Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1525

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BB53126 — BB53168
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Questions and ansners. (In The Obiectivist calendat, iuq. 1976, p. 2) Appl. au: Ayn Band. iyn Band; 16iug76; BB53126.


Questions and answecs. (In The Obiectivist calendar, Sept. 1976, p. 2-3) &ppl. au: Ayn Band. Ayn Band; 26Sep76; BB53127.


CcDBent on the Presidential election. By Ayn Band. (In The Objectivist calendar. Oct. 1976, p. 2) O Ayn Band; 260ct76: BB53128.


Questions and ans»ers. (In The Objectiyist calendar, Dec. 1976. p. 2) Appl. au: Ayn Band. Ayn Band; 16Dec76; BB53129.


A Hall of separation. By Hillard fox. (fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune, BOKlinq Green. OB, Jan. 6, 1977, p. 51 O Hillacd Fox; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976); BB53130.


Hope. (In The Felloaship of the Ci 1977, p. 3-6) 7Jan77; BB53131.


Lesser-known indexes noted as aids £or qenealoqists. By Noma Olin Ireland. (In Tri-state trader, Kniqhtstown, IB, Hov. 13, 1976, p. 45) Noma Olrn Ireland (nrs. David E.); 13llav76; BBS31J2.


Sooe ceaetery, church records conpiled but not printed. By llor«a olin Ireland. (Ill Tri-state trader. Kn iqh tstoao. IN, Nov. 6, 1976. p. 45-46) C Nona Olin Ireland (Mrs. David E.); 6Nov76; BB53133.


Nursinq survey reveals education qap in abuse/neqlect. By Haureen A. HcCabe. (In P. S.B.I, report, Oct. 1976, p. 1) Protective Services Besource Institute; 140ct76; BB53134.


This is "security"? By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Dec. 16. 1976, p. 4) Shirley Baiter (Urs. frank B.); 16Dec76: BB53135.


A Bose by any other name. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Dec. 23, 1976, p. 4) e Shirley Halter (Urs. Frank B.) ; 23Dec76; BB53136.


football never meant for den. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. S, 1977, p. 4) O Shirley Halter (Hrs. frank B. ) ; 5Jan77; BB53137.


loth recalls niqhtmare o£ his iitp- risonnent in Yugoslavian jail. By Daniel Thomas. (In Triangle review, fort Collins, CO, Dec. 29, 1976, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Triangle Bevieu. 6 Triangle Beview; 29Dec76; BB53138.


International Socialist review. Editor: Caroline Lund 6 other editors. (In The Militant, New York, Jan. 14, 1977, p. 11-22) Appl. au: Militant Publishinq Association. Militant Publishinq Association; 6Jan77; BB53139.


The Squadron. By Patricia T. Graves. (Bare bird series) (In B/c sportsman, Jan. 1977, p. 18-19) Patricia T. Groves; 19Dec76; BB53140.


The Farmer revolt in Idaho, 1S14-1922. By Hugh T. Lovin. (In Idaho yesterdays, fall 1976, p. 2-15) e Hugh T. Lovin; 23Dec76; BB53141.


Sunday punch, January 9, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Jan. 9, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishinq company. Q Chronicle Publishinq Company; 7Jan77; BB53142.


This world, January 9, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Jan. 9, 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishinq Company. 3 Chronicle Publishing Company; 7Jan77; BB53143.


This world, January 2, 1977. Edited by the San francisco chronicle. (In San francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Jan. 2, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishinq Company. Ciironicle Publishing Company; 31Dec76; BB53144.


Date book. Ueek of Jan. 9-15, 1977. Edited by the San francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Jan. 9, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 7Jan77; BB53145.

BB53 146.

Date book. keek of Jan. 2-8, 1977. Edited by the San francisco chronicle. (In San francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Jan. 2. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishinq company. ti Chronicle Publishinq Company; 31Dec76; BB5314&.


Mothering puts men in charqe. By Dorothy Dinnerstein. (lo The tashington (DC) star, Oct. 24, 1976, section F, p. 1, etc.) Dorothy Dinnerstein; 240ct76; BB53147.


The Woman who talked to her teakettle. By Stella Terrill Hann. (In Unity, Feb. 1977, p. 17-22) O Stella leriill Mann; 10Jan77; BB53148.


Congressional reference cases m the Dnited States Court of Claims: a historical and current perspective. By Jeffrey M. Glosser. (In The American University law review, spring 1976, p- 595-630) Jeffrey M. Glosser; 22Nov76; BB53149.


Beached. (In University bulletin, California State University. Long Beach. Dec. 7, 1976, p. 3) California State University, Lonq Beach (Publications Department); 7Dec76; BB53150.


High side. (In Custom bike. Feb. 1977, p. 66) Appl. au: Jay Genow. C Jay Genow; llJan77; BB53151.


Anse on Island Creek. By Paul Curry Steele. (In The West Wirqinia hillbilly, Bichwood, June 19, 1976, p. 8-9) C Paul Curry Steele; 19Jun76; BB53152.


Stan Smithes Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Dec. 9, 1976, p. 59) e Stanley E. Smith; 9Dec76; BE53153.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The New Jersey herald, Newton, Dec. 7, 1976, p. 14) e Stanley S. Smith; 7Dec76; BB53 154.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Boston herald American, Dec. 12, 1976, section 3, p. 44) c Stanley E. Smith; 12Dec76; BB53155. .


Stan Smith's Tennis tips. (In Detroit free press, Dec. 14, 1976, p. 5-D) O Stanley a. smith; 14Dec76; BB53156.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Dec. 16, 1976, p. 56) Stanley B. Smith; 16Dec76; BB53157.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Tlie Boston herald American, Dec. 19, 1976, section 3, p. 4 1) e Stanley B. Smith; 19Dec76; BB53158.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 21, 1976, p. 45) O Stanley B. Smith; 21Dec76; BB53159.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Readinq (PA) eagle, Dec. 23. 1976, p. 23) O Stanley R. Smith; 23Dec76; BB'jJlbO.


Stan Smith's Tenuis class. (Iti The Boston herald American, Dec. 2b, 1976, section 3, p. 41) U Stanley B. Smith; 26Dec76; BB531bl.


Countiy-style home; a house that demands a half acre site. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build and improve) (In The Bridqeport (CT) Sunday post, Dec. 5, 1976, p. 2-H) O John 0. Bloodgood; 5Dec76; BB53162.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 28, 1976, p. 42) e Stanley B. Smith; 28Dec76: BB53163.


Country-style home; a house that demands a half acre site. By John D. Bloodgood. (In The Boston herald American, Nov. 21, 1976, p. A38) O John D. Bloodgood; 21NOV76; BB53164.


Play better golt-with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Miami herald, Dec. 27, 1976, p. 9-F) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus i Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 27Dec76; BB53165.


Play better qolf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 24, 1976, p. 40) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 24Dec76; BB53166.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (Id The Miami herald, Dec. 22, 1976, section AA, p. 8) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. C Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 22Dec76; BB53167.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus.

(In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 20, 1976,


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