Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/151

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A819470 — A819512
JAN.-JUN. 1977


UewtoQian notes: designiaq and buildlDg a hiqh pecforoance telescope fcon coamerciai coopooents. By Peter Francis, pseud, ot Kenneth Novak. 52 p. Kenneth Novak; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A819178.


He and av faaily. 92 p. d Teaching iudials and Visuals, Inc. ; 15Dec76; t8191|79.


Mi fafflilia y yo. 92 p. © Teaching Audials and Visuals, Inc.; 1SDec76;



Diagnosis and oedical nanageneot of epilepsy. 18 p. C Ayerst Laboratories, division of Aierican Hoie Products corporation; 1ilOct76; A819481.


Basic divorce preparations: a vital inf orna tional guide. 10 p. Appl. au: Marilyn Ann Ellsnorth. S Marilyn Ann Ellsxorth; 3Jan77; A819482.


a Call to believers in the Lord Jesus. By John Nye. 45 p. John Nye; 8Jan77; A819483.


Strong contenders, 1977 beach towels. 14 p. C Barth and Dreyfuss of California; 13Jan77: A819484.


Children's television and the arts; the Fifth National Synposiua on Children and Television. Edited by Maureen Harinonay. 121 p. Held on Nov. 2-4, 1975 in Atlanta, Georgia. Appl. au: Action for Children's Television (ACT) 6 Action for Children's Television, Inc.; 1Nov76; A819485.

A819486 I 1ike me! A program packet about God-concept and self-concept for Voyagers & Cavaliers. Grade 2-4. Bible explorations by Barbara Bice Boltz, activities by Barbara Rice Boltz & Stephen Sorenson, edited by Kristine Miller Flint, art by Ethel Field, photography by Judith Bryson. 94 p. in folder. Appl. au: Pioneer Girls, Inc. Pioneer Girls, Inc. 12Jan77; A819486.


Estimating laboratory guide. By D. Perry Achor. 75 p. C Purdue Besearch Foundation; 31Aug76; A819487.


MGMA membership compensation and fringe benefit report, Decemoer 1976- Prepared by .ledical Group Management Association. 42 p. O Medical Group Management Association; 1Nov76; A819488.


Texas education code annotated. Suppl. no. 6, Dec. 15. 1976. Edited by J. C. Uiusley. 1 v. C J. C. Hinsley; 22Dec76: A819489.


A Taste of Portland; recipes from 25 leading Portland restaurants. Callig- raphy: Marqo Ann Jacobseo, drawings: Tina Maria HcLauchlan. 51 p. C Marqo Ann Jacofisen & Tina McLauchlan; 10Dec76; Aei949D.


Measuring devices: a unit in the Carpentry 1 training nodule. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department, Brown and Boot, Inc., technical content by Bob Bulling ton. 1 v.


Tools and equipment: a unit in the Carpentry 1 training module. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department, Brown and Boot, Inc., technical content by Bob Bullington. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. C Brown and Boot, Inc.; 22Nov76: A819492.


Safety: a unit in the Carpentry 1 training module. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department, Brown and Boot, Inc. , technical content by Bob Bullington. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. C Brown and Boot, Inc.; 22NOV76; A819493.


Math review: a unit in the Carpentry 1 training module. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department, Brown and Boot, Inc., technical content by Bob Bullington. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. Q Brown and Boot, Inc.; 22NOV76; A819494.


Lumber and materials: a unit in the Carpentry 1 training module. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department, Brown and Boot, Inc., tecanical content by Bob Bullington. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. 6 Brown and Boot, Inc.; 22Hov76; A819495.


Concrete forms: a unit in the Carpentry 1 training module. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department, Brown and Boot. Inc., technical content by Bob Bullington. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. O Brown and Boot, Inc. ; 22NOV76; A819496.


Pipe erection; a unit in the Pipefittinq 2 traininq module. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department, Brown and Boot, Inc., technical content by Blackie Manchaca. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. Brown and Boot, Inc.; 220ct76; A819497.


Mathematics: a unit in the Pipefittinq 2 training modole. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department. Brown and Boot, Inc., technical content by Blackie Manchaca. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. e Brown and Boot, Inc. ; 220ct76; 1819498.


Isometric drawings: a unit in the Pipefitting 2 training module. Prepared by Personnel Traininq and Development Department, Brown and Boot, Inc., technical content by Blackie Manchaca. 1 V. Appl. an: Brown and Boot, Inc. e Brown and Boot, Inc.; 220ct76; Aei9499.


Blueprint reading: a unit in the Carpentry 1 training module. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department, Brown and Boot, Inc., technical content by Bob Bullington. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. Q Brown and Boot, Inc.; 22Nov76; A819500.


Pipe fabrication: a unit in the Pipefittinq 2 training module. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department, Brown and Boot, Inc., technical content by Blackie Manchaca. 1 V. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. and Boot, Inc.


Instructor guide: Pipefittinq 2 training module. Prepared by Personnel Training and Development Department, Brown and Boot. Inc.. technical content by Blackie Manchaca. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. d Brown and Boot. Inc.; 220ct76; A8195Q2.


Instructor guide: Carpentry 1 training module. Prepared by Personnel Traininq and Development Department, Brown and Boot. Inc., technical content by Bob Bullington. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown and Boot, Inc. Brown and Boot, Inc.; 22NOV76; A819503.


Table of Federal tax on transfers during life and/or at death (applicable to transfers made after December 31, 1976); and table of maximum credit allowable against O.S. estate tax for death taxes paid to Oregon and/or other states and table of Oregon estate tax on transfers at death. 1 v. Add. ti: Table of Federal and Oregon estate taxes on the transfer of property at death and table of Federal and Oregon gift taxes; Tax tables: Federal and state estate taxes on the transfer of property at death in Oregon, Federal and state gift taxes in Oregon revised to reflect the Tax reform act of 1976. NM: textual revisions. United States National Bank of Oregon; 3Jan77; A819504.


Counselor's foci checklist. 1 v. Appl. au: Bruce Thompson 6 Bonald G. Fran- kiewicz. Bruce Thompson & Bonald G. Frankiewicz; lJan77; A81950 5.


Appearance and reality. By Milton Mayeroff. 38 p. NM: revisions 6 additions. O Milton Mayeroff; 18Jan77: A819506.


Cash dispenser/automated teller losses attributed to customer/internal fraud and other causes; special summary of results for participants. 1 v. Appl. au: Linda Fenner Zimmer. G Linda Fenner Zimner; 7JaD77; A819507.


Animal health supplies, 77. 79 p. Add. ti: OVC animal health supplies. Omaha Vaccine Company, Inc.; 1Jan77; A819508.


Animal health supplies, 76. 79 p. Add. ti: OVC animal health supplies. O Omaha Vaccine Company, Inc.; lDec76; A819509.


Animal health supplies, 77. 79 p. Add. ti: OVC animal health supplies. e Omaha Vaccine company. Inc.; 10Jan77; A819510.


From cells to multicellular organisms, second edition; study and laboratory guide for general biology. Pt. 2. By Eaymond U. Beck, Mary Ann Dickey e Larry H. Jones. 120 p. NM: additions 6 revisions, e Burgess Publishing Company; 10Jan77; A819511.


Puntos criticos: una coleccion de biografias cortas. By Kenneth Kieszak, editores C traductores; Haydee Surillo 6 Bernice Forman. 201 p. 14 selections prev. pub. in Turning point. NM: translation t> additions. O Globe Book

Company, Inc.; 7Jan77; A819512.


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