Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/228

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A822593 — A822632
JAN.-JUN. 1977


N.&.D.&. boat appraisal quide* January* February, aarch. April, Say, June 1977. Boat editor; Pat Calligan, maDaginq editor: Gus Chiarello. 1182 p. Appl. au: National Appraisal Guides d-b.a. H-A.D.A. Boat Appraisal Guide. © N. A. D. A. Boat Jv.praisal Guide; 20Dec76 (in notice; 1977) ; A822593.


N.A.D.A. mobile home appraisal guide, 1976 January-June 1976. Editor: Pat Calligan, associate editor: Gus Chiarello. 654 p. Appl. au: National Appraisal Guides d.b.a. N.A.D.A. Mobile Hone Appraisal Guide. 6 N.A.D.A. Mobile Hone Appraisal Guide; 20Dec75 (in notice: 1976) : A822594.


Advanced dictation and transcription. By Frances Greer 6 iilliam Mitchell. 453 p. Appl. au; Career Institute, Inc- e career Institute, Inc.; 20Dec74; A822595.


Advanced dictation and transcription, ansuer key. Vol. 1 S 3. Plates by Frances Greer. 2 v. Appl- au: Career Institute, Inc. 6 Career Institute, Inc.; 15Sep75i A822596.


Model 301I5A automatic spectrum analyzer system (98254 controller) operating and programming manual. 1 v. (30454 system library (9825A) installation/verification, operating and programming, vol- 14) 4dd- ti: 30454 spectrum analyzer system (9825A controller) operating and programming manual. Appl- au; Bobert A. Botos. Q Hewiett-Pacltard Company: 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A822597.


Scientific methods for risk management seminar. Written by John M. Cozzolino, issued by The Hharton School, Oniversity of Pennsylvania. 1 v. 6 John M. Cozzolino; 9Nov76: A822598.


Operator training system call manus- cripts for TES. Produced by Systex, inc. Sheets. 6 Systei, Inc.; 17Jan77; A822599.


Index to educational audio tapes. 3rd ed. 720 p. Add. ti: NICEH index to educational audio tapes- Appl. au: University of Southern California. © University of Southern California (in notice: The National Information Center for Educational Media (NICEH) 6 the University of Southern California); 24Sep74; 4822600.


Inventory of California natural areas. Vol. 4-6. Editor; Leslie Hood. © California Natural Areas Coordinating Council: 20Jun76; A822601.


Pharmacy la» digest, 1976-77. By Eugene 1. Kaluzny. 1 v. 6 Eugene L- Kaluzny; 24NOV76; 4822602-


Go fast slouly, and other titles- Sheets (4 p.) Add- ti: Hospitalics- -prolit/makers- NH: additions 6 revisions- 9 Maurice 4. Straub d-b-a- The Buarts Company; 10Jan77: 4822603.


The Between; a philosophical- psyc- hological exercise in approaching the elusive I-thou relationship. Vol. 3. By Saul Z. Hiner- p. 1271-1606- 6 Saul Z. Biner; 29Sep76; A82260 4.


The Between; a philosophical- psyc- hological exercise in approaching the elusive I-thou relationship. Vol. 2. By Saul Z. Hiner. p- 591-1270. 6 Saul Z. Biner; 29Sep76; 4822605.


Developing supervisory ef fectiveness- By Archie B. Carroll , James M- Lahif f K James Ledvinka. 216 p. 6 Georgia Center for Continuing Education, University of Georgia (in notice: The University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education) ; 20Sep76; 48 2260 6.


I see/I think I see; teacher's manual. Authors: Ilia Podendocf 6 Jeffery Benson. Folder in bon. Accompanied by duplicating masters, cards 6 box top. Ideal School Supply Company; 11Nov76; A822607.


Nuclear quality assurance program- -policy and plan. By fiussell Gardner Brown. 1 v. Appl. au: Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco) @ Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco); 15Feb76; 4822608-


Oil lamps: the kerosene era in North America. By Catherine M- V- Thuro, photography by Ken Bell- 352 p- & Catherine M. V- Thuro; 1Aoq76; A822609-


Journeys into the past: the Anderson region's heritage. By Frank 4. Dickson. 242 p- Some material prew- pub- in the 4nderson (SC) independent. NM : additonal text, pictorial matter 6 editing- 6 Frank 4- Dickson; 1llay76 (in notice: 1975) ; 4822610.


Nicollet County Bicentennial historical markers and other historical places. By Fred E. Betheriil. 66 p. © Fred E. Betherill; 17Dec76; A822611.


The YTT book: yesterday-today-tonorrow for the it person- 1 v. Appl. au: Jane fiussell. © Jane Bussell d-b-a- Jane Russell company: 19AU976; A822612-


Holmes-Sheehan correspondence: the letters of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and Canon Patrick Augustine Sheeham- Edited by David H- Burton. 70 p- NM: compilation, pref-, introd- & notes- e Kennikat Press Corporation; 17Dec76; 4822613-


The Magic circle: a study of Shelley's concept of love- By James 0. Allsup. 115 p. e Kennikat Press Corporation; 17Dec76; A822614.


Urban administration: management, politics and change. Edited by Alan Edward Sent 6 Balph A. Eossum. 385 p. MM: compilation, editiorial revision, introd. S additions. © Dunellen publishing Company, Inc. £ Kennikat Press Corporation; 17Dec76; A822615.


New 'York: the centennial years, 1676-1976. Edited by Milton Martin Klein. 202 p. e Kennikat Press Corporation; 17Dec76: 4822616.

the tto 190 6 agriculture: distribution of benefits and costs from development. Edited by Earl Orel Heady £ Larry E. whiting. 341 p. e Iowa State University Press; 170ct75; A822617.


Petit mai epilepsy; a search for the precursors of wave-spike activity. By Michael Myslobodsky. 218 p. © Academic Press, Inc.; 24Nov76; A822618.


Fists and flowers; a social psycho- logical interpretation of student dissent. By Alice fioss Gold, Richard Christie fi Lucy Norman Friedman. 204 p. © Academic Press, Inc.; 1Nov76, A822619.


fiegional differences in the lung. Edited by John Bnrnard West. 488 p. e Academic Press, Inc.; 19Jan77; 4822620.


Essentials of grammar. By Domenico Parisi £ Francesco Antinucci, translated by Elizabeth Bates. 181 p". Prev- pub- 1973 as Elementi di gramnatica- NM: translation- © Academic Press, Inc.; SAug76; A822621.


Methods in receptor research- Pt. 2- Edited by Melvin Blecher. 763 p. (Methods in molecular biology, vol. 9) e Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 24Nov76; A822622-


Electroanalytical chemistry; a series of advances. Vol. 9. Edited by Allen J- Bard- 265 p. O Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 18NOV76; A822623.


Magic, and other titles. 512 p. (The Compact library, 3) NM; condensations 6 additional text. O Nelson Doubleday, Inc.; 26Jan77; A822624.


Beality ditties. By Charles J. Kennedy. 63 p. © Charles J- Kennedy; 18Jan77; 4822625.


Guidebook to Bevelations. By Sylvester Hutchinson. 63 p. © Sylvester Hut- chinson; 24Jan77; A822626-


Symbol interpretation and the Christian parable- By Edward J- Leary- 54 p- e Edward J. Leary; 10Jan77; 4822627.


Exercise and health after retirement. By Charles B. Howison- 46 p. Add. ti: Health and exercise after retirement- © Charles B. Howison; 11Jan77; 4822628.


Don't stop at the river. A novella by Eobert coin. 44 p- © Eobert Coin; 10Jan77; A822629.


Chadwick the chipmunk and the sunflower seeds. By Beulah Homan, illustrated by J. Werner Bartman. 38 p. S Beulah Homan; 24Jan77: A822630.


Tommy Eeilly treasure book- By Fran Krone- 63 p- Fran Krone; 10Jan77; 4822631-


To trap a savage- By B- Dixon Green in collaboration with Charles Y- Green, Jc- 150 p. e Dixon Green (E. D. Green);

10Jan77; A822632.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.