Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/157

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A819724 — A819763
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Touraament Bowlers Enterprises presents One-K fljatch qame. By Bob Harrison 6 Eobert T. idaas. t p. Add. ti: Tournaoeot Bowlers presents One~K natch game. fiobert T. Adaos a.k.a. Bob Adans; 29JU176; A819724.


Frank B. Hall and Conpany, Inc.; statistical study, No». 9, 1976. 4 p. O Conninq and Conpany; 9Nov7e; A81972S.


The American postcard guide to Tuck. By Sally S. Carver. 76 p. Add. ti: Tuck postcard quxde. Appl- states all new except pictorial matter, newly reproduced 6 compiled. C Sally S. Carver; 280ct76; A819726.


Canplan, including a health action plan for protection against cancer, heart disease and stroke. Illus.; Jonathan Hollander. 1 v. Appl. au: Preventive aedicine Institute, Strang Clinic, e Preventive Medicine Institute, Strang Clinic; lDec75: Aai9727.


The Health action plan for protection against cancer, heart disease and stroke, including a do-it-yourself personal health record. Illus.: Jonathan Hollander. 1 v. Appl. au; Preventive .ledicine Institute, Strang Clinic. Prev. pub. as Can-plan, 1975. NH: editorial revision. e Preventive nedicine Institute, Strang Clinic; lAug76; A819728.


Beport on suggested experimental data reporting system for antimicrobial and other pesticide products. By Doris Jean Jenkins. 16 p. C Doris Jean Jenkins; 13Dec76; AB19729.


18* real estate investment product presentation by Intrec Corporation exclusively structured for tax-exempt pension funds. 5 p. tS Intrec Corpo- ration; 30NOV76; A819730.


Succeeding in mathematics; mastery tests, spirit duplicating masters. Level 5. By Otto C. eassler, Joan S. Kolb, aary S. Craighead £ Hilliam L. Gray. 1 v. Steck-Vaughn Company; 11Jan77; A819731.


MSF products, October 1, 1976. catalog no. HD76-10. in p. Haior Hetalfab Company; 190ct76; A819732.


Food storage: how much of what? By Boy a. Dickens. 1 v. @ Soy E. Dickens; 13aav76: Aei9733.


spidell's California tax tables and formulas for 1976 tax returns. tO p. Appl. au: Eobert A. Spideil. e Bobert A. Spidell; 15NOV76; A81973'4.


History of the piano: its music and its composers. 3y Beatrice Searles. 170 p. e Beatrice Searles: 10Dec76; A619735.


Effective social services for older Americans. By Sheldon S. Tobin, Stephen a. Davidson 6 Ann Sack. 221 p. C The Institute of Gerontology, the University of aichiqan — Wayne State Dniversity; 23Auq76; A819736.


Humanistic perspectives on aging; an annotated bibliography C essay. Prinicipal editor: Baiter G. Boss. 76 p. na: editorial revision S additional text. a Halter G. Boss 6 The Institute of Gerontology, The University of Bichigan- -aayne state University; 20oct76; A8197J7.


Views of aging; a teachers* guide. By Barcia J. Cameron. 179 p. Appl. states all new except for papers included in appendix. C The Institute of Gerontology, The University of Michigan — Hayne State University; 16Aug76; A819738.


Knott's Berry farm cookbook. By Florine Sikking & Judith Zeidler, recipes by Brentwood Culinary Consultants, illus. by Betty Billups. 127 p. e Knott's Berry Farm; 9Jul76; A819739.


Business management' s guide and checklist for the successful company move; a Bas report guide. By Bernard Mark. 7 1 p. Business Banagement Sciences, Inc. ; 1SOV76; A819740.


Ye that dare oppose. From the nationally syndicated columns of Harold A. Hite. 1 V. (Destiny's diary: 200 years ago, vol. U, Jan. -Bar. 1776) KB: compilation, map, index & bibliography. 6 Harold A. Hita; 22Apr76; A819741.


God with a small g; a book of poems. Ucitten C illustrated by Bobert L. Douglas, Sr. 66 p. 3 Bobert L. Douglas* Sr. ; 12Dec76; A819742.


Counseling for liberation. By Charlotte Holt Clinebell. 88 p. NB: over 90% new material, a Fortress Press; 26Jul76; A819743.


The Early architecture of the Genesee Valley. Drawings £ sketches by Carl F. Schmidt, photos, by Eager B. Smith. 1 v. Appl. au: Genessee Valley Council on the Arts, Inc. C Genesee Valley Council on the Arts. Inc.; 27Sep75; A819744.


Art and history, 1976. 63 p. C Genesee Valley Council on the Arts, Inc.; lNov76; 4819745.


Psychotherapy: purpose, process and practice. 23 p. Appl. au: Helen Schucman. o Foundation for Inner Peace; 11Aug76; 4819746.


Three Billy Goats: a puppet play; readability level K- 1st grade. Adapted by Barbara uilliams. 10 p. Barbara Williams; 22Nov76; 4819747.


Bethlehem: a primer of local history; from the beginning to 1876, with addendum. 1 v. Appl. au: Edward B. Siller, e Old Bethlem Historical Society, Inc.; 7Aug76; A819748.


The House that Kate built. The Story of Kate the mate. Kit. O flar-Dav, Inc.; 20Sep76; A819749.


Staley christmases, when yesterday was young! Folder. Add. ti: Staley Manor. Appl. au: Hayne Everett Staley. O Wayne Everett Staley; 110ct76; A819750.


Perceptual dysfunction in the adult stroke patient; a manual for evaluation £ treatment. By Ellen Siev £ Brenda Freishat. 104 p. 6 Charles B. Slack, Inc.; 20Sep76; A819751.


Behavior modification parent groups: a training manual for professionals. By Lynn Uikler, Anne Savino £ Jean Kyle. 71 p. e Charles B. Slack, Inc.; 11Jun76; 4819752.


The Signs say Sherwood. By Ailene Duran. 88 p. 6 4ilene Duran; 3Dec76; 4819753.


From table to table; a book about using things found in our environment, things to grow, things to eat, 1976. By children, ages 9-11 in the Beading Laboratory at Claude 0. aarXoe School, virgin Islands Department of Education. 24 p. 4ppi. au; Barion K. Sogers £ Lorraine F. Joseph, e Marion K. Eogers £ Lorraine F. Joseph; 4Jun76; 4819754.


8013 CBI assembly operation and maintenance manual, June IS, 1976. Document no. 150-7004-001. 1 v. O Aydin Corporation, Aydin Controls Division; 27Dec76; Aai9755.


Firmware for model 5215 display generator (microcode listings), January 1977. Document no. 150-6040-007. 1 v. Aydin Corporation, Aydin Controls Division; 19Jan77; 4819756.


Schedules of development in audition, speech, language, communication for hearing-impaired infants and their parents. By 4gnes H. Ling. 15 p. The 41exander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, Inc.; 10Jan77; A819757.


Basic vocabulary and language thesaurus for hearing-impaired children. By Daniel Ling and Agnes H. Ling. 76 p. 6 The 41axander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, Inc.; 6Jan77; 4819758.


Philosophy in the making. By William Paul Kiley. 107 p. w. Paul Kiley; 10Jan77: A819759.


Today is. 4 calendar workbook by David H. Snyder £ Charles F. Householder. 44 p. Q David H. Snyder £ Charles F. House- holder; 18Jan77; A819760.


How anybody can buy a new car and save an average of $1400 — ($700 to $2100) Folder (6 p.) Appl. au: Bobert Snetts Edwards, Jr. Multiple Enterprises, Inc.; 17Jan77; 48 19761.


How anybody can buy a new car and save an average of $1400 ($700 to $2100); an anonymous Tattle Tale retired from the auto industry now offers never-before- revealed insider's secrets. 35 p. 4ppl. au: Bobert Smetts Edwards, Jr. Bultiple Enterprises, Inc.; 17Jan77; 4819762.


The Craft center, save money, make it

yourself. 1 p. Appl. au: Audrey B.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.