Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1507

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AFO-88160 — AFO—88202
JAN.-JUN. 1977


lo meoocv long. By Aay Steuact Fraser. Eoqland. 305 p. C Amy Steuact Frasec: 19Mav77: AFO-88160.


The Sleep instinct. By Bay Heddls (Bayaond Heddis) England. U8 p. C Say Heddls: 26May77; AFO-88161.


Hater life. By Judith Catherine Green aodriguez, with linocuts by the author. Australia. 81 p. C Judith Bodriguez; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-88162.


Schooling for the mentally retarded; a historical perspective. By Bcxan Stanley Preen. Australia. 180 p. e University of Queensland Press; 16Dec76; AFO-88163.


Klinische Psychologie. 1. Halbband. Hrsg. von Ludwig J. Pongratz, unter HitHirkung von K.-B. ueiietzer. Uest Seruany. 1081 p. (Uandbuch der Psychologie. Bd. 8) Verlag fuer Psychologie, Doktor C. J. Hogrefe; 26NOV76: AFO-881614.


The English school, its architecture and organization. Vol. 2: 1870-1970. By Halcola V. J. Seaborne & lioy Anthony Love. England. 2<tO p. C Halcola Seaborne £ Soy Loae; 28Apr77; AFO-a816S.


Edouard 7. et l*Europe: la diplonatie a la belle epogue. De Gordon Broolt- Shepherd, preC. de Jacgues Chastenet, traduit de I'anglais pat Bene Brest. fjrance. 352 p. C on translation; Libraitie Hachette; J0Apt77; AFO-88166.


Guide des achats; conserves, confitures, plats cuisines. [)y Celine Vence £ Jan Beltiu-Soulleau. France. 128 p. LibralciK Hachette; J0Apr77; AFO-88167.


tlonsieuc le President. Oe Higuel-Angel Asturias, nouvelle traduction de I'espaqnol d*apres le teste definitif de l*auteuc par Georges Pilleaent £ Dorita Nouhaud. France. 3ilO p. Translation of El Senoc Fresidente. NH: translation. O Editions Albin Michel; 30Har77: AFO-88168.


Vendredi des douleurs. De Higuel-Angei Asturias, nouvelle traduit de I'espagnol par Claude Couffon. France. 344 p. Translation of viernes de dolores. O on translation: Editions Albin Hichel; 14Apr77; AFO-88169.


Partons a la decouverte du Berry, du Poitou et du LiDOUsin. France. 108 p. Appl. au: Jeroae Janicot. O Les Guides Bleus Hachette; 30llar77; AFO-88170.


Vaincce le sal de dos. By Claude Bottero £ Gerard Duval, dessins de Diane Tudela. France. 153 p. UN: nev text £ coapilation of texts £ illus. , soae of which have been prev. pub. Libcairie Hachette; 30llar77; AFO-88171.


Living like I do. By Nell Dunn, photos, by Tina Tranter. England. 200 p. Appl. states all new text except sooe material on p. 9, 10, 13-19. 23-25, 71-75, 81-88. 90. 92-99. 181, 182, 184, 185, 188, 189 £ 191. O Nell Dunn; 12Hav77: AFO-88172.


La Vie guotidienne en France sous le Directoire. By Jacgues Godechot. France. 285 p. NU: nev text £ compilation of texts, some of which have been prev. pub. Librairie Hachette; 21feb77: Aro-88173.


Bocphologie historigue des verbes francais; notions geuerales, conjugaisons

regulieres, verbes irreguliers. Par Andre Lanly. France. 359 p. C Bordas; 30Apr77; AFO-88 1 74.


La tlere Besson: "ma cuisine provencale." By Josephine Besson. pref. de Bene Goscinny. France. 221 p. Editions Albin Michel; 30Mar77; AFO-88175.


Schizo. By Paul Andreota. Prance. 252 p. Paul Andreota £ Librairie des Champs-Elysees; 30Apr77; AFO-88176.


Les Exploits d * uo jeune Don Juan. De Guillaune Apollinaire, pref. de Michael Decaudin. France. 163 p. NH: pref. Societe Nouvelle des Editions J. -J. Pauvert; 30Apt77; AFO-88177.


Les Fruits de la passion. By Jacques Perry. France. 221 p. O Editions Albin Michel; 30Mar77; AFO-88178.

AFO-88 179.

Herbs for healthy hair. By Ceres, pseud, of ceres Esplan, drawings by Alison Boss. England. 62 p. O Ceres Esplan; 19May77; AFO-8al79.

AFO-88 180.

Lecithin: the fat fighter. By Paul Simons. England. 96 p. O Paul Siaoos; 19May77; AFO-SaiHO.

AFo-aaia i.

Hhite pages index. 1976. Canada. Sheets. Appl. au: Peter B. Hebert. O Comdex Associates. Ltd.; 5Apr77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-88181.

AF0-a8 182.

Largo Uinch et Groupe U. By Jean Van Hamme. France. 312 p. O Hercuce de France; llaar77; AFO-88182.

AFO- 68183.

Les Voyageurs du grand univers. By Philippe Heduy. France. 216 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts, some of which have been prev. pub. Editions Albin Michel; 14Apr77: APO-88183.

AFO-88 184.

Histoire secrete de la Bretagne. By Jean Markale. France. 249 p. NM: new text E compilation of texts, some of which have been prev. pub. Editions Albin Michel; 14Apr77; AFO-88184.


L'Enfant dans le grenier. By Julien Bigras. France. 216 p. Librairie Hachette; 28Feb77; AFO-88185

AFO-88 186.

L* Affaire des poisons: alchimistes et sorciers sous Louis 14. By Jean-Christian Petitfils. France. 251 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts, some of which have been prev. pub. O Editions Albin Michel; 144pr77; AFO-8ai86.

Af 0-88187.

Sentiers et raudonnees des Pyrenees. By Joseph Bibas. cartes executees par Michel Pluvinage. Fraoce. 281 p. Add. ti: Sentiers des Pyrenees. Librairie Artheme Fayacd; 20Apr77; AFO-88187.


Le Defi. By Gabriel Matzneff. France. 207 p. NM: revisions £ additions. O Editions de la Table Sonde; 4Mar77; AFO- 88188.


Art et societe. By Boger Bastide. pref. de Jean Duvignaud. France. 211 p. NM: new text E compilation of texts, some of which have been prev, pub. O Pa yot; 20Apr77; AFO-88189.


La Jalousie. By Madeleine Chapsal. France. 18 1 p. O Libcairie Artheme Fayard; 30Apr77; AFO-88190.


Le Gabin. By Georges Drouillat. pref. de Joseph Kessel. France. 186 p. O Editions Gallimard; 30Mar77; AFO-88191.


Le Bonheur d'etre belle. By Jean Bargheon. France. 268 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts, some of which have been prev. pub. C Editions Albin Michel; 14Apr77; AFO-88192.

AFO- 88 193.

Entre la mort et la faaille: la creche. By Jacgues Hassoun, postface d'Xlios lannakaXis. 2. ed. , revue £ corrigee. France. 165 p. Payot; 20Apr77; AF0-a8193.

AF0-8B19 4.

La France allemande (1933-1945): paroles du collaborationnjsme francais. Presente par Pascal Ocy. France. 276 p. NM: presentation (text) by Pascal ury. O Editions Gallimald/JulllarJ; 30Mdi 77; AFO-88194.


Le Guide <iu luutard: Europe. By Philippe Gloaguen £ Michel Duval. 4. ed. France. 285 p. C Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-aB195.

AFO- 88196.

Slimming naturally with the high protein diet. By Alan Hoyle. England. 95 y. Alan Moyle; 21Apr77; AfO-aal96.


Le Medecin du Montaguay. De Frederick E. Smith, traduit de I'anglais par Michel Chaume. France. 283 p. Prev. pub. as The Tormented. NM: translation. C Editions de Trevise; 30Apr77; AFO-88197.

AFO-88 198.

Mastectomy: a patient's guide to coping with breast surgery. By Nancy Bobinsou £ Ian Swash, with a foreword by Katie Boyle, afterword by Gilbert U. Collier. England. 128 p. O Ian Swash £ Nancy Bobinson; 17Mar77; AFO-88198.


Free for all: weeds and wild plants as a source of food. By Ceres, pseud- of Ceres Esplan, drawings by Alison Boss. England. 128 p. O Ceces Esplan; 21Apr77: AFO-88199.


Le Sucre. By Georges Conchon. France. 200 p. O Editions Albin Michel; 14Apr77: AFO-Ba2 00.


La Mystification. By Casamayor, pseud. of Serge Fuster. France. 206 p. Editions Gallimard; 15Apr77;



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