Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1548

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BB54035 — BB55075
JAN.-JUN. 1977


illeqed Oswald letter checked for its authenticity by FBI aqeots. B? Earl Golz. (la The Dallas moraiaq Qeas, Feb. 6, 1977, p. SA) Appl. au: The Dallas Mocoing News. e The Dallas Horninq Kens; 6Feb77; BB54035.


The Souad of the hounds. (In The Biq Sandy news, Loiisa, KY, Apr. 6, 1977, p. 3) ippl. au: Francis J. Burqess. © Francis E. Burqess; 6»pr77; BB54036.


BSSU chancellor's post narrowed to 2 candidates. By Mark Baqenveld. (In Winston-Salea (HC) journal, Apr. 13, 1977, p. 1-2) e Binston-Saleo Journal; 13Apr77; BB54037.


Car traffic noise turns 'em off. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Apr. 15. 1977, p. 1-2) e saint Paul Dispatch: 15Apr77: BB54038.


Personal slants. From James Holt ncGavran. (ID Ideas for better living, Apr. 197 7, p. 151 e Jaaes Holt ncGavran: 1Apr77; BB54039.


This world, April 10, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Apr. 10, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. & Chronicle Publishinq Company; 8Apr77; BB54010.


Date book. Heek o£ Apr. 10-16, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examinee and chronicle, Apr. 10. 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishinq Company. O Chronicle Publishinq Company: 8Apr77; BB54011.


The windward Islands. By Alfred Andersch, translated from the Gorman by Balph Nanheim. (In Fiction, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 30-32) Appl. au: Doubleday and Company. Inc.. employer foe hire of Etalph nanheim. NH: translation. C Doubleday and Company. Inc.; 11Apc77; 8B54012.


City students in 3 qrades score 'below averaqe. ' 'By Art Kaul. (Grading our schools) (In Messenqer- inquirer, Owensboro. KY. Har. 29. 1977, p. 18) Appl. au: Owensboro Publishinq Company, d Owensboro Publishinq Company d. b.a. Messenqer-Inq uirer (in notice: Owensboro Publishing Company) ; 29(lar77; BB54013.


Variation deviation; the continuing series of "where are we?" By Frank Slattery. (In The Bounty boating news. Apr. 1977. p. 6-9) C The Navigation Coach; 2Apr77: BB54011.


Philadelphia row house: is it peculiarly American, or even uniquely Philadelphian? By T. Kaori Kitao. (In Swarthmore Colleqe bulletin, Apr. 1977. p. 6-11) S T. Kaori Kitao: 15Apr77; BB54015.


In 1881 we were here, when starvinq Sicilians immiqrantd ended a nightmare voyage. By John Qilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans, Apr. 12. 1977, p. A-9) Appl. au: The Times-Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Bilds. e The States-Item; 12Apr77; BB54016.


Not from the side of the angels. By Donald Meiklejohn. (The challenge of virtue) (In The Daily oranqe, Syracuse. NY, Mar. 30, 1977, p . 3) 6 The Daily Orange corporation; 30Mar77; BB54017.


Students, ethics and the "outside" world. By Catherine Covert. (The Challenge of virtue) (In The Daily orange, Syracuse, BY, Mar. 28, 1977, p. 3) 6 The Daily Orange Corporation; 28Mar77; BB54018.


A Challenge to study ourselves. By John U. McCombe & Barrel J. Fasching. (The Challenge of virtue) (In The Daily orange, Syracuse, NY, Mar. 23, 1977, p. 2) O The Daily Orange Corporation; 23Mar77: BB54019.


To educate is to induce conversation. By Manfred Stanley. (The Challenge of virtue) (In The Daily oranqe, Syracuse, NY, Mar. 21. 1977. p. 3) S The Daily Orange Corporation; 21Mar77; BB54050.


The Doubtful condition of teaching virtue. By Stewart Thau. (The Challenge of virtue) (In The Daily orange. Syracuse, NY, Bar. 25, 1977, p. 3) e The iJaily Orange Corporation; 25Mar77; BB54051.


A Contribution to moral consciousness. By Michael Novak. (The Challenge of virtue) (In The Daily orange, Syracuse, NY, Mar. 29, 1977, p. 2) 6 The Daily Orange corporation; 29Mar77; B854052.


Densitometers. By Harold Dorfman. (Shop talk) (In Microfilm techniques, Har. /Apr. 1977, p. 13, etc.) C Harold Dorfman; 20Apr77;. BB54053.


Testing violates privacy. By Hillard Fox. (FOX tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Apr. 21, 1977, p. 11) e Hillard Fox; 21Apr77; BB54051.


Intonation and truss rods. 8y John S<:ott. (John Carruthers' Guitar workshop) (In Guitar player, April 1977, p. 12, etc.) Appl. au: John Carruthers. 6 John carruthers; 15Mar77; BB54055.


In 1891 we were here, when a 11-day drouth left the cisterns dry as dust. By John Uilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans, Apt. 19, 1977, p. D-20) Appl. au: The Times- Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Bilds. e The States- Item; 19Apr77; BB54056.


Surgeon says he thinks Connally was not struck by Kennedy bullet. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas morning news. Apr. 21. 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au: The Dallas Morning News, e The Dallas Morning News; 21Apc77; BB54057.


The Osprey. By Caroline Beckett. (In The Capital times, Madison, BI , Apr. 18, 1977, p. 21) O Caroline Beckett; 18Apr77; BB54058.


Your car and you. (In 8uy-lines press, Baldwin, NY. Apr. 20, 1977, p. 5) e B-L Press, Inc.; 11&pr77; BB54059.


Black magnetism; doinq battle with the evils of electricity. By John Jerome. (In Car and driver. Jan. 1977. p. 80-81) e John Jerome; 3Dcc76 (in notice: 1977); BB54060.


Tracinq 200 years of Olney's history; 200 years in Olney. By E. Guy Jewell. (In The County coQrier, Damascus, MD, Oct. 20, 1976) e The County Courier; 200ct76; 8BS1061.


Arthur; or. The Boy who didn't like ice cream (a modern fable) (In The Sandpaper letter, Feb. 1977) Appl. au: Marianne T. Miller. Marianne I. Miller; 15Mar77; BB54063.


Patient call system. (In Civil Air Patrol Fairfax flyer, Feb. 1977} Appl. au: Billiam Michael Zimnerman/aichael Zimmerman. @ Michael Zimaerman; 2Feb77i BB54061.


The Story of Damascus retold. By E. Guy Jewell. (In The County courier, Damascus. MD, July 21. 197t. p. B2-B15) NM; editorial revision & updating. Q The County Courier; 21Jul76; BB54065.


The Telephone comes to Long Beach, California. By Mary Louise Lynott. (In Los Fierros de Bancho Los Cerritos, June 1976, p. 1-12) KM: additions £ com- pilation. 6 Mary Louise Lynott; 30Juii76: BB54066.


The Apocalypse of Beckett's Endgame. By Thomas D. Eisele. (In Cross currents, spring 1976, p. 11-32) 6 Thomas D. Eisele; 150ct76; BB54067.


Charge Jordan extorts loyalty. By Michael Crowley. (In The Thursday dispatch. Onion City. NJ, Feb. 17, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Hudson Dispatch. f) Hudson Dispatch (The Dispatch) (in notice: The Dispatch); 17Feb77; BB54068.


The Gay rabbi. By Alan Ebert. (In Christopher Street, Har. 1977, p. 25-31) e Alan Ebert; 1Mar77; BB54069.


Have countians solved the world's energy crisis? By B. Bobert Ballis. (In The Aegis, Bel Air, MD, Apr. 7, 1977, p. A-1) e B. Bobert Ballis; 7Apr77; BB54070.


You gotta wanna. By Frederick Marvin Hannah, Sr. (In The Milwaukee community journal, Apr. 20-27, 1977, p. 20) t. Marvin Hannah, Sr. ; 20Apr77; BB51071.


Behr aide — does he earn salary? By Daniel J. Foley fi Jeffrey Kummer. (In The Quad-City times. Davenport-Bettendorf , lA, Apr. 19. 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: The Quad-City Times, employer for hire. O The Quad-City Times; 19Apr77; BB54073.


Green aoom closed, sheriff imposes news ban. By Andy Dauzo. (In The Tuesday dispatch. Onion City, NJ, Apr. 26, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Hudson Dispatch. The Dispatch, whose full corporate name is The Hudson Dispatch; 26Apr77; BB54071.


The Charleston single house: an

architectural survey. By Gene Haddell.


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