Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/147

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A819311 — A819347
JAN.-JUN. 1977


k Bibliography of dissertations in classical studies: American 1961-1972, British 1950-1972, dith a cumulatiTe indei 1861-1972. Compiled by Laurence Sidney Thompson. 296 p. e Laurence S. Thompson: 23Dec76; 4819311.


Off at sunrise: the overland iournal of Charles Glass Gray. Edited with an introd. by Thomas D. Clark. 182 p. a Henry E. Uuntinqtou Library and Act Gallery; 2Dec76; A819312.


aodelinq vith self-hardeniuq clay. By Gary Tonq. 96 p. Larousse and Company, Inc.; 15No»76; A819313.


Althea (the divorce of Adam and Eve) ; a novel. 5y Juan flannel Alonso. 363 p. Portion appeared in Nea Boston review. Juan Banuel Alonso; 29Bov76: «8 19311.


The Piety of thinkioq; essays. By nartin Beideqger, translations, notes, & commentary by James G. Hart S John C. aacaldo. 212 p. NH: p. 3-71 (translation & compilation) & translators' commentary. C Indiana Univsrsity Press; 30Auq76; A819315.


Uimettor tisrael; classical Jewish folktales. Vol. 1-3. Collected by Bicha Joseph Bin Gorion, edited by Emanuel Bin Gorion, translated by I. H. Lask, introd. by Dan Ben-Amos. Enqlish only. MM: additions, translation & compilation, e Indiana Bniversity Press; 10Tt76; A 81 93 16.


America-watching: perspectives in the course of an incredible century. By Gerald uhite Johnson, with an introd. by Henry Steele Commaqer. 356 p. UN: introd., compilation C some abridgment of prev. pub. material. O Stemmer House Publishers, Inc.; 17Sov76; A819317.


The New Sabin: books described by Joseph Sabin and his successors, now described aqain on the basis of examination of originals, and fully indexed by title, subject, ioint authors, and institutions and agencies. Vol. 3: entries 5803-8»t3 6 index. 2 v. Enqlish, Spanish, German & other languages. tin: compilation & indexing. Lawrence S. Thompson; 25Auq76; 4819318.


The Sickle cell hemoqlobinopathies. a comprehensive bibliography, 1973-1975. By Charles u. Triche, 3rd r, Diane Samson Triche. 1H0 p. »B: compilation £ indexing. C Charles u. Triche, 3rd £ Diane Samson Triche; 1Sep76; 4619319.


Beproductive systems and birth control assessment: a comparison of teachers* predictions with adolescents* information. By Sebecca Bryant Payne. 149 p. Rebecca Bryant Payne; 7Jan77; 4819320.


The Very first story ever told. By Lisl Heil. 1 V. e Lisl Weil; 15(lar76; 48 19321.


Bansom run. By Martin Dibner. 255 p. nartin Dibner; 7Jan77; 48 19322.


Exfoliative cy topatholgy. By Zuher a. Naib. 2nd ed. 531 p. S Little, Brown and Company, Inc.; 70ct76; 4819323.


Danbury's burning! The story of Sybil Ludington*s ride. By 4nne Grant, illustrated by Pat Uowell. 1 v. C Anne Grant; 300ct76; A819321.


Danbury*s burninqi The story of Sybil Ludington*s ride. By Anne Grant, illustrated by Pat Howell. 1 v. on illus. ; Pat Howell; 30oct76; A8 19325.


Southern reporter, second series. Vol. 331. 927 p. NM: compilation, revisions 6 additions. C Vest Publishing Company; 6Dec76; 4819326.


North eastern reporter, second series. Vol. 351. 927 p. MS: compilation, revisions 6 additions. O West Publishing Company; 7Dec76; 4819327.


Atlantic reporter, second series. Vol. 360. 927 p. SH: compilation, revisions £ additions. O West Publishing Company; 7Dec76; A819328.


Federal supplement. vol. 111. 1107 p. NH: compilation, revisions & additions. West Publishing Company; 9Dec76; 481 9329.

A8 19330.

Putting the ill at ease. By Evelyn

Wilde aayecson. 313 p. 6 Harper and fiow. Publishers, Inc.; 6Apr76; 4819330.


Environmental quality management: an application to the Lower Delaware Valley. By Walter 0. Spofford, Jr., Clifford S. Bussell e Bobert A. Kelly. 188 p. Q fiesources for the Future, Inc.; 15Sep76; A8 19331.


Instructor*s manual for Fundamentals of mathematics. By William H. Setek, Jr. 51 p. a William B. Setek, Jr.; 3Bar76; 4819332.


Historic Fayetteville and Cumberland County. 59 p. Add. ti: A Guide to historic Fayetteville and Cumberland County. Appl. au: Junior Service Leaque of fayetteville, N.C., Inc. £ Highland Printers. 6 Junior Service League of Fayetteville, N.C., Inc. d.b.a. 1975 Provisional Class of the Junior Service League of Fayetteville, Inc. £ Highland printers; 9feb76; 4819333.


Office equipment exporter, 1976- Editor: William B. Schulhof, managing editor: James Gorman. Ill p. Office Publications, Inc.; 10Dec76; 4819331.


The Politics of 4merican foreign policy; the social context of decisions. By Borton Berkowitz, P. G. Bock £ Vincent J. Fuccillo. 310 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4819335.


Experimental stitchery and other fiber techniques. By Atline K. Morrison. 118 p. O Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jau77; 4819336.

48 19337.

God* s guarantee of success and prosperity. By Reverend Ike, pseud, of Frederick Eikerenkoetter. Folder. (Beverend Ike*s Success idea, no. 110176) 4dd. ti: God*s guarantee of success and prosperity and Beverend Ike's Blessing plan. 4ppl. au: United Christian Evangelistic 4ssaciation. NB: additions. O United christian Evangelistic Asso- ciation; 11iov76; A819337.


How to get it! By Beverend Ike, pseud, of Frederick Eikerenkoetter. Folder. (Beverend Ike*s Success idea, no. 090 176) Add. ti: How to get it! and Beverend Ike*s Blessing plan- Appl. au: United Christian Evangelistic Association. NM: additions. United Christian Evangelistic Asso- ciation; 1Sep7e: A819338.


Your secret power. By Beverend Ike, pseud, of Frederick Eikerenkoetter. Folder. (Beverend Ike's Success idea. no. 100176) 4dd. ti: lour secret power and Beverend Ike's Blessing plan. Appl. au: United Christian Evangelistic Association. NM: additions. e United christian Evangelistic Association; 10ct76; A819339.


The Pay-off. By Beverend Ike, pseud, of Frederick Eikerenkoetter. Folder. (Beiierend Ike's Success idea, no. 120176) 4dd. ti: The Pay-off and Beverend Ike's Blessing plan. 4ppl. au: United Christian Evangelistic 4ssociation. NM: additions, e United Christian Evangelistic 4sso- ciation; 1Dec76; 4819340.


The Key to everything you want! By Beverend Ike, pseud, of Frederick Eikerenkoetter- Folder. (Beverend Ike's Success idea, no. 010177) Add. ti: The Key to everything you want! and Beverend Ike's Blessing plan. Appl. au: United Christian Evangelistic Association. NM: additions. United Christian Evan- gelistic Association; 1Jan77; 4819341.


The Biogeoqrapby and numerical taxonomy of the oegopsid squid family Ommast- rephidae in the Pacific Ocean. By John H. Wormuth. 90 p. (Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, vol. 23) O The Begents of the University of California; 21NOV76; A819342.


A First book of games and simulations. By Donald B. Cruickshank, illustrated by Kathy Cruickshank. 99 p. Badsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A819343.


Making your news service more effective. Ill p. G council for Advancement and Support of Education: 6Jan77: 4819344.


4 Brief description of the instructional development and effectiveness assessment system: IDEA. 1 v. Appl. au: Bert B. Biles. NB: additions. O Cecter for Faculty Evaluation and Development in Higher Education; lDec76; A819345.


Annual report, 1975-76 (Bay 1. 1975- June 30, 1976) Prepared by J. Lance Kramer. 79 p. O Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development in Higher Education; 150ct76; 4819346.


Some suggestions for the management of human resources: procedures at Camelot State College. By J. Lance Kramer. 20 p.

O center for Faculty Evaluation and


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