Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/173

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A820380 — A828410
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A820379 (con.)

revisions. Q Silver DuEdett Company; 3Jan77; A820379.


Spell cocrectly 6; spellinq aasters. Developed by Sandra Garey Loudeirbaclc G Bichael P. Citro. 32 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett COBpany, employer for hire. NM: revisions. © Silver Burdett CODpaoy; 3Jan77; 4820380.


Spell correctly 5; spelling aasters. Developed by Sandra Garey Louderback e Hichael P. Citro. 32 p. Sppl. au: Silver Burdett company, eoployer for hire, NM: revisions. 3 Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77: 4820381.


Spell correctly t* ; spelling masters. Developed by Sandra Garey Louderback & Hichael P. Citro. 32 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NM: revisions. 3 Silver Burdett company; 3Jan77; 4820382.


Spell correctly; teacher's ed. , 7. By Herman F. Benthul, Edna 4. Anderson, Arlys M. Utech 6 others, illus. by James Flora. 1 V. Appl. au: Stiver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NH: revisions & additions. 6 Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; 4820383.


Spell correctly; teacher's ed. , 5. By Herman F. Benthul, Edna A. 4nderson« 4rlys S. utech 6 others, illus. by 41 fio- rentino, George Buctel 6 H. B. Vestal. 1 V. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NM: revisions & additions. S Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; A820381t.


Spell correctly 7; spelling masters. Developed by Sandra Garey Louderback & Michael P. Citro. 32 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NM: revisions. o Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; 4820385.


Spell correctly 8; spellinq masters. Developed by Sandra Garey Louderback & Michael P. Citro. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NM: revisions. Q Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77: 4820386.


Spell correctly; teacher's ed. , 2. By Herman F. Benthul. Edna A. Anderson, Arlys M. Otech £ others, illus. ny Frank Aloise £ Kelly Oechsli. 1 v. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NM: revisions 6 additions. « Silver Surdett Company: 3Jan77; 4820387.


Spell correctly; teacher's ed,. 1. By Herman F. Benthul. Edna 4. Anderson £ 4rlys M. Utech, j-llus. by Eric Carle, David Niles. Eobert Shein £ Tom Cooke. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NM: revisions £ additions. Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; 4820388.


Spell correctly: teacher's ed. . 5. By Herman F. Benthul, Edna A. Anderson. Arlys M. Utech E others, illus. by H. B. »estal £ George Buctel. 1 v. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NM: revisions £ additions. e Silver Burdett company: 3Jan77; A820389.

ed. It. By Herman F. Benthul. Edna A. Anderson. Arlys M. Utech £ others, illus. by Ednard Malsberq. 1 v. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer tor hire. NM: revisions £ additions, e Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; A820390.


Spell correctly; teacher's ed., 3. By Herman F. Benthul, Edna A. Anderson, Arlys M. Otech £ others, illus. by Bonnie Eutherford £ Bill Butherford. 1 v. Appl. au: silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NM: revisions £ additions. e Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; 4820391.


Devil's Hopyard. From record sleeve insert of The Outsider. By Tom Pacheco. Prev. req. 3Mar75, EU559810. 6 Chappell and Company, Inc. G Huckleberry Creek Music (in notice: Chappell and Company, Inc. £ Huckleberry Creek); 8Nov76; 48 20 39 2.


The Sky is full of ships tonight. From record sleeve insert of The Outsider. By Tom Pacheco. Prev. req. tMar75, E0562251. e Chappell and Company, Inc. £ Huckleberry Creek Music (in notice: Chappell and Company. Inc. £ Huckleberry creek) ; 8Nov76; 4820393.


There »as no God in Mexico that night. From record sleeve insert of The outsider. By Tom Pacheco. prev. req. lJul76, E0691293. O Chappell and Company, Inc. £ Huckleberry Creek Music (in notice: Chappell and company. Inc. £ Huckleberry creek) ; 8Nov76: 4820394.


Texas Bed. From record sleeve insert of The Outsider. By Tom Pacheco. Prev. reg. 1JU176, EU691291. O Chappell and Company, Inc. £ Huckleberry Creek Music (in notice: Chappell and Company, Inc. £ Huckleberry creek) ; 8»ov76; A820395.


Let it rain. From record sleeve insert of The Outsider. By Tom Pacheco. prev. reg. 1Jul76. £0691283. O Chappell and Company. Inc. £ Huckleberry Creek Music (in notice; Chappell and Company, Inc. G Huckleberry creek) ; SNov76; A820396.


Judge Proctor's vindmill. From record sleeve insert of The Outsider. By Tom Pacheco. Prev. reg. Ijul76, E0691295. d Chappell and Company. Inc. £ Huckleberry Creek Music (in notice; Chappell and Company, Inc. £ Huckleberry Creek); 8Nov76; A820397.


Jack's friend. From record sleeve insert of The Outsider. By Tom Pacheco. Prev. reg. 1Jul76, EU691292. Chappell and company. Inc. £ Huckleberry Creek Music (in notice: Chappell and Company. Inc. £ Huckleberry Creek); 8Nov76 ; A820 39 8.


Birdseye heaven. From record sleeve insert of The Outsider. By Tom Pacheco. Prev. reg. 1Jul76. EU691296. Chappell and Company. Inc. £ Huckleberry creek Music (in notice: Chappell and Company. Inc. & Huckleberry Creek); 8Nov76 ; A820399.


Speaker's guide for Crimes against persons. written £ created by Eugene N. Smith. 1 V. Appl. au: Harper and Row. Publishers. Inc. 6 Harper and Boh, Publishers, Inc.; 20Sep76; A820400.


Speaker's guide for Crimes against property. Britten £ created by Eugene N. Smith. 1 V. Appl. au: Harper and Sov. Publishers. Inc. d Harper and &ow. Publishers. Inc.; 20Sep76; A820401.


G. D. Lainq: a dialog on mental illness and its treatment; film notes. By B. D. Laing. 3 p. Appl. au: Harper and Row. Publishers. Inc. O Harper and Ron. Publishers, Inc.; 10Sep76: A820U02.


Nonverbal communication; notes to the instructor. By Stanley Milqram. 3 p. Appl. au: Harper and Bon, Publishers. Inc. 6 Harper and Bon, Publishers, Inc.; 20Sep76; 4820403.


Human aggression; notes to the instructor. By Stanley Bilgram. t p. 4ppl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers. Inc. O Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 20Sep76; 482040i|.


Theory and practice in the orgaiiic laboratory. By John A. Landgrebe. 2nd ed. 551 p. O D. C. Heath and Company, a division of Raytheon company; 3Jan77; A320l(05.


Review and application of clinical pharmacology. By Susan E. Ralston £ Marion F. Hale. 260 p. O J. B. Lippincott Company; 3Jan77; 4820406.

4820 40 7.

Bloody sundown. By Charles G. Huller. 159 p. 8 Charles G. Muller; 4Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4820407.


Red book executive price service. 6 p. Appl. au: Medical Economics Company. NH: additions, revisions £ compilation, e Litton Industries, Inc.; 27Dec76; A820403.


Instructor's guide to chemistry: the central science. By Theodore L. Brown E H. Eugene LeHay. Jr. 1 16 p. d Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820409.


Star sight: visions of the future. By Patricia Uallace Garlao £ Maryjane Ounstan, in collaboration with Dyan Howell Pike. 388 p. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820410.


Activity-oriented mathematics: readings for elementary teachers. Compiled £ edited by ailliam E. Schall. 481 p. e Prindle, Heber and Schmidt, Inc.; 13Jan76; 4820411.


The Little rhetoric. By Edward P. J. Corbett. 357 p. S John Wiley and Sons. Inc.; 4Jan77; 4820412.


Implementing teacher competencies: positive approaches to personalizinq education. Editor: James £. Ueiqand. 280 p. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820413.


Fundamentals of financial management, third edition: instructor's manual. By James C. Van Home. 171 p. NK: revisions. Prentice-Hall, Inc. ;

3Jan77; A820414.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.