Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1554

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BB54270 — BB54307
JAN.-JUN. 1977


SBI set to investigate ticket-fixing chacqes. By Dennis Patterson. (The Traffic ticket case, 3) (In The Fayetteville (BC) times. May 11, 1977, p. 14, etc.) e The Fayetteyille limes; 11!lay77; BB54270.


Statewide reform urged to curb ticket fixing. By Seth Effron & Steve Thomas. (The Traffic ticket case) (In The Fayetteville (NC) times. Day 12, 1977, p. 1A. etc.) e The Fayetteville Times; 12Kay77: BB54271.


Of imperfect love. (In The Voyeur, Apr. 1977, p. 11) Appl. au: Lane Phillips Vosbury. Lane Vosburv: 22Apr77; BB541272.


fieports kept secret, NBC told. By Tim Jarrell. (In The Daily dispatch, Moline, It, Bay 18, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Holine Dispatch Publishing company. Q Holine Dispatch Publishing Company: 16{lay77; 8851273.


Nuke plant security tightened. By Tim Jarrell. (In The Daily dispatch, Holine, IL, Hay 18, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Holine Dispatch Publishing Company. O Holine Dispatch Publishing Company; 18Hay77; BB54274.


Citibus drivers begin union push. By Kenry Clifton Avery 3rd. (In Uest Texas times, nest Lubbock ed.. Hay. 13, 1977, p. 1, etc.) C Best Texas Times; 13Hay77: BB54275.


Ties to Hafia triggered ousters. By Theodore A. Driscoll- (In The Hartford courant. Hay 15, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Hartford Courant Company, employer for hire. O Hartford Courant a.a.d.o. Hartford Courant Company; 15Hay77; BB51|27e.

BB5lt2 77.

Fronton seeker has history of shedding mobster ties. By Theodore A. Driscoll. (In The Hartford courant. Hay 15, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Hartford Courant Company, employer for hire. Q Hartford Courant a.a.d.o. Hartford Courant Company; 15Hay77; BB5II277.


Are you ready for the next big temblor? By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthquake survival) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 22, 1976, p. 1, etc.) e Fil Drukey; 22Nov76: 8354278.


Simple steps can save lives. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 2) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica. CA, Nov. 23, 1976, p. 1, etc.) e Fil Drukey; 23Nov7&; BBS4279.


Hazards abound at home, Hork. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 3) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 24, 1976, p. 1, etc.) O Fil Drukey; 24Nov76; BB54280.


Ensuring Hater supply essential. By Fil Drukey (felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 4) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov, 25, 1976, p. 1, etc.) Fil Drukey; 25Nov76: BB54281.


Careful planning may avert panic, indecision, fiy Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 5) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 26, 1976, p. 1, etc.) O Fil Drukey; 26NOV76; 8854282.


Take cover immediately during guake: knowledge of safe places essential No. 6. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 27, 1976, p. 1, etc.) O Fil Drukey; 27HOV76; BB54283.


First rule in temblor: don't panic. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 7) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 29, 1976, p. 1, etc.) 6 Fil Drukey; 29Nov76; BBS42B4.


Stay at home during aftermath. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthquake survival, 8) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 30, 1976, p. 1, etc.) e Fil Drukey; 3aNov76; BB54285.


Ration water after big temblor. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 9) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Dec. 1, 1976, p. 1, etc.) e Fil Drukey; 1Dec76; BB54286.


Foreign policy summitry revived. By J. F. lerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 27, 1977. p. 10-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association, Inc- -Univcrsal Press Syndicate; 27Apr77; BB54287.


Carter puts his feet to fire on energy. By J. F. TerHorst (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 17, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 17Apr77; BBS4288.


Factory-installed CB's planned for •78 cars. By Hichael F. Hendland. (C8 break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 17, 1977, p. 7-F) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 3 The Evening Mews Association, Inc- -Dniversal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 17Apr77; 8854289.


It's time to heal the winter's ravages. By J. F. TerBorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 20, 1977, p. 6- B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association- -Universal Press Syndicate; 20Apr77; 8854290.


Energy plan shows system at work. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 22, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc. , employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate; 22Apr77; BBS4291.


Two faults cause most 'break-ups'. By Hichael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 24, 1977, p. 6-U) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6. The Evening News Association, Inc- -Oniversal. Press Syndicate, Inc.; 24Apr77; 8B54292.


Nixon has day in court over papers. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 24, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. an: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. Q The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 24Apr77; BB54293.


Ford seen in rerun for Oval Office. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 1, 1977, p. 6-8) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. C The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 1Apr77; BB54294.


CB static. By Hichael F. Hendland. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 3. 1977, p. 10-H) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 3Apr77; 8854295.


Dummies endanger life-saving work of channel 9. By Hichael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 3, 1977, p. 9-B) Appl. a.u: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer £or hire. The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate, Inc. ; 3Apr77; 8854296.


Carter staff cut vow held veneered. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 3, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 3Apr77; B854297.


Foreign trade: will the shoe pinch? By J. F. lerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 6, 1977, p. 6-8) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 6Apr77; 8854298.


Vance mission held not all in vain. By J. F. lerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 8, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. Q The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 8Apr77; BB54299.


CB thieves find locks are real easy pickin's. By Hichael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 10, 1977, p. 9-H) Appl. aur The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate, Inc. ; 10Apr77; BB54300.


Uorld is seen laughing — at the U.S. By J. F. lerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 13, 1977, p. 10-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. ; 13Apr77; BB54301.


New attitudes swirl around Congress. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news. Detroit, Apr. 10, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer toL hire. The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 10Apr77; BB54302.


Your car and you: tips to help you sell.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.