Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1493

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AFO-87635 — AFO-87670
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AFO-87634 (con.)

France. 512 p. (Univers de la psy- choloqie, t. 1) BH; neu text £ con- pilation o£ texts £ illus. O Editions Lidis; 25Peb77; AFO-87634.


Vocabulaire de psycboloqie. Sous la direction de Yves Pelicier, out collabore a la redaction: Jean-Claude Archaibault £ others. France. 101 p. (Ouivers de la psychologies t- 7) Q Editions Lidis; 25Feb77: iFO-87635.


Professional world of soccer. Bundesliqa qame book, vol. 1 (75-76) Canada. 32 p. Appl. aui John C. Soart. Simulation Gaae Coapany: 1Feb77; AFO-87636.


Teorctyczne podstawy elektroanalizy cheaicznej. By Zblgniev Galus. Ryd. 2. ziienioue. Poland. 450 p. O Panstuove Uydakinictlio Naukove; 9Peb77; AFO-87637.


Les Plus jolis contes des mille et une nuits. Adaptation de Hacc Saver, pseud. of Philippe Shuver £ Daniel Sassier. France. 29 p. (Cootes du loode entier) O on French adaptation; Librairie Hachette; 23Feb77; AFO-87638.


Les Plus iolis contes d* Andersen. Adaptation de Marc Saver, pseud, of Philippe Schuuer £ Daaiel Sassier. France. 29 p. (Contes du fflonde entier) O on French adaptation; Librairie Hachette: 23Feb77: AFO-a7639.


Les Plus -lolls cootes d'Afrlque noire. Adaptation de Hare Saver, pseud, of Philippe schuuer £ Daniel Sassier. France. 29 p. (Contes du sonde entier) on French adaptation; Librairie Hachette; 23Peb77; AFO-a76i(0.


Fichier safari. Ho 769-792. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Dufloo £ Andre Estoppey. O Editions Bencontre, s. A. ; 150ct76; APO-87641.


Death stalk. By Bob Lanqley (Bobert Lanqley) Sreat Britain. 19 1 p. O Bob Lanqley; 28ilar77; AFO-87642.


Finanse orqanizacji qospodarczych. By Jozef Kaleta £ Banda Soiianoiislca. Byd. 2. zaienione. Poland. 379 p. O Panstwowe Bydavnictvo Baukove; 231iov76; AFO-87643.


Det Stora taeqraenet. and other titles. Sweden. 473 p. (Det Baestas bokval) Translation of books appearinq in Enqlish in U.S. editions of Reader's Digest condensed books. HH; Swedish translation. O Beader's Diqest, A. B. ; 16llar77; APO-87644.


Les Catholiques francais aujourd'hui; survol d'un peuple. By Bernard Gouley. France. 404 p. hS: new text £ coo>- pilation of texts, e Librairie Artheae Fayard; 9Har77; AFO-87645.


50 reponses sur les cancers du seio. By Xavier Serafino, Baguette £ dessins: Carlo £ Mireille Bieland. France. 287 p. NH: new text £ compilation of texts fi illus. O Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 28Feb77; AFO-87646.


Le Casanova de Fellini; scenario. De Federico Fellini £ Bernardino Zapponi, traduit de l*italien par Louis Mezeray, pseud, of Andre-Louis Hauqe. France. 186 p. NH: translation. Editions Albin aichel; 23Feb77: AFO-87647.


Si deaain la gauche: reponses a Pierre Desgraupes. By Gaston Defferre, pref. de Francois Hitterrand. France. 285 p. HH: new text £ compilation of terts. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A.; 2eFeb77; AFO-87648.


La Fonction loqistigue dans l*ent- reprise. By Daniel Laabillotte. France. 159 p. e Bordas; 30Dec76; AFO-87649.


La Hoto de Pelrino; roman. By John Dubouchet. France. 152 p. O Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 28Feb77; AFO-87650.


Le Licenciement. By Pierrette Bonqere. France. 247 p. C Les Editions Ouvrieres; 18llar77; AFO-87651.


Les Araes de l*esprit: Xeooiqnaqe Chretien (1941-1944) By Benee Bedarida, avec la collaboration de Francois Bedarida. France. 378 p. C Les Editions Ouvrieres; 21(lar77; AFO-87652.


Le Becit de la disparue; essai sur I'identite luive. Par Shauel Iriqano. France. 392 p. NH: text £ coapilation of texts. C Editions Galliaard; 4Mar77; »F0-87b5J.


L'Assassinat de Paris. By Louis Chevalier. France. 285 p. MH: text £ compilation of texts. O Calaann-Levy; 25Feb77; AFO-87654.


Loqique conbinatoire. Par Jean Laqasse, avec la collaboration de H. Courvoisier £ J. -P. Bichard. 3. ed. , revue £ auqaentee. France. 73 p. Bordas; 30Dec76; AFO-87655.


plaidoyer pour I'Europe decadente. By Bayaond Aron. France. 510 p. BH: text £ coapilation of texts. & Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A.; 28Feb77; AFO-87656.

AFO-87 657.

La Horde. By Clarissa D'Angosse. France. 282 p. C Editions Bobert laffont, S.A. ; 28Feb77; AFO-87657. AFO-87658.

Les Dieux souverains des Indo-Europeens. By Georqes Duaezil. France. 268 p. KH: text £ coapilation of texts. C editions Galliaard; 4aar77; AFO-87658.


La Cle des chiaeres et autres chiaeres de nerval. By Bobert Faurisson. France. 141 p. HH: additions £ revisions. Societe Bouvelle des Editions J. -J. Pauvert; 16Feb77; AFO-87659.


Brandan: le grand navigateur celte du 6e siecle. By Louis Kecvran. France. 289 p. m: text £ coapilation of texts £ illus. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A.; 28feb77; AFO-876b0.

AFO-8766 1.

Naissances de la politigue aoderne: Nachiavel, Uobbes, Bousseau. By Pierre aanent. France. 209 p. IIH: text £ coapilation of texts. 6 Payot; 11aar77; AFO-87661.


Psychiatrie dynaaique africaioe. By Ibrahia Sow. France. 280 p. sa: text £ coapilation of texts. O Payot; 1111ar77; AFO-87662.


Le fionheur est de l*autre cote. By Salvador Palet. France. 351 p. O Editions Bobert Laffont. S.A. ; 28Feb77; AFO-87663.


Les Hots fleches. By Boger La Ferte fi Jacques Capelovici. France. 1 v. 6 Librairie des Chafflps-Elysees; 28Feb77; AFO-87664.


Alain Fernal I'intrepide. De Clifford B. Hicks, texte francais de Jacques Boque, illus de Patrice Harispe. France. 149 p. Prev. pub. as Alviu Fernald, superweasel. Ha: French text £ illus. C Librairie Hachette; 28Feb77; AFO-87665.


Ini OSS 117. OSS 117 et force noire. By Jean Bruce, illus originales de Galed, pseud, of Andre Nicolas Suter. Switzerland. 373 p. (OSS 117) Add. ti; Jean Bruce; lei OSS 117/OSS 117 et force noire. on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 11Feb77; AFO-87666.


Vous avez tcahi. sous peine de aort. By Jean Bruce, illus. originales de Caied, pseud, of Andre Nicolas Sutei. Switzerland. 374 p. O on ilius.; Edito-Service, S. A. ; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-87667.


Le Secret de Polichineile. Des gueules d'enterreaent. Illus originales de Andre-Paul Perret. Switzerland. 2J1 p. (San-Antonio) on illus.; Edito- Service, S.A.; 12Har77; AFO-8766a.


Berurier au serail. Laissez toaber la fille. Illus originales de Andre-Paul Perret. Switzerland. 295 p. (San- Antonio) on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 16Peb77; AFO-87669.


Inch Allah. Oabres sur le Bosphore. By Jean Bruce, illus originales de Ives Groul. Switzerland. 380 p. (OSS 117) Add. ti: Jean Bruce: Inch Allah/Oabres sur le Bosphore. on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A. ; 12flar77; AFO-87670.


People not cases: a philosophical approach to social work. By Nicholas Hurray Sagg . England. 1 v. O Nicholas H. Bagg; 17aar77; AFO-87671.


Le Hystere du aessage secret. O'Enid Blyton, illus de Francois Batet. France. 155 p. NH: illus. e Librairie Hachette; 28Feb77; AFO-87672.


J'etais a la Berezina. De Louise Fusil, presentation fi edition de Harie Cerati, Jean-Bobert Gaillot fi Pierre Harchand. France. 184 p. Excerpts fcoa Heaoires d'une actrice, by Louise Fusil. NH: pref. 6 editing. C Editions Galliaard; 18Feb77; AFO-87673.


Jacquou le croquant. D*Eugene Le Boy,

ilius de Jean Olivier Heron. France. 279


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