Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/159

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A819807 — A819849
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Pecry* Billings* Horrison* Bed Bock, OK, telephone directory, January 1977- Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 19Jan77; A819807.


El Dorado, Benton, Leon, Touanda, KS, telephone directory. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company: 7Jan77: A819808.


Bedford, OK, telephone directory, January 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: 12Jan77: iS19809.

A8 193 10.

Farley, SO, telephone directory, January 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: 3Jan77; &819810.


Atoka, OK, telephone directory, January 1977. e Southwestern Bell Telephone coapany: 5Jan77; A819811.


Anthony, Attica, Harper, KS, telephone directory, January 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: 6Jan77: A8t9ei2.


Bruceton, Hollow Bock including listings o£ Huntingdon, IN, telephone directory, October 1976. ippl. au: L. H. Berry and Coapany. Tennessee Telephone Coapany; 10ct76: A819813.


Atwood, Bradford, Butherford, TN, and others telephone directory, October 1976. Appl. au: L. H. Berry and Coapany. e West Tennessee Telephone Coapany: 10ct76: A819811.


Uyden, Stinnett, Uooton, KI, and others telephone directory, October 197o. Appl. au: L. H. Berry and company. Leslie County Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 10ct76: A81931S.


GibsoDTille, NC, including alphabetical listings of Anderson, Burlington and others telephone directory, October 1976. Appl. au: L. a. Berry and Coapany. O United Telephone Coapany of the Carolinas, Inc.; 10ct76 ; A819816.


aebane, NC, including listings for Burlington, Grahaa and others telephone directory, October 1976. Appl. au: L. a. Berry and coapany. Q Hebane Home Telephone Coapany: 10ct76: 4819817.


Starr, Iva, also including listings of Anderson, SC, telephone directory, October 1976. Appl. au: L. H. Berry and Coapany. e West Carolina Sural Telephone Co- operatiye. Inc.: 10ct76: A819818.


Lexington, SC, telephone directory, December 1976. Issued by South Carolina Telephone Corporation. Appl. au: L. H. Berry and Coapany. Citizens Telephone Coapany, solely owned by Hid-Continent Telephone Corporation: 31Dec76: A819819.


Gyanastics* happy superstar: Olga Korbut. By Paula Taylor. 30 p. Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 1lUan77: A819820.


Binning tennis star: Chris Evert. By Sarr Jo O'Shea. 30 p. C Creative Educational Society, Inc.: 1<tJan77; AS 19821.


Fiery tennis star: Jiamy Connors. By Jay H. Saith. 30 p. Creative Educational Society, Inc.; I"ljan77: A819a22.


Football's greatest passer: Fran Tarkenton. By Thomas Braun. 30 p. C Creative Educational Society, Inc. ; 14Jan77; 4819823.


Basketball's finest center: Kareea 4bdul-Jabbar. By Paula Taylor. 30 p. 4da. ti: Basketball's finest center: Jabbar. O Creative Educational Society, Inc.: 14Jan77; A81982U.


Boxing's world chaapion: Huhaaaad Ali. By Patricia flulrooney Eldred. 30 p. Add. ti: Boxing's world chaapion: Ali. Creative Educational Society, Inc. ; 1ilJan77: A819825.


Football's powerful runner: Franco Harris. By Thomas Braun. 30 p. Add. ti: Football's powerful runner: Harris. C Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 1«Jan77i A819a26.


Hockey's legend: Bobby Orr, By Jay H. Saith. 30 p. O Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77; 4819827.


Football's great quarterback: Joe Namath. By Patricia aulrooney Eldred. 30 p. Q Creative Educational Society, Inc. ; 1<tJan77: A819828.

Aa 19829.

Golf's great winner: Jack Micklaus. By Paula Taylor. 30 p. O Creative Educational Society, Inc.: 1itJan77; A819829.


Racing's Indy winner: A. J. Foyt. By Thoaas Braun. 30 p. 3 Creative Educational Society, Inc.: 14Jan77; A819830.

AS 19831.

fiosi aitteraaier. By Jay U. Saith, illustrated by John Keely. 31 p. Creative Educational Society, Inc.; lUJan77; 4819831.


Pete Gose. By James Philip Saith. 31 p. Creative Educational Society, Inc. ; l«Jan77; A819832.


Fred Lynn. By Joe Soucheray, photos, by Bonald Hodra. 31 p. Creative Educational Society, Inc.; l«Jan77; 4819833.

A8 19834.

Sheila Young. By Joe Soucheray, illustrated by John Keely. 31 p. C Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 1'lJan77; 4819834.


Terry Bradshaw. By Saa Hasegawa. 31 p. creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77: A8198J5.


Dorothy Uaaill. By Biranda G. Saith. photos, by OPI. 31 p. O Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 14Jan77; 4819836.


Epilepsy. Cerebral palsy. Project director: Bcockaan Schuaacher, project co-director: Harry 4- 411en, illus. : Nancy Martin. 64 p. (Vest pocket training book: specific disability 7-8) Brockman Schuaacher £ Harry 4. 411en ; 30Nov76: 4819837.


Coronary heart disease- Bheuaatoid arthritis. Project director; Brockaan Schumacher, project co-director: Harry 4. Allen, illus. : Nancy Hartin. 64 p. (Vest pocket training book: specific disability 9-10) O Brockaan Schuaacher S Barry 4- 411en; 30Nov76: 4819836-


In the naae of freedoa. By Bobect Allison Nevers. 79 p. O Bobert Allison Nevers; 11Sep76; Aei9839.


Paraplegia. 4aputation. Project director: Brockman Schuaacher, project co-director: Harry 4. 411en, illus-: Nancy Hartin. 64 p. (Vest pocket training book: specific disability 5-6) O Brockaan Schuaacher S Harry 4. 411en : 30Ilov76: 4819840.


The Hooan's Club of fialeigh cookbook- 390 p. O The Homan's club of Baleigh; lDec76; 4819841-


Hetri-Key metric demonstration: an experience in the language of inter- natioDal measurement- 12 p- 4ppl- au: Deryl L- Lill- C Deryl L- Lill; 1Dec75; 4819842.


The Tax reform act of 1976 — how it affects your trust and estate plans. Folder (7 p.) Appl. au: Paul J. stelter. e The Steltec Company; 25oct76: 4819843.


Great hors d'oeuvres I have known and loved. By Barbara Hauptaan, illus.: Uendell Dowling, photography: 4ndrew Strauss. 95 p. C B. Z. Hauptaan Publishing Coapany, Inc.; ldDec76; A819844.


Ford tune-up, maintenance, all models, 1969-1976. By Bay Hoy, editor: Jeff Bobinson. 151 p. Appl. au; Clyaer Publications a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc. HH: editorial revisions 6 rev. artwork. Clyaer Publications a.a.d.o- Andleer, Inc-: 13Jan77; 4819845.


International tune-up, aaintenance: Scout, wagons, pickups through 1975. By Hike Bishop, editor: Jeff Bobinson- 119 p- 4dd- ti: International aaintenance: Scout, wagons, pickups, through 1975; Interhational tune-up, aaintenance: Scouts, wagons, pickups through 1975. 4ppl. au: clymer Publications a.a.d.o. 4ndleer, Inc- NH: editorial revisions £ rev- artwork- Clyaer Publications a.a-d-o. Andleer, Inc.; 13Jan77: 4819846.


Sales of the 4ppellate Division first departaent as amended to January 1, 1977. 30 p. e Bar Press, Inc.; 7Dec76; 4819847.


Beference resources for research and continuing education in nursing. 30 p. Papers presented at a 1976 4N4 convention program. O 4merican Kurses' 4ssociation; 7Jan77; 4819848.


Proceedings of the International


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.