Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/165

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A820065 — A820105
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A820054 (con.)

Statiooecs Supply company. O Hcvard «ol£ ; 30Sep76: J82005I4.


Basic office needs dicectocy, 1977- Editor: Ho»ard Wolf. 61 p. C Bollard aolf; 27Sep76; 4820065.


On the matter of belonqinq and other poems. By J. L. Diamond. 64 p. € J. L. Diamond; 22Jul76; 4820066.


The Byetlys of Carolina. »ol. 3. By Besley Grimes Byerly, Jr. »2a p. uesley Grimes Byerly, Jr.; 16Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4820067.


Anqlo-Irish literature; a review of research. Edited by Bxcbard J. Frnneran. 596 p. e The modern Lanquaqe 4ssociation of 4merica; 1Dec76: 4820068.


Psychoanalysis and Catholicism. Edited by Beniamin B. Ualuan. 219 p. e Gardner Press, Inc.; 5Jul76; 4820069.


Family therapy: theory and practice. Edited by Philip J. Guerin, Jr. for American Orthopsychiatric Association. 553 p. e Gardner Press, Inc.; 10Jun76; A820070.


Individual differences: traits and factors. By Allan a. Buss £ Hayne Foley. 275 p. © Gardner Press, Inc.; 7Dec76; A820071.


Translation: applications and research. Edited by Bichatd w. Btisiin. 312 p. O Gardner Press. Inc.; 6Ilay76: A820072.


The Social context of learninq and development. Edited by John C. Glidevell. 239 p. Gardner Press, Inc.; 30Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 4820073.


Cross-cultural orientation proqraos. By Sichard B. Brislin 5 Paul Pedecsen. 223 p. s Gardner Press, Inc.; 284pr76; 48200 74.


Social deviance. By Shlomo Giora

Shoham. 163 p. 6 Gardner Press, Inc.;

10May76; A820075.


Beinhold Niebuhr. By Bob E. Patterson. 163 p. (Kaleers of the modern theoloqical mind) C Uord, Inc.; 19Jan77: A820076.


Conscience and obedience; the politics of Bomans 13 and Bevelation 13 in light of the second cominq. By Uilliam Strin- qfellow. 112 p. e Uord, Inc.; 19Jan77; A820077.


Nebraska Symposium on Hotivation, 1975. Volime editor: Uilliam J. Arnold. 586 p. (Current theory and research in moti- vation, vol. 23- Series editor: James K. Cole) e University of Nebraslia Pcess; 11Jan77 (in notice; 1976); A820078.


The Han vith the hoe. By Lois Bather. 83 p. C J.ois Bather; I4jan77; A820079.


Oeac Shuq. By 9aqqie Aldridqe Smith.


aischianza, 1976. Editor-in-chief: Sobert Victor Cnartener 6 other editors. 360 p. e Robert Victor Cnartener; 23Dec76; 48 2008 1.


The Architectural surveys, 178'4-179"1. By 4nthany H. B. Garvan, Cynthia Koch, Donald Arbuclile 6 Deborah Hart. 330 p- (The Mutual 4ssurance Company papers, vol- 1) Nn: nen text 6 compilation of documents. i The Dutual 4ssurance Company; 270ct76; 4820082.


Talisman, 1976 (Hestern Kentuc)(y University) Co-editor: Jim Siuiclci S other editors. 46it p. 4dd. ti: Western Kentucky University's 1976 Talisman. 4ppl. au; The Office of University Publications. O office of University Publications. Western Kentuctcy Oniversity; 7Hay75; 4820083.


Aero paktainerization computer input proqtam. 1 p. Derivatives of A751275 £ others. Mfl: shred-out G extensions. O Allen a. Sullivan £ Defense Supply Aqency, Defense property Disposal Service (in notice; 411en H. Sullivan & Defense Supply 49ency, DPDS-OB) ; 22Jan77; 4820034.


The Little king. Lyrics & m lliriam Humphrey, illustrated by John noble, a styled C arr. Dick Ellis 6 Karen Ellis. 29 p. (Sound Imprints, vol. 4) 4ccompanied by sound recording. Miriam Humphrey; 154uq76; 4820085.


Sleepy time songs. Selected £ arr. airiam Humphrey, illustrated by aary Jo DiBocco- 29 p. (Sound Imprints, vol. 1) 4ccompanied by sound recording. Na: compilation, editorial revision £ additional text £ pictorial matter. airiam Humphrey; 154ug76; A820086.


Little folk singers. Selected £ arr. airiam Humphrey, illustrated by John Noble. 29 p. (Sound Imprints, vol. 3) 4ccompanied by sound recording. Ha: compilation, editorial revision fi additional text £ pictorial matter. O airiam Humphrey; 154ug76; 4820087.


Sinq and play. Selected £ arr- airiam Humphrey, illustrated by Dianne Kinnune. 29 p. (Sound Imprints, vol. 2) 4ccompanied by sound recording. NH; compilation, editorial revision £ additional text £ pictorial matter. e airiam Humphrey: 154ug76: 4820088.


Hooker, Forgan. including Ploris, OK, telephone directory, January 1977. O Southvestern Bell Telephone Company; 10Jan77; 4820089.


Garden City, Sublette. KS, telephone directory, January 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 3Jan77; A820090.


Free them now: the American movement to aid the Jews within the Soviet Onion. By William wolf Orbach. Sheets (360 p.) O William wolf Orbach; 20Jan77; 482009 1.


Mama's house; the great American western spaghetti spectacular low comedy in the high country. By John H. Kelson. 203 p. O John H. Nelson; 290ct76 (in notice: 1977); 4820092.


The Know-how you need to make money in mail order; Brandell's success program. By Baymond J. Brandell, in collaboration with Baymond £. Brandell. 537 p. e Baymond Brandell. Inc.; 10ct76: 4820093.


Working woaen and the cycle of defeat: a theoretical model concept paper. Prepared by Kirsten Anne Hinsdale (Kirsten Anne Freston) Sheets (116 p.) in folder- Kirsten Anne Hinsdale £ Validated Instruction Associates, Inc. (VI4) ; 10ct76; 4820094.


Stories from the Old Testament. Pt. 2: God's heroes, leaders, prophets and people. By Ivan Blaine Emily, preparation of maps £ drawings: 411en Grose. 52 p. e Ivan Blaine Emily; 220ec76: 4820095.


The Pour parts of "0." Vol- 3. By H. a. 411red. p. 215-335. Na: revision, additional text £ illus. 6 H. a. 411red: 21Jan77: 4820096.


The Four parts of "0." Vol. 2. By H. a. 411red. p. 94-214. NB: revision, additional text £ illus- 6 H. a. 411red; 21Jan77; 4820097.


The Four parts of "0." Vol. 1- By H. M. 411red. 93 p. NM: revision, additional text £ illus. O H. M. 411red; 21Jan77; 4820098.


Auerbach data base management, January-February 1977- 6 v. £ sheets. 4dd . ti: 4uerbach information management series data base management, January 1977. e 4uerbach Publishers, Inc.; Iljan77; 4820099.


4uerbach data processing management, January 1977. 2 p. £ 6 v. 4uerbach publishers. Inc.; 6Jan77; 4820100.


1976 cumulative pocket-part supplement to the Kansas statutes annotated. Vol. 1, 14. 2. 24, 3. 34, 5. 54. 6, 64. 7, constitutions E index — table of sections- Bevisor of statutes: Fred J. Carman. Multiple volumes. 6 Bevisor of Statutes of Kansas, for the use and benefit of the State of Kansas; 29Dec76; 4820101.


The Mystery of the underground railroad- By Baben Jonay (Baben Jonay Patticelli) 178 p. (4 Suzi Grey mystery) O Baben Jonay Patricelli; 27Sep76; A820102.

A820 103.

Job descriptions for automobile dealerships. Prepared by Go, Inc. Sheets in envelope. «5 Go, Inc.; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4820103.


Manual of commercial law for the banker. 1 V. Q Crowley Barrett and Karaba; 17Jan77; 4820104.


4uerbach buyers' guide to business minicomputer systems, winter 1976-77- 416 p. O 4uerbach Publishers, Inc. ; 3Jan77;



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