Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/270

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A824200 — A820327
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Idea and action in world cultures; teacher's guide. By Harion Brady 6 Howard Brady, bibliographies prepared by Betty P. Stewart. 319 p. 6 Prentice-ilall, Inc.; 3Jan77: A824280.


Idea and action in world cultures; skills 6 evaluation package. By Harion Brady 6 Howard Brady. 72 p. 8 Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824281.


Idea and action in American history; teacher's guide. By Sarion Brady 6 Howard Brady, bibliographies prepared by Betty F. Stewart. 340 p. C Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824282.

A8242 83.

Propaganda, polls, and public opinion: are the people oanipulated? By Halcolm G. Bitcheli. 2nd ed. 120 p. e Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4824283.


food for thought; teacher's guide. By 4rthur Daigon £ Eozanne a. Norko, with Bichard foerster. 41 p. Add. ti: Nonfiction; rood for thought. O Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824284.


The Plot thickens; teacher's guide. By Arthur Daigon 6 Himi Schmitt. 36 p. 4dd. ti: Short story: The Plot thickens. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824285.


Standing room only; teacher's guide. By 4rthur flaigon 5 Lois M. Bernier. 28 p. 4dd. ti: Drama: Standing room only. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824286.


Tomorrows, teacher's guide. By Arthur Daiqon £ Hilliam J. Gannon, Jr. 30 p. e Prentice-Hall. Inc.; 3Jaa77; 4824287.


4merican problems; teacher's guide. By Jack R. Fraenkel. 2nd ed. 44 p. Formerly Inguiry into crucial 4merican problems, teacher's guide. 6 Prentice- Hall. Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824288.


live and learn; teacher's guide. By Arthur Daigon S Bita S. Heisskoff. with Bichard Foerster. 36 p. 9 Prentice-Hall. Inc.; 3Jan77: 4324289.


Operational anplifiers and linear integrated circuits; solutions manual. By Robert F. coughlin 6 Frederick F. Driscoll, Jr. 14 p. 6 Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4824290.


Criminalistics: an introduction to forensic science; instructor's manual. By Richard Saferstein. 44 p. 6 Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824291.

4824292. The Individual and the political order; an introd. to social £ political philosophy. By Norman E. Bowie e Bobert L. Simon. 280 p. S Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824292.


Collective bargaining by objectives; a positive approach. By Reed c. Bichardson. 387 p. e Prentice-Hall, Inc., 3Jan77; 4824293.


Inventive fiber crafts. By Elyse Sommer, photographer; Hike Sommer. 173 p. Elyse Sommer; 3Jan77; 4824294.


Basic economics: theory and cases. By Bichard Attiyeh, George Leland Bach £ Keith Lumsden. 2nd ed. 456 p. e Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 3Jaa77; 4824295.

A824 29 6.

A Spanish review grammar : theory and practice. By James S. Holtdn. Roger I. Hadlich E Norhma Gomez-Estrada. 3 90 p. e Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 3Jan77; A8242S'6.


Tomorrows. By Arthur Daigon £ Hilliam J. Gannon, Jr. 152 p. SAz compilation. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jau77; 4824297.


Food for thought. By Arthur Daigon 6 Eozanne H. Norko. 186 p. Add. ti: Nonfiction: food for thought. NB: compilation. © Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824298.


Insiders and outsiders. By Arthur Daigon 6 Ronald J. Goba. 156 p. Nfl; compilation. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A824299.


Short story; The Plot thickens. By Arthur Daigon E Himi Schmitt. 186 p. BM: compilation. Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A824300.


Poetry; The Heart of the matter. By Arthur Daigon £ Eonald J. Goba. 154 p. NH; compilation. 6 Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 482430 1.


Keypunching. By Peggy L. Hanson. 3rd ed. 206 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824302.


The Personal problem solver. Edited by Charles Zastrow £ Dae H. Chang. 383 p. e Prentice-Hall. Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824303.


Love, sex, and sex roles. By Con- stantina Sarilios-Bothschild. 150 p. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824304.


Cities in crisis: decay or renewal? By Budie W. Tretten. 2nd ed. 119 p. © Prentice-Hall. Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824305.


Foundations of syntactic theory. By Robert P. Stockwell. 217 p. 6 Prentice- Hall. Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824306.


Studying deductive logic. By Fred B. Berger. 156 p. 6 Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824307.


Up against the corporate wall; modern corporations and social issues of the seventies. By S. Prakash Sethi. 3rd ed. 482 p. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A82430B.


Leading constitutional decisions. By Robert Fairchild Cushman. 15th ed. 464 p. Q Robert F. Cushman; 3Jan77; 4824309.


Cognitive development. By John H. Flavell. 286 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824310.

4824311. Chisholm. 2nd ed. 144 p. 9 Prentice- Hail. Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824311.


Latin America; a concise interpretive history. By E. Bradford Burns. 2nd ed. 307 p. e Prentice-Hall. Inc. ^ 3Jan77; 4824312.


Live and learn. By Arthur Daigon £ Bita S. Heisskoff. 156 p. NM; compilation, e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824313.


Drama: standing room only. By Arthur Daigon £ Lois a. Bernier. 187 p. NB: compilation. 8 Erentice-Hall, Inc. ; 3Jan77; 4824314.


Our best and our worst. By 4cthur Daigon £ Lois B- Bernier. 188 p. BM; compilation. 6 Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824315.


Today's business letter writing. By Elizabeth Maynard 4vett. 194 p. e Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824316.


Fashion and textiles careers. By Hartha S. Servian. 122 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824317.


New essays on Shakespeare's sonnets. Edited by Hilton Landry. 276 p. The es3ay Onequal friendship prev . pub. in English studies in Canada. 8 4HS Press, Inc.; 280ct76; 4824318.


The Future of 4merican oil; the expects testify. Compiled by Hastings Hyman, Jr., editor: Patricia Baloney" Harkun. 291 p. 4ppl. au: 4merican Petroleum Institute, employer for hire, US: compilation, editorial revision £ additional text, e 4merican Petroleum Institute; 28JU176; 4824319.


Advance to revolution, 1760-1775. By Murray Newton Bothbard. .373 p. (Conceived in liberty, vol. 3) 6 Murray 8. Bothbard; 20ct76; A824320.


Making money in autographs. By George Sullivan. 223 p. 6 George Sullivan; 26Jan77; 4824321.


Italy A to Z: a grand tour of the classic cities. By Bobert S. Kane. 226 p. e Bobert S. Kane; 28Jan77; 4824322.


The Shining. By Stephen King. 447 p. e Stephen King; 28Jan77; A824323.


Dolphin summer- By Carola Salisbury, pseud, of Bichael Butterworth. 234 p. e Doubleday and Company, Inc. ; 14Jan77; 4824324.


The Manipulators. By Eaymond A. Bells. 141 p. e Baymond A. Wells; 31Dec76; 4824325.


Pieces of cheer: vignettes of the real American Best and the people who made it. By 41ice H. Bobinson. 20 4 p. 6 Alice H, Robinson; 23Jan77; 4824326,


By Charles 4. Lindbergh.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.