Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1502

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APO-87981 — APO—88011
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AFO-8798O (con.)

loerican libraries. Vol. 185-489. Compiled £ edited Mith the cooperation of the library of Congress £ the national Onion Cataloq SubcoBmittee of the Besources Committee of the Besources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au: Manseli Inf ormation/Publishing* Ltd. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in the original National union cataloq, pre- 1956 imprints maintained by the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, uithin the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NH: final abridgment £ editorial revision of each entry, sequence £ location coding £ original prefatory materials. C Uansell Information/Publishing, Ltd.; 4Feb77; APO-87980.


The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints: a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 1195-499. Compiled fi edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress & the National Union Cataloq Subcommittee of the Besources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au; Manseli Information/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in the National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints maintained by the Library of congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NB : final abridqment, revision of each entry, sequence £ location codinq £ orlqinal prefatory materials. IB llansell Infor- mation/Publishing, Ltd.; 25nar77; APO-87981 .

AFO- 87982.

The National union cataloq; pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representinq Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 490-494. Compiled £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdoir- Appl. au; Manseli Information/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in the original National union cataloq, pre-1956 imprints maintained by the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NM; final abridgment £ editorial revision of each entry, sequence £ location codinq £ original prefatory materials. Q Manseli Information/Publishinq, Ltd.; 7Hat77; AFO-879B2.


Mathematical models in biological discovery. Edited by Daniel L. Solomon £ Charles F. Baiter. Hest Germany. 240 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 13) Appl. au; A. Babloyantz. @ Sprinqer- Verlag; 24Bar77; APO-87983.


Combinatorie et representation du qroupe symetrique; actes de la table ronde du C.N.E.S. tenne a I'Universite Louis- Pasteur de Strasbourg, 26 au 30 avril 1976. Edite par Dominique Foata. Uest Germany- 339 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 579) French £ Enqlish. Appl. au: Gilbert De B. fiobiuson £ Gerard Viennot. Springer-Verlag; 29aar77; 4FO-87984.


Theoretical computer science; 3rd GI Conference, Darmstadt, Mar. 28-30, 1977. Ldited by Hans Tzschach, Helmut lial- dschmidt £ Hermann K.-G. Salter. Best Germany- 418 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol- 48) English, German £ French- Appl- au: T- Ae £ U. Alt. e Springer- Ver lag; 24Har77; AFO-87985.


Boundary value problems for linear evolution partial differential equations; proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Liege, Belgium Sept. 6-17, 1976. Edited by H. G. Garnir. Holland. 473 p- (NATO Advanced Study Institutes series, ser- C: mathematical and physical sciences, vol. 29) Appl. au: G. F- D. Duff. e D. Reidel Publishing Company; 16Feb77; AFO-87986-


Afferent and intrinsic organization of laminated structures in the brain. Editor: 0- Creutzfeldt. Best Germany. 579 p- (Experimental brain research, supplementum 1) Records of the 7th International Neurobiology Meeting, held at the MajL Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry in Sept. 1975. Appl. au: K--D. Albus. e Springer-Verlag; 3Mar77 (in notice: 1976); AfO-87987.


Leg length discrepancy. The Injured knee. Edited by David S. Hungerford- Best Germany. 160 p. (Progress in orthopaedic surgery, vol- 1) Appl- au: B. Bandi £ J. Eichler. O Springer-Verlag; 2BJan77; APO-87988.


Syntactic pattern recognition, applications. Edited by King Sun Fu. Best Germany. 270 p. (Communication and cybernetics, 14) Appl. au: Renato DeUori £ Bijan Moayer. 6 Springer-Verlag; 25Feb77; AFO-87989.


Mathematical economics and game theory; essays in honor of Oskar Morgenstern. Edited by Rudolf Henn £ Otto Moeschlin. Best Germany. 709 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 141) Appl. au: y. Aaihud £ C. Ballarini. iS Springer-Verlag; 31Jan77; AFO-87990-


Mister T- By Martin Russell- England. 192 p. e Martin Eussell; 17Jan77; AFO-87991.

4F 0-8799 2.

Etude pour le trace des carenes. By Lucien Lerayer- France- 28 p- 6 L- Lerayer; 15Apr77; AFO-87992-


Hertfordshire computer managed mathematics project. ESYJiRK, pt. 1. England. 1 v. Q The Council for Educational TechnoJogy for the United Kingdom (in notice: Council for Educational Technology); 19NOV76; AFO-87993.


Piaqet and knowing: studies in genetic epistemology . Edited by Beryl Anne Gelier. England. 258 p. @ Routledqe and Kegan. Paul, Ltd.; 14Apr77; Aro-87994.


Eesidential work with the elderly. By Christopher Paul Brearley- England. 107 p. (Library of social work) € C. Paul Brearley; 144pr77; AFO-87995.


Uoderne Pferdepf lege- By Ulrich Scholz- Hest Germany- 320 p. S Verlag Sankt Georg, G.fl.B.H.; 14Dec76; AFO-87996-


Palazzo- A novel by Hans Habe, translated by Salome Hangartner. England. 343 p- Appl- au: B- H- Allen and Company, Ltd., employer for hire. © on tran- slation; B. H. Allen and Company, Ltd.; 254pr77; AFO-87997.


Resignation. By Anna Cecile Scantland (Anna Cecile Scantland Lund) Canada. 340 p. Add. ti: shikataganai. Q Anna Cecile Scantland; 24pr77; 4FO-87998.


15 recits de navigateurs- Textes inedits de Jean-Marie Pellaprat fi others, illus de Alain D'Orange. France. 221 p. HM: illus. 6 editing of text. e Gautier- Languereau; 30Mar77; 4FO-87999.


Encyclopedia of esoteric man. By Benjamin Halker. England. 343 p- e Benjamin Balker; 3Feb77; AFO-88000.


Mister Plum's paradise. By Elisa Trimby. Great Britain. 1 v. e on text £ ilius. ; Elisa Trimby; 29Nov76; AFO-88001.

AFO- 88002.

e garden. By Gloria Alai 1 V. (9 G. Faizi; 2Hay77; Faizi. Indi 4FO-88002.


La sort dans le fosse. By Andre Benzimra. France. 186 p. NM: com- pilation £ additional text. Librairie des Champs- Elysees; 30Nov76; AFO-88003.


Gasturbiuen — Betriebsverhalten und Optimierung. By Hans-Georg Muenzberg £ Joachim I. Kurzke. Best Germany. 446 p. (Hochschultext) Springer-Verlag; 3Jan77; AFO-88004-


Letter Licker. Canada. 1 p. Appl. au: Ronald K. Stephens. Parts prev. reg. GP114052. NM: text- e Ronald M. Stephens d.b.a. R. M. Stephens + 4ssoc. (in notice; B. M. Stephens) ; 5Jan77; 4FO-88005.


34 anni con Pietro Mascagni — cose viste, sentite, vissute- By Luigi Hicci- Italy. 168 p. e Edizioni Curci; 15Dec76; 4FO-88006.


Broadcasting in peninsular Malaysia. By Ronny Adhikarya, with Boon 4i Leng, Hong Hock Seng £ Khor Yoke Lim. England. 102 p. Q International Institute of Communications; 24Mar77; 4FO-88007.

4F0- 88008.

Broadcasting in Canada. By Eugene S. Hallman, with U- Bindley. England- 90 p. © International Institute of Communi- cations; 24Har77; 4FO-88008.


Bydrogetriebe; Grundlagen, Bauglieder, Auslegung, Gestaltung. By Paul Gerretz- Uest Germany. 190 p- 6 Springei^Verlag; 5Jan77; AFO^88009.


Elektronische Analog- Digit a 1-Umsetzer; Verfahren, Bauelemente, Beispiele. By Dieter Seitzer. Best Germany. 143 p. e Springer-Verlag; 18Feb77; 4FO-88010.


Riemannsche Flaechen. By Otto Forster.

Best Germany. 223 p. (Heidelberger


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.