 334, 1976. aedaktion; Liselotte Duerrschnabei, Umschlaqqestaltujig: Hans-Dieter Mueller, Grafische Gestaltung: Ulrich Pfarrer, Illustra tioneu: Anne Bermes, Fotos: Burda-Studio. Uest Germany. 193 p. Appl. au: Verlaq Aenne Burda. O Verlaq Aenne Burda; 23Auq76; AfO-86619.


Weldinq projects: a design approach. By Janes Anqus Mathiesoo Pender G frank Nairn Uasson, technical illustrator: Denis Trover. Canada. 1«9 p. O ficGrav-Hill Hyersou, Ltd.; 29Sep76; AFO-86620.


An Introduction to Canadian archaeology. By David L. Newlands & Glaus Breede. Canada. 151 p. C HcGraii-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 18HOV76; AFO-86621.


Business machine exercises. By John Hubert Dool. 2nd ed. Canada. 121 p. Prev. pub. 1963. C BcGraii-Hill Eyerson, Ltd.; 12NOV76; AFO-86622.


fievue Internationale du droit d'auteur. Vol. 90. Oct. 1976. aedacteur en chef: Boqer Fernay fi other editors. France. 216 p. Appl. au: Paul-Alain Leonard. O Revue Internationale du Droit d'Auteur; 300ct76; AFO-06623.


nathematics calendar, '77. ArtMork: Werner £isenschink. Uest Germany. Appl. au: Sprinqer- Verlaq, employer for hire. O Springer- Verlaq; 290ct76; AFO-86624.


Oes terreichische Dramatiker der Gegenuart; Kreativ-Lexikon. By Hilhelm Bortenschlaqer, oit einem Vomort von Kurt Becsi & einem Nachuort des Autors. Austria. 696 p. C Oesterreichische Verlaqsanstalt; 11Nov76; AFO-86625.


A Better class of business. By Jonathan Escott a. k.a. Jack 5. Scott. Great Britain. 158 p. C Jack S. Scott (legal name: Jonathan Escott); 2Sep76; AFO-86626.


Scientific applications of lunar laser ranqing; proceedings of a symposium held in Austin, IX, U.S.A., 8-10 June, 1976. Edited by J. Oerral Hulholland, associate editors Creighton A. Burk Eric C. Silverberg, with a foreword by Neil A. Armstrong. Holland. 302 p. (Astrop- hysics and space science library, vol. 62) Appl. au: Peter Uorqan £ 0. Calame. 0. Beidel Publishinq Company; 3Jan77; AFO-86627.


Formal methods in the methodology of empirical sciences; proceedings of the Conference for Formal Methods in the Methodology of Empirical Sciences, Harsau, June 17-21, 197i|. Edited by Marian Przelecki, Klemens Szaniauski £ Byszard Uoicicki, associated editor: Grzegorz Malinouski. Holland. 437 p. (Synthese library, vol. 103) B D. Beidel Publishing Company: 3Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-86628.


jeunesse. O'ltalo Calvino, traduit de l*italien par Juliette Bertrand, illus de Michel Simeon. France. 191 p. Original ti.: II Barone rampante. NM: illus. Editions Gallimard; 30Sep76; AFO-86629.


Closed world of love. By Archie Hill. Great Britain. 1 11 p. Archie Hill; 210ct76; AFO-86630.


Diagnose uud Therapie in der Praxis. Nach der amerikanischen Ausgabe von Marcus A. Krupp £ Milton J. Chatton, bearb. , ergaenzt £ hrsg. von Karl-Heinz tiuhnstock £ Herner Kutscha, unter Mitarbeit von Uorst Oehmel £ Georg-Uinf ried Schmidt. 4. neubearb. £ erweiterte Aufl. Uest Germany. 1403 p. Original ti.: Current diagnosis and treatment. 6 Spriuqer- Verlag; 280ct76; AFO-86631.


Philosophical papers. By Friedrich Waismann, edited by Brian McGuinness, with an introQ- by Anthony Quinton, chap- 1-3, 5-6 ti B translated from the German by Hans Kaal, chap. 4 translated from the Dutch by Arnold Burms £ Philippe Van Farys. Holland. 190 p. Appl. au: D. Beidel Publishing Company, employer for hire. KM: English translation £ editorial selection, e D. fieidel Publishing Company; 3Jan77; AFO-86632.


Oeuvres completes. T. 8. De Georges Bataille, editions C notes de Thadee Klossowski. France. 680 p. NM: texts, editing £ notes. 10 Editions Gallimard; 30Sep76; AFO-86633.


A Disequilibrium-equilibrium model with money and bonds; a Keynesian-Ualrasian synthesis. By Hanjiro Haga. Nest Germany. 119 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 135. Mathematical economics) Springer- Veriag; 29NOV76: AF0-86o34.

AFO- 86635.

Bachunek praudopodobienstwa: Podrecznik dla kieruukow nauczycielskich studiow matematycznych. By Lech Tadeusz Kubik. Poland. 271 p. O Panstwowe Uydawnictwo Naukowe; 16Nov76; AFO-86635.


Favorite sonatinas. Vol. 1. Sy Clement! £ Kuhlau, edited with performance annotations £ glossary by Ualter Brendal, pseud, of Uarren Mould £ Eugene Fleishman, pseud, of Boris Berlin. Canada. 44 p^ NM: text £ compilation. Gordon V. Thompson, Ltd.; 13Jan77; AFO-86636.


Mills of Canada. By Carol Priamo. Canada. 192 p. McGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd. ; 16NOV76; AFO-86637.

AFO- 86638.

Beam-foil spectroscopy- Edited by Stanley Bashkin. Uest Germany- 318 p. (Topics in current physics, vol. 1) Appl. au: Indrek Martinson. Sprinqer-Verlag ; 12NOV76; AFO-86638.


Intracranial pressure, 3- Edited by Johannes U. F. Beks, D. Andries Bosch £ Mario Brock. Uest Germany. 352 p- Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Intracranial Pressure, held at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, June 1-3, 1976. C Sprinqer- Verlag; 29NOV76; AFO-86639-

nterconversion of enzymes. 1975. Edited by Shmuel Shaltiel. Uest Germany. 234 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Fourth International Symposium held in Arad (Israel) Apr. 27th-May 2ud, 1975. Appl. au: Eytan Alhanaty 6 Biyad Amin. O Sprinqer-Verlag; 22Nov76; AFO-86640.


Pluto Big red diary, 1977. Hritten by Christine Jackson, designed by Kate Hepburn, cover drawing by Hon Sandford. Great Britain. 1 v- Pluto Press, Ltd-; 11NOV76; AFO-86641.


Mark. Canada. 1 p. Appl. au: Bella Antoinette Jones. Bella Jones; 1Jul76i AFO-86642.

AFO- 86643.

Melissa. Canada. 1 p. Appl. au: Bella Antoinette Jones. Bella Jones; 1JU176: AFO- 86643.


The National union cataloq; pre- 1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 475-479. Compiled £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Besources Committee of the fiesources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au; Mansell Information/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre- 1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NM: final abridgment £ editorial revisions of each entry, sequence £ location coding fi original prefatory materials. Mansell Information/Publishing, Ltd.; 22Nov76; AFO-86644.

AFO- 86645.

The National uuion catalog: pre- 1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 480-484- Compiled £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress 6 the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the fiesources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom- Appl. au: Mansell Information/Publishing, Ltd- Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NM: final abridgment £ editorial revisions of each entry, sequence £ location coding £ orrginal prefatory materials. Mansell Information/Publishing, Ltd.; 16Dec76; AFO-86645.


Beinterpretation des frottis sanguins. By Marcel Bessis. Uest Germany. 270 p. a Springer-Verlaq; 24Nov76; ArO-86646-


Grzimek's Encyclopedia of evolution- Editor-in-chief; Bernhard Grzimek- Enqland- 560 p- Appl- au: Litton Horld Trade Corporation. NM: English tran- slation. O Litton World Trade Corpo- ration; 280ct76; AFO-86647-


Des merveilles sous la terre. By Michel Sitfre. France. 155 p. NM; text, illus. & compilation of illus. O Librairie

Uachette; 3Nov76; AFO-e6648.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.