Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/19

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A814106 — A816164
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A814105 (con.)

100P2. By T.E.M. of California. Sheets. 4ppi. au: George B. flabry & Tressa E. Mabcy. Appl. states all new except pattern no. 1 0OP prev. pub. under title of Nettie cloth dolls, set no. 100P1 S req. 4755153. e T.E.M. of California; >tJun75; 18111105.


Nettie beau patterns. Set no- 400P1. By I. E. B. of California. Sheets. Appl. au: George B. nabry £ Tressa £. nabry. e T.E.H. of California; 11Dec76; 4811106.


How does your house add up, today? 12 p. O Coldnell Banker Besidential Brokerage Company; 10Nov76; 4811107.


How to evaluate your investment in your home during inflationary times. 11 p. e coldveil Banker Residential Brokerage Company; 10No»76; 4811108.


Shawn's seven summer skres. Written by Samuel James Nash. 1 p. Samuel J. Nash; 30Dec76; 4811109.


Patio Pools operating instructions. 8 p. NH: compilation 6 revision. C Patio Pools of Tucson, Inc.; 23Dec76; A8I1110.


Ten ways to earn extra money at home in your spare time. 1 p. Appl. au; Scott C. Haley, e Scott c. Haley; 3Jan77; 4811111.


Die Heistersinger entrance; corp show. By Bud Uis. Sheets (12 p.) 6 laud Husic company 29Dec76; A811112. 48111 13.

Die Heistersinger exit; corp show. By Bud Uis. Sheets (11 p.) 6 Laud Husic company: 29Dec76: A811113.


The Story of 4bel; an imaginative account of Genesis, chap. 1. By Buth Billman. 8 p. 4dd. ti: Abel, first on the honor roll. Appl. au: Hasterpiece Products, Inc. € Masterpiece Products, Inc.; 13JU176; 4811111.


My agreement with you. 1 p. Appl. au: Uilliam «. (Bill) Stevens 6 Barbara J. (Barb) Bahlstrom. C Bill Stevens e Barb Bahlstrom; 28Nov76; 4811115.


Catholic directory telephone guide. Diocese of YoungsLown. Editor: John R. Beddington. 1976-77 ed. 68 p. Catholic Exponent; 11Dec76; 4811116.


Casualty insurance training course. Lesson 7: autooobile-commercial lines. 20 p. NM: substantial editorial revision, e The National Onderwriter Company; 22Dec76; 4811117.

48111 18.

MonumentUB. Vol. 13, 1976. Chief editor: B. B. Lemaire, sub-editors: L. P. Senicot S L. Devliegher. 128 p. English 6 French. 4ppl. states U.S. copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of his or her official duties, e The Preservation Press, National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States; 16Nov76; 4811118.


A Quest for balance: an Outward Bound experience. By David J. Novak. 78 p. a David J. Novak; t6Dec76; ABKI119.


Bond daddy. Pt. 1. By Paul Hart, pseud, of James Paul Lockhart, Jr. E Bes Borth, pseud, of Lewis Southworth Smith. 170 p. 6 Paul Hart (James Paul Lockhart, Jr.) ; 9Nov76; A811120.


Information management systems: data base primer. By Vivian C. Prothro. 109 p. Mason/Charter Publishers, Inc.; 30ec76; A811121.


Hospital computer systems and pro- cedures. Vol. 2: medical systems. By Baymon D. Garrett. 159 p. C Mason- /Charter Publishers, Inc.; 30nov76; A811122.


GEET modeling and simulation: fun- damentals and applications. By Laurence J. Boore £ Edward e. Clayton. 227 p. Mason/Charter publishers. Inc.; 5Nov76;



The Image and the word. By Douglas Eugene Savoy. 107 p. (The Secret sayings of Jamil, codex 5: vol. 1) 6 The International Community of Christ for Advancement in the Religious Arts, Sciences and Technologies of Cosolargy, Douglas Eugene Savoy, trustee in trust and overseer, and his successor, a corporation sole; 19Dec76; A811121.


Second prophecy to the Americas. By Douglas Eugene Savoy. 325 p. (The Prophecies of Jamil, codex 1, vol. 1, book 2) (The Sacred teachings of light, codex 1, vol. 1, book 2) a The International Community of Christ for Advancement in the Beligious Arts, Sciences and Technologies of Cosolargy, Douglas Eugene Savoy, trustee in trust and overseer, and his successor, a corporation sole; 1Nov76; A811125.


The Commercial directory of Puerto Bico-Virgin Islands, 1976-77. Associate editors: Sandra Lopez, Mercedes Jenouri £ Frank McLaughlin. 3rd ed. 576 p. Appl. au: The Bitcom Group. Inc. C The Bitcom Group, Inc.; 210ct76; 4811126.


Manual for law enforcement officers: Washington criminal code. By Curtis M. Janhunen £ David L. Edwards. 16 p. Add. ti: A Manual written especially for law enforcement officers: Title 94, Washington criminal code. NH; abridgment £ additions, a David L. Edwards £ Curtis a. Janhunen; 80ct76; 4811127.


41ive-Beckoning : a family of programs for the HP-25 which provides the aircraft pilot with instant, computerized navigation. Series 2 technical notebook. By Uilliam Leander Engstrom. 1 v. Portions prev. pub. between 5May7b 6 27Sep76. NM: compilation. C Uilliam Leander Engstrom; 28Sep7b: 4811128.


Teaching children with understanding. By Dawn Sweet, art work: Judy Twitchell. 11 p. C Dawn Sweet; 20Dec76; A811129.


The History of Bestern civilization: an individualized approach. By Charles w.


Hypoglycemia: handle with health. By Richard 6 flary-Alice Jafoila. 18 p. Richard Jafoila £ Mary-Alice Jafoila: 1Dec76; 4811131.


Sidereal astrology: a complete beginner's manual. By Hilton Robert Stapleton 6 Chris Stapleton. 273 p. Add. ti: Sidereal astrology: a new approach to an ancient science. © sidereal Ast- rological Besearch Association; 21Nov76; A811132.


Page's Ohio revised code, annotated. 1976 replacement volume: title 21. Editor-in-chief: John L. Mason £ other editors. 705 p. Appl. au: Anderson Publishing Company. Anderson Publishing company: 22Dec76: 4811133.


Little pieces of the Best Hind. Story by christian Garrison, pictures by Diane Capuozzo Goode. 1 v. e on text; Christian Garrison; 10Nov75; 4811131.


IEEE Power Engineering Society conference papers from the summer meeting and energy resources conference, Anaheim, California, July 11-19, 1971. 1 v. Add. ti: IEEE 1971 Power Engineering Society summer meeting. Appl. au: The Institute or Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. e The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 18Jan75 (in notice: 1971) ; A811135.


Bage and benefit settlements in construction, 1976. 8 p. 6 Contractors Mutual Association: 28Dec76; 4811136.


Trav a log. 1 v. Appl. au: Philip E. Jarrell. e Philip E. Jarrell; 23Dec76. A811137.


Blackhawk Films world's greatest selection of things to show. Bulletin B-282, Jan. 1977. 80 p. C Blackhawk Films, Inc.; 1 0Dec76 ; 4811138.


Manual for the Impro-I; improvisation test for individuals. By Paul McBeynolds, Susan OeVoge, Sandy Karbo Osborne, Bruce Pither £ Kenneth Nordin. 81 p. Add. ti: Clinical psychology training program.

Paul BcReynolds; 20Dec76; 4811139.


Clin-Alert. No. 220-228, Dec. 10, 1976. 1 p. e Science Editors, Inc.; 10Dec76: A811110.


Clin-Alert. No. 229-236, Dec. 21, 1976. 1 p. e Science Editors, Inc.; 21Dec76; 4811111.


Clin-41ert. No. 211-219, Nov. 26, 1976. 1 p. O Science Editors, Inc.; 26Nov76; 4811112.


Clin-Alert. No. 202-210, Nov. 12, 1976. 1 p. a Science Editors, Inc.; 12»ov76; A811113.


A Study of potential benefits of flexible working hours for white-collar

employees at a state university. By Ruby


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.