Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1496

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AFO-87752 — AFO-87760
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AFO-87751 (con.)

Chaine 6 Libraicie Hachette; 28Feb77; AFO-87751.


Going to Jerusalem. By fiogec Dixon. England. 224 p. C Boqer Dixon; 1tHa.:77; AFO-87752.


The League of eighty-nine. By flark Uebden* pseud, of John Harris. England. 219 p. Add. ti: The League of 89. & Hark Hebden; 28Feb77; AFO-87753.


Schloss Hallion. By carola Salisbury, Berechtigte Uebersetzung von Ina Pope. Austria. 341 p. Original ti. : Hallion's pride. tiH: translation. e Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, ; 3laar77: AFO-87754.


nerve au chateau. By Cecile Aubry, illus de Romain Simon. France. 164 p. e Librairie Hachette; 30Har77; 4FO-87755.


Millionnaires en herbe. By Paul Berna, pseud, of Jean Sabran, illus de Daniel Billon. France. 187 p. Librairie Hachette; 28Feb77; AFO-87756.


Albert le dragon et 1< enchanteur. By fiosemary Heir, texte fraucais de Harie-Francoise Saint-oizier , pseud, of Harie-Ftancoise Farre, illus de Pierre Dessous. France. 118 p. NH: translation £ illus. O Librairie Hachette; 28Feb77; AF0-877S7.


Lili et la lument grise. By Marguerite Thiebold, illus de Harranne Clouzot. France. 119 p. C Librairie Hachette; 30(lar77; AFO-87758.


Sacres gendarmes. By Jean-Charles«  pseud, of Jean Charles. France. 249 p. NH: additions £ compilation. Cresses de la Cite: ^8Feb77; AFO-87759.


Algerie. Ce guide a ete etabli par Jean Hodot. France. 614 p. (Les Guides Bleus) NH: revisions £ additions. 9 Librairie Hachette; 3Feb77; AFO-87760.


Histoires d 'amour des provinces de France. T. 9: Plandres« Artois, Picardie. By Serge Douay. France. 285 p. NH; text £ compilation of texts £ illus. Presses de la Cite; 30Mar77; AFO-e7761 .


Les Hers froides. By Georges Blond. France. 281 p. (La Grande aventure des oceans) NM: text £ compilation of texts £ illus. e Presses de la Cite; 30Har77: AFO-87762.


Galla Placidia, la derniere Imperatrice de Bome. By Philippe Caffin. France. 299 p. NH: text £ compilation of texts £ illus. @ Librairie Academigue Perrin; 30Har77; AFO-87763.


Thea; roman. De Theresa Charles, traduit de 1* anglais par Arlette fiosenblum. France. 315 p. Original ti. : To save my life. 6 on French translation; Editions de Irevise; 30Har77; AFO-87764.


Le Mousse; ou, Conduite d'une croisiere cotiere. By Joseph Harand. France. 131 AFO-87756.

Literaturoznaustwo. Pod redaJccja Bazylego Bialokozouicza £ other editors. Poland. 373 p. (Bibliograf ia fiusycystyki Polskiej, 1945-1975) Add. ti: Lite- raturovedenie. Polish £ Russian. Panstyoue Uydaunictuo Naukoue; 17Dec76; AFO-87766.


Structural chemistry of layer-type phases. By Fritz Hulliger, edited by F. Levy. Holland- 392 p. (Physics and chemistry of materials with layered structures, vol. 5} © D- Eeidel Publishing Company; 7Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; APO-87767.


Chinoiserie: tue xmpact of oriental styles on Mestern art and decoration. By Oliver Impey. Great Britain. 20S p. O Oliver Impey; 27Jan77; AK)-87768.


Pink and Blue School: Fourth grade. Producao do metodo: Ana Haria Quartim Barbosa Tartuce, producao artistica: Marcus De Sant'Anna, supervisao: Haria Cecilia De Sa Quartim Barbosa. Brazil. 66 p. 6 Pink and Blue Editora, Ltda. ; 15Dec76; AFO-87769.


Georgian poetry, 1911-1922. Edited by Timothy John Godfrey Sogers. England. 435 p. (The Critical heritage series) NH; pref., introd., notes on text, bibliography, index, arrangement £ selection. e Timothy Sogers; 10Har77; AFO-87 770.

AFO-87 771.

Methodology of sociological research; general problems. By Stefan Nouak, translated from the Polish by Haria Olga Lepa. Holland. 504 p. (Synthese library, vol. 82) Translation of Metodologia badan socjologicznych, pub. 1971. NH: English translation. e PNN-Polish Scientific Publishers; 7Apr77; AFO-87771.

AFO-8777 2.

Falling apart: the rise and decline of urban civilisation. By Elaine Morgan. United Kingdom. 272 p. C Elaine Morgan; 210ct76: AFO-87772.

AFO-a777 3.

Spoleczenstvo Uarszawy v rozuoju historycznym. Komitet redakcyjny Jozef Kazimierski £ other editors. Poland. 606 p. NH: text. Panstaoue Hydaunictuo Nauko«e; 31Jan77; AFO-67773.


Bibliografia rusycystyki polskiej, 1945-1975; dydaktyka. By Jan lenandovski, pod redakcja Olgierda Spirydouicza. Poland. 178 p. Russian £ Polish. Panstwoye liydavnictvo Naukoae; 17Dec76: AFO-8777a.

AFO- 87775.

La Foi des anciens jours, et celle des temps nouveaux. By Pierre De Boisdeffre, pref. de Alain Peyrefitte. France. 334 p. NH : neu text £ compilation of texts. e Librairie Artheme Fayard; 9Mar77; AFO-87775.


Bibliografia rusycystyki polskiej, 1945-1975; jezykoznanstwo. By Harian Jurkowski, pod redakcja Anatola Hirouicza. Poland. 172 p. 6 PanstHoue UydaHnictuo N^ukone; 16Dec76; AFO-87776.


Dif ferenzierung des Unterrichts methodische Aspekte. By Manfred Boensch. 3., erueiterte Aufl. Uest Germany. 143 p. e Franz Ehrenvirth Verlag, G.H.B.U. £ Co., K.G. ; 30Dec76; AfO-87777.

AFO- 87778.

Hauptschule - heute: Paedogogisch, psychologische Probleme, Lehr- und Lernbereiche. Herausgeber: Hans Groeschel, Heinz-Juergen Ipfling & Alfred Kriegelstein. Best Germany. 237 p. (Schulpaedagogische Aspekte) & Franz Ehreniiirth Verlag, G.H.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 30Dec76; AFO-87778.


GPSS-Fortran: Einfuehrung in die Simulation diskreter Systeme mit Hilfe eines Fortran-Programmpaketes. By Bernd Schmidt. Best Germany. 298 p. (Informatik-Fachberichte. Bd. 6) e Springer- Verlag; 30Jan77i AFO-87779.


Computations in higher types. By Johan Holdestad. Vest Germany. 203 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 574) e Springer-Verlag; 6Har77; AFO-87780.


Die Biomechanik des Kieferapparates beim Stierkopf hai. By Gerhard Nobiling. Rest Germany. 52 p. (Advances in anatomy, embryology and cell biology, vol. 52, fasc. 6) e Springer- Verlag; 23Feb77; AFO-877ai.


Pouvoir d'achat, prix et salaires. By Jean Fourastie, avec la collaboration de Jacqueline Fourastie. France. 214 p. NH: neu text £ compilation of texts. d Editions Gallimard; 4Mar77; AFO-87782-


Le Bituel poetigue de .^»^nt-John Perse. By Henriette Levillain, pseud, de Henriette De Cassaigne Levillain. France. 346 p. NH: new text £ compilation of texts, e Editions Gallimard; 4Har77: AFO-87783.


Futur interieur. De Christopher Priest, traduit de I'anglais par Bernard Eisenschitz. France. 265 p. Original ti. : Future perfect. NH; translation. 9 Calmann-Levy; 25Feb77; AFO-87764.


Albina roule en tete; chrouique cycliste. By Jacques Faizant. France. 222 p. e calmann-Levy; 25Feb77; AFO-87765.

AFO- 87786.

Are you beating two or four? some hints to help you make up your mind. By Haurice Miles. United Kingdom. 54 p. Q Novello and company, Ltd.; 10Feb77; AFO-87786.


On optimal population paths. By John S. Lane. Hest Germany. 123 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 142) e Springer- Verlag ; 25Har77; AFO-87787.


Viskoelastizitaet und Plastizitaet; thermomechanisch konsistente Haterial— gleichungen. By Peter Haupt. Hest Germany. 208 p. (Engineering science library. Ingenieurwissenschaf tliche Bibliothek) 8 Springer-Verlag; 15Feb77; AFO-87786.


Group theory; proceedings of a miniconf erence held at the Australian

National University, Canberra, Nov. 4-6,


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