Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1499

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AFO-83866 — AFO-87907
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Eva et Adolf. By Slenn B. Infield, traduit de I'afflericaia par Sabine Delattre. France. 369 p. Translation of Eva and idolf. NH: translation. a Librairie Artheoe Fayard; 23Har77; 4FO-87866.


La Hante reliqieuse. By Hichel Brice. France. 218 p. {Brigade nondaine. no. 11) O Librairie Plon/SAS Production; 30Dec76: iFO-87867.


L'Ot, le dollar et la monnaie sup- ranationale. By Bernard Schoitt. France. 226 p. Uni additions & compilation. O Calaann-Levy; 25Feb77 ; AFO-87868.


L* Autre rive. By Daniel Boulanger. France. 127 p. C Editions Sallinard; 15flar77; AFO-87869.


One Gifle de booheur: lournaliers 2<*, aoat 1969-octobre 1970. By Barcel Jouhandeau. France. 171 p. O Editions Gallioard; itHar77; AFO-87870.

AFO-8 7871.

Un Gendarae tonbe du Ciel. By Germaine Acreaant. France. 155 p. C Librairie Plon: 30Bar77; tFO-87871.


Le Passaqer de la neiqe. By Harriet Saith, texte francais d'Anne Bernard. France. 214 p. Translation of Cottage in the hills. un: translation. O Librairie Hachetto; 28Feb77; AFO-87872.


Journal d'une aere indiqne. By Haauele Fayrol. France. 189 p. Julliacd: 30B«r77; AF0-8787J.


Abel. By Charles Bouillet. Prance. 318 p. O Editions Galliaard; 2i4nar77; AFO-8787U.


La Traqedie du Negus. By Jean-Harie Oasblain. France. 190 p. NH: additions & conpilation. O Presses de la Cite; 28Feb77: AFO-87875.


coeur rouge. By Hichel Bataille. France. 314 p. Add. ti: Les Enfants du destin. Julliard; 30aar77; AFO-87676.


Oer SOBBer ait den Enten. By tieinz Pototscbniq. Austria. 217 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.H.B.B. ; 31tlar77; AFO-87877.


Sentiers et randonnees d'Auvergne. By Jean-Pierre fiarty* cartes executees par Hichel Pluvinage. France. 291 p. Add. ti; Sentiers d'Auvergne. 6 Librairie Artheme Fayard; 23Har77; AFO-87878.


Cours de langue grecque. Livre 1. By Alain Frontier. France. 91 p. O Librairie Classique Eugene Belin; 30flar77; 4FO-87879.


Deux etudes aatheaatigues sur la parente. By Ives Chevallard. France. 99 p. NH: new text 6 conpilation of texts. CEDIC a.a.d.o. Conception Edition Diffusion Inforaation Creation; 30Har77; APO-87880.

de litterature. By Roger Secretaio. France. 217 p. NH: nev text E com- pilation of texts. O Librame Plon; 28Feb77; 4FO-87881.


La Caravane des sables. De Heinz G. Konsalik, traduit de I'allemand par Gilberte Harchegay, pseud, of Gilberte Japy. France. 281 p. Prev. pub. as Haie an Bord. NH: translation. O Editions 41bin HiChel; 2Har77; AFO-87882.


L'Art et 1 'argent; le aarche de I'art au 20e siecle. By Georges Bernier. France. 367 p. un: ueu text G compilation of texts. e Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 28Peb77; AFO-87883.


11 Huseo degli error i: I'ita llano coae si parla oggi. By Aldo Gabrielli. Italy. 234 p. O Arnoldo Houdadorx Editore, S.P.A. ; 30Jan77; AFO-87884.


Neige fondue au sodium (sloche concerto) By Hartin Even. France. 148 p. Hercure de France; 15Har77: APO-87885.


Sentiers et randonnees du Lyounais. By Bobert Daranc. France. 215 p. Add. ti: Sentiers du Lyonnais. O Librairie Artbeoe Fayard; 154pr77; AFO-87886.


Ueniger Eiukommeusteuer zahleu. 1977. By Guenther Scbneidewind. Uest Germany. 259 p. Nans Holzmann Verlaq. G. H. B. H. £ CO., K.G.; 25Feb77; 4FO-M7887.


Algebra 7. Voo Ftaiiz Hager. Best Germany. 142 p. (Lernhiifen. Nacbhilfen. nathemati.k) O Franz Ebrenairth Verlaq, G.M.B.H. 6 Co.. K.G.; 30Dec7b; AFO-8788a.


Algebra 8. Von Ernst Leitner. Uest Germany. 151 p. (Lernhiifen. NachhiUen, Hathematik) O Franz Ehrennirth Verlaq, G.fl.B.H. £ CO., K.G. ; 28Jan77; AFO-87889.


Comment nous appelez-vous deja? Ces hoames gue I'on dit homosexuels. By Jean-Louis Bory & Guy Hocguengbea. France. 237 p. HH: nen text 6 com- pilation. Calmann-Levy; 31Har77; 4FO-87890.


A Validation study of the checUist of French ianersion kindergarten teacher observations. Research report 77-03, By Harguerite Tourond, call Thomson. Jan Lokan 6 Teena Hendelman. Canada. 1 v. £ insert. Appl. au: Carleton Board of Education. O Carleton Board of Education; 154pr77; AFO-87891.


Zur Bemessung von Stahlbetonbauteilen; Beitraeqe zum 7. Forscbungs-Kolloguiua des Deutschen Ausschusses fuer Stahlbeton. Ursq. von Gert Koeniq & Uelmut ueiqler. Uest Germany. 149 p. (Hitteilungen aus dem lustitut fuer Hassivbau der Tec- huischen Hochschule Darmstadt. Heft 19) C Verlag von uilhelm Ernst und Sohn. K.G.; 15Har77; AFO-87892.


General theory of the regulation of the appetite and the body fat in man. By Olivier Roujansky. France. 11 p. O Olivier Boujansky; 5Dec76 ; AFO-87893.


Beton-Kalender. 1977; Taschenbuch fuer Beton-, Stahlbeton-, und Spannbetonba u sovie die veriandten Faecher. T. 1-2. Schriftleitung: Gottbard Franz. 66. Jahrg. Uest Germany. 2 v. £ 7 folders. O Verlag von Uilhelm Ernst und Sohn, K.G.; 3Feb77; AFO-87894.


La Souveraine. By Gilbert Cesbron. illus originales de Sylvie Dausset. Svitzerland. 380 p. O on illus.; Bdito-Service. S.A.; 18Feb77; AfO-87895.


Un. deux, trois. Le Cheval pale. By Agatba Christie, illus originales de Jean-Pierre Heuer. Snitzerland. 303 p. on illus.; Edito-Service. S.A.; nFeb77; AFO-87896.


Social Class, the nominal group and verbal strategies. By Peter Bayaond Haukius. England. 242 p. O P. £. Havkins; 17Har77; AFO-87897.


The Life science: current ideas of biology. By Peter B. Hedawar £ Jean S. Hedauar. Great Britain. 196 p. C Peter £ Jean lledanar; 27Jan77; AFO-87898.


Buei age as-tu, Giao? By Joel Luguern. France. 313 p. O Hercure de France; 10Har77; AFO-87899.

A FO- 879 00.

Betiring to the seaside. By Valeric Aim Karn. England. 388 p. C Valerie A. Karn; 17flar77; AFO-87900.


John Uillie. and other titles. The Netherlands. 478 p. (Het Beste boek) Prev. pub. in Reader's Digest condensed books. NH: butch tcauslatiou £ additions. O Uitgeversaaatschapplj The Reader's Digest. N.V.; 24Feb77; 4FO-87901.


Der Adler ist gelandet. and other titles. Uest Germany. 510 p. (Reader's Digest Ausuahlbuecher) Prev. pub. in Reader's Digest condensed books. NH: German translation £ additions. Verlag das Beste. G.H.B.H. ; eHar77; AFO-87902.


Rocznik bialostocki. I. 13. Editors: Tadeusz Dzierzykray-Rogalski £ Benryk Hajecki. Poland. 703 p. Appl. au: Huzeum Okregove u Bialymstoku. O Panstnoye Uydatmictno Naukoue; 17Dec76; AFO-87903.


Doce meses de cocina. Spain. 343 p. Add. ti: Cookery year. NH: Spanish translation. C Selecciones del Reader's Digest (Iberia). S. 4. ; 19Jan77; 4FO-87904.


Reponse a Sol jenitsyne. De Vladimir Lakchine. traduit du russe par Annie Sabatier. France. 181 p. Original ti.: Solzhenitsyn. Tvardovskii i "Novyi mir". NH: translation. O Editions Albin Hichel; 16Har77; 4FO-87905.


Les Enfants du Square des Vosges. By Roger Ascot. France. 266 p. Librairie Artheme Fayard; 15Apr77; 4FO-87906.


Annuaire du college de France; pour 1976-1977. 76e annee. France. 755 p.

Appl. au: 41ain Boreau, Jean-Pierre Serre


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