Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/153

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A819556 — A819597
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Lower aichland planters; UopklDS, &daos, UestOD and related fanilies o£ South Carolina. By Lajra Jervey Hopkins. 530 p. 9 Laura Jervey Hopkins; lDec76: A819556.


Idiia Doe leqion. By Gregory Klioov. 526 p. Russian; title ronanized on appi. a Gregory Kliaov; 21No»76 (in notice: 1975) ; A819557.


A Human approach to employment intervieuinq. By Bobert M. Hecht. 56 p. O Lee-Hecht and Associates; 20Oct76; A819553.


Vega service-repair handbook, 1971-1976 models. By Jim Combs, editor: Je££ Bobinson. 3rd ed. 234 p. Appl. au: Ciymer Publications a.a.d.o. Aadleer, Inc. e Ciymer Publications a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc.; J0Dec76; A819559.


SuzuXi service-repair handbook 125-500cc t»ins, 1961-1976. By Bay Hoy, editor: Jeff Bobinson. 3rd ed. 1«9 p. Appl. au: Ciymer Publications a.a.d.o, &ndleec« Inc. S Ciymer Publications a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc.; 7Jan77: A819560.


Yamaha service- re pair handbook 250-500cc enduro and aotocross. 1968-1976. ISI p. NN: editorial revision £ redravn artuork. e Ciymer Publications a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc.; ltJan77; A819561.


Sand tracks; an anthology of poetry by Columbia Basin poets. Edited by June Baker £ Bita Kazur, photography: Florence Sharp. 76 p. 6 Kid-Columbia Britets; 20Dec76; A819562.


Clinical simulations in the management of infant feeding problems. No. 3. Guest editor: Uilliam E. Laupus, editor: Victor C. Vauqhan, 3rd. 1 v. « Hedical Age Publishing Company, division of Wilcom, Ltd.; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A819563.


The Atlantis catalog. Creation: Hark flordecai £ Buffi Bobbins, calligraphy: Karen Lyuqe, illus.: Carol ynne Gaye Gardner, photography; Thomas Hurphy. 15 p. Appl. au: Atlantis Weathergear, Inc. NM: additional 6 revised text £ pictorial matter. 6 Atlantis Beathergear, Inc.; 15Sep76; A819561.


aanaqement advisory services by CPAs; a study of required knowledge. By Edward L. Summers £ Kenneth E. Knight, with a foreword by U. George treutin. 179 p. Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. a American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 30Dec75: A819565.


Teaching and catechesis: an invitatiqo to grow in faith. By Albert Gray Thompson £ Sichard A. Hevissen. 107 p. fiedemptorist Fathers of Wisconsin, Inc. ; 13Jan77; i819566.


Fashions in paper by Honoqraa of California, 1977-1978. 16 p. Add. ti: Monogram of California 1977-1978 fashions in paper. Appl. au: Stephen h. Barker £ Eosalie L. Barker, a Sonogram of California; 6Jan77; A819567.


The Efficient frontiers; inquiry, Jan. 17, 1977. Sheets (28 p.) Lincoln First Bank of Rochester; 18Jan77; Aei956S.


Identification of the printing processes. 3rd ed. 17 p. 6 The Bead Corporation; 17nay7o; Aai9569.


Cardinal arts and crafts 1977 buyers guide. 219 p. Add. ti: Cardinal 1977 buyers guide. 9 Cardinal Arts and Crafts Company (in notice: Cardinal Arts and Crafts, division of Cardinal Supply Company, Inc.); 20Jan77; A819570.


Bockville Centre, Lakeview, Oceanside, Ny, yellow book community telephone directory, 1977. Ibth ed. e Yellow Book corporation; 11Jan77 (m notice: 1976); A819571.


Theological field education. By George Irvin Hunter, Jr., chapter headings designed £ rendered by Jan Bruster. 215 p. C George I. Hunter £ The Boston Theological Institute; 15Jan77; A819572.


How to make a citizen's arrest in California. By Charles N. Guthrie. 98 p. C Charles N. Gutnrie; 3Jan77; A819573.


A Human service network and caseload fiscal policy. By Philip S. Salisbury. Sheets. e Philip S. Salisbury; 16Dec76; A819571.


Canaan Parish and the American aevolution. By Lois B. Bayles. 120 p. e Lois a. Bayles £ The New Canaan Historical Society: 2eDec76; A819575.


Backpacking Death Valley; a hiker's guide. By Charles V. Gebhardt, maps; Haxine Gebhardt, photos: Tom Willis, Anson Beman £ Charles W. Gebhardt. 131 p. e Chuck Gebhardt; lNov75; A819576.


I'm going to the dentist. N«: revisions. © American Dental Association; 13Jaa77 (in notice: 1976); A819577.


Parents and home sex education. By Gordon J. Lester. 10 p. Prev. pub. io the Inland register, Spokane, WA . NB: revisions. e Gordon J. Lester; 17Jan77; A819578.


How to stop drinking alcoholic beverages. 11 p. Appl. au: Louis C. Denny. O Louis C. Denny: 19Jan77;



Cow-belles ring school bells; a history of rural schools in Albany County, Wyoming. By the Albany County Cov-beiles. 350 p. © Albany County Cow-belles Club; 1NOV76: A819580.


Playing the conga drum; a basic introduction. 2 folders. e Gon Bops of California, Inc.; 150ec76; A819581.


Interlibrary Users Association journal holdings in the Washington-Baltimore area, 1977. Editor: Nannette BcCarthy Pope. 2nd ed., rev. 1 v. S Interlibrary Users Association £ Sigma Data Computing Corporation; 9Jan77 ; 4819582.


Public housing advocacy manual: a guide to law and practice. By David B. Kirstein, issued by Boston College Law School, Public Housing Legal Assistant Project. 381 p. O nassachusetts Union of Public Housing Tenants; 22Jul76; A819583.


Doubt — the enemy of faith. By Kennith E. Stewart. 32 p. 6 Ken Stewart Binistries, Inc.; 16Nov76; A819581.


Between you amd me. Poetry by Janice Gugliuzza. 1 v. e Janice Gugliuzza; llJan77; A819585.


The Geometric jet guide book. 8 p. Appl. au: Stephen Michael Kemper. ©Stephen B. Kemper; lUan77; A819586.


Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective. By Paul C. Rosenblatt, B. Patricia Walsh £ Douglas A. Jackson. 231 p. e Human Relations Area files. Inc.; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A819587.


Insular Southeast Asia: ethnographic studies. Section 3: Borneo and Baluccas. Compiler: Frank H. LeBar. 115 p. O Human Relations Area Files, Inc.; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A819588.


Sincerely, Peg. Written, designed £ illustrated by Peggy Rey Dobler. 107 p. e Peggy Bey Dobler; 27Jul76; A819589.


Federal aviation regulations for pilots. By the aeronautical staff of Aero Publishers, Inc. 1977 ed. 96 p. Appl. au; Ernest J. Gentle. Portions prev. pub. by Government Printing Office. Aero Publishers, Inc.; 3Jan77; A819590.


Ohio manufacturers industrial directory, 1977. 806 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Harris. e Harris Publishing Company; 15Nov76 (in notice: 1977) ; A819591.


Laboratory manual for Physics 220. 1 v. © Department of Physics, Texas A and B University; 5Jan77: A819592.


Printed instructions for learning physics in a laboratory; Physics 101, 102 and 103. By G. L. Buc. 2nd ed. 211 p. e G. L. Buc; 7Jan77; A819593.


Multiple spindle modular training program; instructor's manual £ trainee's manual with tests. 2 v. C National Screw Machine Products Association; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A8 19591.


The Catchment area and its target populations; a needs assessment synthesis; research reports. By David Balk. 66 p. O Phoenix South Community Bental Health Center; 23Dec76; A819595.


Child life in South Phoenix: census tract 1167; research reports. By David Balk £ Josephine A. Bates. 229 p. <5 Phoenix South Community Mental Health Center; 5Nov76; A819596.


Nature's Medicine chest. Set no. 5.

Photos.: H. W. Eickett £ Jeff Kennedy.


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