Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/201

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A821494 — A821515
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A821493 (con.)

Nursiuq. Q The Ooiversitr of Iowa; 21Jail77: A821493.


Hemorials vith love: Kinq David and Queen Effie. By Thooas E. Noroan. 22 p. 6 Thomas E. NocuaD: 22Jan77: A821494.


Bicentennial tribute to Bobect E. Howard. Illustrated by Steve Fabian. 37 p. Appl. au: Geocqe T. Hanilton. 6 oo text: Georqe T. Hamilton: 30Dec76; A821<t95.


Bicentennial tribute to Robert B. Howard. Illustcated by Steve Fabian. 37 p. Appl. au: Georqe T. Hanilton. @ on art: Georqe T. Hanilton: 30Dec76: A821')96.


Association bylaws. By Hilton A. Smith. 2nd ed. 17 p. Appl. au: Chamber of commerce of the United States of America. Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America; 19Jan77; A821«97.


Coffee, conversation and evangelism; a simple way to practice christian hospitality. 36 p. Appl. au: Churches Alive (CA) e Churches Alive; 21Jan77; A821II98.


Grainqer's Wholesale net price motorbook. No. 347, sprinq 1977. 691 p. Appl. au: Advertising Department, ». «. Graiuqer, Inc. Q V. M. Grainqer* Inc. ; 19Jan77; A821U99.


Some must watch while some must sleep. By William Charles Dement. 149 p. NH: index, corrections, expanded Reader's quide £ 1976 pref. J William c. Dement; 10Dec76; A821500.


Sections from Defiled by water. By Jeremy lipp. 1 v. (Tuumba 3. Oct. 1976) e Jeremy Lipp; 10ct76; A821501.


The Gnat and the hippopotamus: the qreatest boxing match of all time. By Hycon S. Hoyt. Folder. Myron S. Hoyt; 25Jan77: A821502.


Abstract poems. By Michael Joseph Phillips. 1 V. C Michael Joseph Phillips; 27Dec76; A821503.


Dress design. Vol. 1-3. Authors: Kit Moss e Hilma L. Wohler, editor: Kit Moss. Appl. au: Career Institute, Inc. O Career Institute, Inc.; 14Sep73: A821504.


conversations with iriqht Morris: critical views and responses. Edited 6 with an introd. by Robert E. Knoll. 211 p. 3 Oniversity of Nebraslca Press; 4Jan77; Aa21503.


The New criticism and after; John Crowe Hansom memorial lectures. 1975. Edited by Thomas Daniel Ounq. 90 p. NM: introd. i essays. 6 The Bector and Visitors of the University of Virginia; 20Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A821S06.


People, progress, and employee relations; proceedings of the fiftieth anniversary conference of Industrial Belations Counselors, Inc., The Colqate Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia, June 9, 10, and 11, 1976. General editor: Richard A. Beaumont. 168 p. 6 Bector and Visitors of the University of Virginia; 30Dec76; A821507.


The Genealogy of the Uilliam Lewellen families. By Mrs. Jerry Lewellyn, Sr. 161 p. O Mrs. Jerry Lewellyn, Sr. ; 20Dec76; A821508.


Hopes, dreams, and promises: a history of Volusia County, Florida. By Michael G. Schene. 192 p. e News-Journal Cor- poration; 31 Dec 76; A 82 150 9.


Leisurequide: the Florida Gold Coast. Editor: Andrew Delaplaine, assistant editor: Betsy Kennedy. 140 p. Appl. au: Leisureguides, Inc. NM: revision, updating & additions. @ Leisureguides, lac; 2Jau77; Aa21510.


Law and politics: the office of Attorney General in Texas. By James G. DicXson, Jr.. 187 p. e Sterling Swift Publishing Company; 20Jan76; AB2I511.


The Politics of bilingual education: a study of four southwest Texas communities. By Robert L. Hardqrave, Jr. £ Santiago H. Hinojosa. 82 p. e Sterling Swift Publishing Company; 19Dec75; Ae21512.


Computer science for the teacher. By James L. Pairot S David N. Groves. 260 p. O Sterling Swift Publishing Company; nApr76; A82I513.


Fundamentals of Texas government. By E. Larry Dickens £ Pamela Stucker Bertone. 149 p. e Sterling Swift Publishing Company; 13Mar76; A821514.


Criminal law. 54 p. (Co-op East law outlines) d Sterling Swift Publishing Company; 20Apr76; A821515.


Torts. 94 p. (Co-op East law outlines) & Sterling Swift Publishing Company; 25NOV75: A821516.


Commercial paper. 30 p. (Co-op East law outlines) S Sterling Swift Publishing Company: 2aApr76; Aa21S17.


Property. 58 p. (Co-op East law outlines) 6 Sterling Swift Publishing Company; 20Nov75; A821518.


Federal courts. 44 p. (Co-op East law outlines) O Sterling swift Publishing Company; 28Feb76; A821519.


Hills and estates. 113 p. (Co-op East law outlines) sterling Swift Publishing company; 15Sep76; A821S20.


Procedure 2. 98 p. (Co-op East law outlines) e Sterling Swift Publishing Company; 25Nov75; A821521.


Analyzing college teaching. By Glenn B. Johnson. 76 p. (Co-op East law outlines) a Sterling Swift Publishing Company; 15Feb76; A821522.


Plain talk about will planning. 8 p. NH: additions, editorial revision £ updating. © a. A. Company a.a.d.o. the Merrill Anderson Company, Inc.; 13Dec73; A821523.


How to coordinate your insurance and your will. 7 p. NM: additions, editorial revision £ updating. M.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson Company, Inc.; 13Dec73; A821524.


Plain talk about your executor and trustee. 8 p. NM: additions, editorial revision £ updating. ^ M.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson Company, Inc.; 13Dec73; A821525.


Plain talk about the care and custody of your securities. 7 p. NM: additions, editorial revision £ updating. e n.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson company. Inc.; 130ec73; A821526.


Plain talk about trusts by will. 7 p. NM: additions, editorial revision 6 updating. © M.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson Company, Inc.; 13Dec73; A821527.


Why active people need the standby trust. 7 p. NM: additions, editorial revision £ updating. © M.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson Company, Inc.; 13Dec73; A821S28.


Plain talk about a living trust. 7 p. NM: additions, editorial revision £ updating. e M.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson Company, Inc.; 13Dec73; A821529.


A Quick guide to trust services. 7 p. NM: additions, editorial revision £ updating. O M.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson Company, Inc.; 13Dbc73; A821530.


Plain talk about joint ownership. 7 p. NM: additions, editorial revision £ updating. 6 M.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson Company, Inc.; 13Dec73; A821531.


Plain talk about trusts by will; community property version. 7 p. NH: additions, editorial revision £ updating. (9 M.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson Company, Inc. ; 130ec73; A8215J2.


How to create a prepaid estate. 7 p. NH: additions, editorial revision E updating. © M.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson Company, Inc.; 13Dec73; A821533.


Professional management for your investments. 7 p. NH: additions, editorial revision fi updating. 6 M.A. Company a.a.d.o. The Merrill Anderson company. Inc.; 13Dec73; A821534.


Plain talk about investment advice. 8 p. NH: additions, editorial revision £ updating. © H.A. company a.a.d.o. The Herrill Anderson Company, Inc.; 13Dec73;



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