Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/298

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A825437 — A825477
JAN.-JUN. 1977


The imerlcaii heritage dictionary of the EDqlish lanquaqe; neH college ed. Editor: Biliiam Morris. 1550 p. ippl. au: Houqhton Hifflin company, enployer for hire. NH: additions & revisions. 6 Houqhton Mifflin Company; 1Jan76; A825437.


American qardens in the eiqhteenth century, "for use or for delight." By Ann Leiqhton, pseud, of Isadore Leiqhtou Lace Smith- 5iy p. Q Isadore Leighton Luce Smith; 18No\f76: A825438.


Eaven and the ratcatcher. A novel by Donald MacKenzie. 176 p. C Donald HacKenzie; 1«Dec76; A825t39.


Communicating: a social and career focus. By Hoy S. Berko, Andreu D. yolvin S Darlyn B. Bolvio, full-page cartoons by Tim Uallace. 299 p. 6 Houghton Hifflin company; 3Jan77; A825440.


Trends in the Soviet oil and gas industry. By Robert W. Campbell. 125 p. e The Johns HopHns University Press; 23Dec76; A825441.


Of qrammatoloqy. By Jacgues Derrida* translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivat. 354 p. Linguistics and qrammatology (pt. 1, chap. 2) prev. pub in Sub-Stance, 1974; oriqinally pub. as De la grammatologie. KB: translation, acitnoiiledgements, translator's pref. £ notes. e The Johns Uopfcins University Press; 22Dec76; A825442.


football fugitive. By Hatthe» F. Christopher, illustrated by Larry Johnson. 119 p. e Batthe* F. Christopher; 29Sep76: A8254lt3.


EBE directory of contractors, 1976-77. 136 p. Add. ti: Engineering Dens record directory, 1976-77; contractors 1976-77, engineering news- record; EHR directory, contractors, 1976-77. S llcGraii-Hill, Inc.; 18Jun76; A825444.


ENE directory of design firms, 1976-77. 224 p. Add. ti; Engineering news record directory, 1976-77; Design firms 1976-77, engineering neus-record; ENE directory, design firms, 1976-77. 6 McGran-Hill, Inc.; 18Jun76; A825445.


outrageous Kasimir. By Achim Broeqer, translation from the German by Hilda Van Stockum, illustrated by Susan Jeschke. 187 p. Originally pub. as Steckst du dahinter, Kasiair2 e on English translation; William Morron and Company, Inc.; 60ct75: A825itil6.


Let's celebrate: holiday decorations you can make. By Margaret Parish, illustrated by Lynn Sneat. 56 p. 8 on text; Margaret Parish; 12Aug76; A825447.


Let's celebrate: holiday decorations you can make. By Margaret Parish, illustrated by Lynn Sweat. 56 p. d on illus. ; Lynn Sueat; 12Aug76; A8254lt8.

A82 5lta9.

International tax treaties of all nations. Vol. 8-10. By Halter H. Diamond £ Dorothy B. Diamond. NM: compilation £ head notes. Oceana publications. Inc.; 30Dec76; A8254<t9.


The Great feast of language in Love's labour's lost. By Billiam C. Carroll. 279 p. e Princeton University Press; 11NOV76: 4825450.


Jewish identity and the JDL. By Janet L. Dolgin. 189 p. Princeton Oniversity Press; 4Jan77; A825451.


Elementary calculus. By a. Jerome Keisler. 1 v. 6 Prindle, Heber and Schmidt, Inc.; 14Jan76; A825452.


on your oiin: 99 alternatives to a 9 to 5 job. By Kathy Matthews. 212 p. Portions prev. pub. in Ladies' home journal, Sept., Oct. £ Dec. 1976. 6 on new text, editing £ compilation; Kathy Matthews; 13Dec76; A825453.


Welding and brazing of carbon steels. Book 1-4. Consulting editor: Charles ilvin Davis. 4 v. HM: editorial revision £ additional text. 6 American Society for Metals: 13Dec76; A825454.


The Economic transformation of America. By Robert L- Heilbroner, in collaboration with Aaron Singer, maps and charts by Theodore B. Miller. 276 p. 6 Harcoort Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Jan77; A825455.


The Sporting spirit: athletes in literature and life. Edited by Eobert J. Higgs 6 Hell D. Isaacs, with a foreword by Heywood Bale Broun. 304 p. HM: p. vii-x, 3-6, 9-10, 93, 137, 219-220 fi 281-289. © Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1825456.


The craft of the essay. Edited by Halsey P. Taylor £ Victor N. okada. 408 p. HM; p. iii-viii, 1-9, headnotes E sections following each essay. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Jan77; A825457.


Readings in philosophy. Edited by John Herman Bandall, Jr., Justus Buchlec fi Evelyn Shirk. 3rd ed. 456 p. O Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 2BJun72: A825458.


Stagflation: a radical theory of unemployment and inflation. By Howard Jay Sherman. 252 p. 6 Howard J. Sherman: 23HOV76; A8254S9.


Speech: a basic text. By Eobert Caepbell Jeffrey £ Owen Peterson. 406 p. Portions prev. pub. in Speech: a text with adapted readings, second edition. e Eobert c. Jeffrey £ Owen Peterson: 11NOV76; A825460.


Essentials of human metabolism: the relationship of biochemistry to human physiology and disease. By H. C. McEurray. 308 p. e Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 7Jac77: A825461.


Primer of serology. By Adrian H. C. Delaat. 1 48 p. e Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. ; 9Jan76; A825462. (See also Primer of serology; 9Jan76; A708750)

iz the care and feeding of American politics. By Vernon F. Anderson £ Roger A. Van Winkle. 425 p. O Vernon F. Anderson £ Roger A. Van Binkle; 25iug76; A825463.


Heath's brief handbook of usage. By Langdou Elsbree, Frederick Bracher £ Hell Altizer. 9th ed. 265 p. Material prev. pub. in Heath's college handbook of ijomposition, 9th edition 6 D. C. Heath and Company, a division of Raytheon conpany; 7Jan77; A825464.


Heath's College handbook of composition. By Lacgdon Elsbree, Frederick Bracher £ Nell G. Altizer. 9th ed. 429 p. 6 D. C. Heath and Company, a division of Raytheon Company; 11Jan77: A825465.


Instructor's manual to accompany Chemistry in the natural world. By Roger

G. Gymer. 114 p. 0. C. Heath and Company, a division of Raytheon Company; 13Jan77; A825466.


Chemistry in the natural world. By Roger G. Gymer, illus. by Leonard Preston. 573 p. Nil: editorial revision. 6 D. c. Heath and Company, a division of Raytheon company: 3Jan77; A825467.


Stockton, CA, telephone directory, January 1977. S The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 11Jan77; Aa25468.


Fresno, Madera, Mariposa, and Merced counties, CA, telephone directory, January 1977. e The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 4Jan77; A825469.


Napa Valley, CA, telephone directory, January 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 29Dec76 (in notice: 1977): A825470.


South Orange coast, CA, telephone directory, January 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 23Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A825471.


San Jose, Campbell and Saratoga, CA, street address telephone directory, February 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 17Jan77: A825472.


Beverly Hills, CA, street address telephone directory, January 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 5Jan77; A825473.


Agoura, Canoga Park, North Hollywood, and others, street address telephone directory, February 1977. e The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 12Jan77 A825474.


LOS Angeles street address telephone directory, January 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A825475.


Why conference-approved literature? for Al-Anon/Alateen. Folder. O Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. ; 2Feb77 (in notice: 1972) ; A825476.


Teaching teachers about law; a guide to law-related teacher education programs.

Editor: Charles J. White, 3rd. 225 p.


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