Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/180

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A820657 — A820683
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A820646 (con.)

653 p. Add. ti: NICES index to edu- cational slides; Index to education slides. 19 University of Southern Caliioroia (in notice; National Information Center for Educational Hedia (NICEH) G the University of Southern California); 163ep74; A8206t6.


Index to 16 millimeter educational films. Vol. 21 alphabetical guide (A-L) 5th ed. 927 p. Add. ti: NICEM index to 16 miilimeter educational films- 8 University of Southern California (in notice; National Information Center for Educational aedia (NICEM) 6 the University of Southern California) ; 19Dec74 (in notice: 1975) ; A82061t7.


Index to educational videotapes- 3rd ed. 380 p. Add. ti: NICEH index to educational videotapes. tt3 University of Southern California (in notice; National Information Center for Educational Hedia (NICEH) and the University of Southern California) ; 6Sep7i(: 4820648.


Index to educational overhead tran- sparencies. Vol. 2: alphabetical guide (G-Z) , producer/distributor code section, itth ed. 575 p. Add. ti: NICEH index to educational overhead transparencies. © University of Southern California (in notice: National Information Center for Educational Hedia (NICEM) 6 the University of Southern California) ; 27No»7H (in notice: 1975) ; A8206I49.


Index to 16mm educational films, 1975. Vol. 1. 5th ed. 624 p. Add. ti: NICEH index to 16301 educational films. Appl. au; University of Southern California. a University of Southern California (in notice: The National Information Center for Educational Hedia (NICEM) £ the University of Southern California) ; 19Dec74 (in notice: 1975); A820650.


Index to educational records, 197b. 3rd ed. 762 p. Add. ti; NICEH index to educational records. Appl. au: University of Southern California. 8 University of southern California (in notice: The National Information Center for Edu- cational Kedia (NICEH) £ the University of Southern California); 6Dec74 (in notice: 1975) ; A820651.

A820 652.

Index to 8mm motion cartridges, 1974. 4th ed. 655 p. Add. ti : NICEH index to 8mm motion cartridges. Appl. au: University of Southern California. S University of Southern California (in notice: The National Information Center for Educational Hedia (NICEH) fi the University of Southern California) ; 90ct74; Aa20652.


A Study of factors relating to success of second year elementary teacher graduates. By Joy Ellen Babb. Hicrofilm. e Joy Ellen Babb; 15Dec76; A820653.


The Utility of an ethnic Spanish translation of the lotfa test of basic sltills with second grade Mexican- American children. By Joe Freddy Granado. Hicrofilm. S Joe Freddy Granado; 15Dec76: 4820654.


Development of the essential compe- tencies of school and college health educators. By Alan Carneil Henderson. Microfilm. © Alan Carneil Henderson; 15NOV76; A820655.


Repression, compression and power: six uomen poets in America, 1860-1960. By Jeanne Henry Kammer. Hicrofilm. 6 Jeanne Henry Kammer; 1 50ct 76 ; A820656.


Senior humanities: interdisciplinary education in English and religion. By Douglas Boss Perry. Hicrofilm. © Douglas Boss Perry; 150ct76; A820657.


Components of variance estimation for the split-plot design. By Shou-Hua Li. Microfilm. 9 Shou-Hua Li; 14Hay76 (in notice: 1975); A820658.


Self-concept implementation in the vocational preferences of blacic ado- lescents. By Barbara Henley. Hicrofilm. © Barbara Henley; 15Nov76; 4820659.


A Study of self-concept of black college students. By Gloria Lindsey Alibaruho. Microfilm. © Gloria Lindsey Alibaruho; 150ct76; A820660.


The Effect of uterine distention and utero-ovarian state on the induction of maternal behavior in naive female rats. By Gary Charles Graber. Hicrofilm. © Gary Charles Graber; 15Nov76; 4820661.

482066 2.

Horizon analysis and historiography: the contribution of Bernard Louergan toward a critical historiography. By Thomas Joseph HcPartland. Microfilm. © Thomas Joseph HcPartland; 15No»76; A820662.

A82066 3.

Trustees and conflict: an examination of the relationships between conflict perceptions, abilities and assets, and group membership. By Steven Hichael Sundre. Hicrofilm. 9 Steven Michael Sundre; 15Nov76; A820663.


The Theme of betrayal in the fiction of Henry James. By Patricia Hary Euact. Hicrofilm. Patricia Mary Euart; 15JU176 (in notice: 1975) ; 4820664.


Testing a theory of marital role strain in relation to Ph.D students and their spouses. By fiuth fieica Hooley. Hicrofilm. e Euth Beka Hooley; 150ct76; 4820665.


4 Critical analysis of selected dramatic elements in the radio series "The Lives of Harry Lime," with Orson Belles. By Franlt Tavares. Microfilm. © Frank Tavares; 15NOV76; A820666.


Social disorder in late Tokugawa Japan. By John Holmes Hiller. Hicrofilm. © John Holmes Hiller; 151iov76 (in notice: 1975) ; 4820667.


4 Comparison of opinions of insti- tutional leaders concerning the goals of independent senior colleges and uni- versities in Texas. By Jerry Gloyd Bawcom. Microfilm, © Jerry Gloyd Bawcom; 15Dec76; 4820668.


The Impact of technological change on psychosocial change and on modern man's ability to accommodate to these changes.


Electromyographic analysis of the pectoralis major during six selected antigravity calisthenics. By Bussell Douglas Fischer. Hicrofilm. © Russell Douglas Fischer; 15Dec76; 4820670.


The Effect of algebra of sets ins- truction as an introductory technigue for basic concepts comprehension and mathematics attitude of algebra students. By James Bussell Floyd. Hicrofilm. e James Bussell Floyd; 15Dec76; 4820671.


A Study of the need for and design of graduate study in educational resource development. By James Anderson Beid. Microfilm. © James 4nderson Beid; 15Dec76; A820672.


An Evaluation of the impact of citizen participation on the goals for Dallas program as developed and implemented by the city of Dallas, Texas. By Joseph P. Eodgers, Jr. Microfilm. © Joseph P. Bodgers, Jr.; 15Dec76; A820673.


An Exploratory study of possible factors influencing the relative ease of the early transition to parenthood. By Allan David Farber. Hicrofilm. © Allan David Farber; 153ct76; A820674.


Bargaining for profits. 48 p. (Executive action series, no. 20 2) © Bureau of Business Practice, Inc. ; 17NOV76; 4820675.


The Practical stylist. By Sheridan Harner Baker. »th ed. 198 p. © Thomas Y. Crowell Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820676.


Feelings. Poems by Valerie La Rue. 47 p. © Val La Sue (in notice: Valerie La Bus) ; 3Dec76; 4820677.


Teacher's resource guide to accompany Personality and personal growth. By James Fadiman £ Bobert David Frager. 125 p- James Fadiman £ Bobert Frager; 22JU176: 4820678.


Environmental monitoring. 3 v. © Southwest Iowa Learning Eesources Center; 8Nov73; A820679.


Getting it together; resource book answer key. By Herman B. Goldberg £ Bernard Green berger. 12 p. © Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 27Sep76; A820680.


Diagnosis: an instructional aid; prescription guide. Beading level B. Prescription guide prepared by Joanne H. Shippman. 8 p. Appl. au: Science Besearch Associates, Inc. Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 60ct76; A820681.


Phonics. 40 p., sheets, cards £ folders. (The SEA skills series) © Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ;

21Sep76; A820682.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.