Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/307

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A825788 — A825022
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A825787 (con.)

of Slberta Haria Stelle. 2J p. £ 31 slides Id folder. (The Hany faces of beauty, ser. 2) C Hilady Publishing corporation; 28Feb77; A825787.


Massage technigues for relaxation and facial beauty; coDfflentary £ guide. By Bobbi Bay, pseud, of Alberta Maria Stelle. 13 p. i 59 slides in folder. (The Many faces of beauty« ser. U) Milady Publishing Corporation; 3Apr7<t: A825788.


Comaentary and instructor's guide for Personal hygiene. 27 slides in box e 23 p. Appl. au: Alberta Maria Stelle (Bobbi Ray) Milady Publishing corporation; 16Feb71: A825789.


Coanentary and instructor's guide for Cham for health and aedical personnel. By Bobbi Kay, pseud, of Alberta Maria Stelle, suppl. by Harry S. Moon £ Bobbi Bay, pseud, of Alberta Maria Stelle. 60 slides in box £ 2 v. (Chara and professional projection for health careers) Milady Publishing Corporation; 18Jun72; A825790.


Coffloentary and instructor's guide for Personal hygiene for business. 22 slides in box £ 22 p. Appl. au: Alberta Maria Stelle (Bobbi Say) e Milady Publishing Corporation: 160ct71; 1825791.


The Ose of aachines for professional skin care; coaaentary £ guide. By Joel GersoD £ Bobbi Bay, pseud, of Alberta Haria Stelle. 13 p. £ 59 slides in folder. (The Many faces of beauty, ser. 12) Milady Publishing Corporation; 233ep75; A825792.


Library of Congress catalog, boolcs^ subjects, 1970-197K; a cuaulatiye list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards- Vol. 1-5. Appl. au; Bonaan and Littlefield. Littlefield, Adaas and company; 3Nov76: A825793.


Geoaetry uithout proofs with algebra and consuaer math. By Preston Bailey, Bayaond Miller, Jr.. Mohaaaed Moghadaaian £ Boyce A. Speck, editing: Twyla Banna, illus.: Oatrid T. Eubank. 357 p. Boyce A. Speck, Preston Bailey, Bayaond Miller, Jr. £ Mohaaaed Moghadaaian; 1Aug75; 1825794.


The aniverse is not a chaos. By Gene Edwacdson Ciereszko. 97 p. KM: additional text. C Fortunate Bints; Itllec76: 1825795.


The First weeks, froa victory, through confusion to effectiveness: a new aeaber's aanual of introduction to the anited States House of Bepresentatives. By Boy A. Schotland £ John A. Elzufon. 2nd ed. 1 V. Prev. pub. 6Nov74. Boy A. Schotland; 5Nov76: A825796.


Parts release for service parts catalog, Bodel 53 aaster. Selease no. 12-76, Dec. 1976. Sheets. Ippl. au: General Motors Corporation. C Detroit Diesel lllison Division, General Motors Corporation (in notice: General Motors corporation) ; mov76: 1825797.


Parts release for service parts catalog, aodel 71 vehicle. Belease no. 1-77, Jan. 1977. Sheets. Ippl. au: General Motors Corporation. O Detroit Diesel lllison Division, General Motors corporation (in notice; General Motors Corporation); 9Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 1825798.


Parts release for service parts catalog, aodel V-71 MPC. Belease no. 1-77, Jan. 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: General Motors Corporation. Detroit Diesel lllison Division, General Motors Corporation (in noticei General Motors Corporation); 8Dec76 (in noticei 1977) ; 1825793.


Parts release for service parts catalog, aodel V92 MPC. Belease no. 1-77, Jan. 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: General Motors Corporation. Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Motors Corporation (in notice; General Motors Corporation); 9Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A825800.


Fulfill ay joy. 183 p. Ippl. au: Jeanette Casper (Jay Kaye) Jeanette Casper (pseud.: Jay Kaye); 1Dec76; A825801.


Estate-gift- income taxation and planning for estates and trusts (including coaaunity property); study aanual. Prepared by Continuing Professional Education Division, Aaerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants. 2nd ed. 1 V. Appl. au: Protape, Inc. Appl. states no copyright is claiaed for any aaterials taken froa O.S. Govt, aaterials. «S Protape, Inc.; 18May76; A82b802.


Big Sur, land of the Sun and the Moon. By fiobert Muson. 1 v. Prev. pub. as The Land of the Sun and the Moon. BM: additions E revisions. O Bobert Muson (in notice: Bob Muson); 13JU176: A82580 3.


Integon collection, 1967-1976. Posters in portfolio. »M: compilation. O Integon Corporation; 1itDec76; 1825804.


Speech bingo. Kit. Appl. au: Jo Ann Saville. Jo Ann Saville; 9Dec76: A82580S.


Growing trees: a Lutheran confiraation course. Designed fi written by Tver C. Johnson. 2nd ed. 1 v. Living Tree Press; 15Jun76; A825806.

A82580 7.

Action and interaction: an eleaentary library aedia prograa. Coapiled by Doris L. Preeaan, Margaret T. HcCaskey, Margaret H. MacLean £ Dorothy G. Osteen . 1 v. Ippl. au: Upper Merion Area School District. Opper Merion Irea School District; 5Jan77; 1825807.


1. £. Foster Electrical Supply Coapany, Inc., wholesale only. 194 p. Idd. ti: Eiectri-List catalog for 1. E. Foster Electrical Supply Coapany, Inc.; Foster Electrical Supply. MM: additions £ revisions. Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 60ct76; 1825808.


Bible doctrinal drill. 8 p. Appl. au: A Beka Book (Pensacola Christian School) O 1 Beka Book Publications, a.a.d. o. 1 Beka Book Publishing Company, a division of Pensacola Christian School (in notice: Pensacola Christian School); 150ct73; A825809.


Handbook for reading: the new blue- backed speller. By Margaret Hccary E Laurel Hicks. 124 p. Ippl. au; Pensacola Christian School (A Beka Book) 3 A Beka Book Publications, a.a.d.o. 1 Beka Book Publishing Company, a division of Pensacola christian college; 101ug76; 1825810.


Kindergarten faculty aanual. 29 p. Add. ti: Kindergarten aanual. Ippl. au: 1 Beka Book (Pensacola Christian School) O 1 Beka Book Publications, a.a.d.o. 1 Beka Book Publishing Coapany, a division of Pensacola Christian School (in notice: Pensacola Christian School) ; 150ct73; 1825811.


Eleaentary faculty aanual. 1 v. Idd. ti: Eleaentary aanual. ippl. au: 1 Beka Book (Pensacola Christian School) C 1 Beka Book Publications, a.a.d.o. 1 Beka Book Publishing Coapany, a division of Pensacola Christian School (in notice: Pensacola Christian School) ; 130ct73; 1825812.


Christian high faculty aanual. 1 v. Ippl. au: 1 Beka Book (Pensacola Christian School) O 1 Beka Book Publications, a.a.d.o. 1 Beka Book Publishing Coapany, a division of Pensacola Christian School (in notice: Pensacola Christian School); 130ct73: 1825813.


Eaergency phone nuabers. 1 v. Add. ti: Directory of emergency phone nuabers, I.D. numbers, etc. ; Look it up. Appl. au: Jacqueline Beyaer. O Jacqueline Beymer; 29act76; A825814.


I» flow chart — 500 al. Ball chart. Appl. au: Selena Tracer. NB: compilation. O Tracer SN , Inc.; 10Aug76; 1825815.


I» flow chart — 1000 al. bag. Hall chart. Ippl. au: Selena Tracer. DM: coapilation. Tracer BH, Inc.; 101ug76; 1825816.


IV flow chart — 1000 al. Ball chart. Ippl. au: Selena Tracer. NM: compilation. e Tracer BB, Inc.; 15Jul76; A825817.


Up front Korea. By lllen Byron Bilkinson. 440 p. Idd. ti: lllen Byron Wilkinson's Up front Korea, an auto- biography. Allen Byron Bilkinson; 19Apr74; A 825818.


Toxemia explained. By J. H. Tilden. 132 p. Appl. au; Keats Publishing, Inc. BM: foreword. Keats Publishing, Inc.; 15Jua76; A825619.


food: its influence as a factor in disease and health. By J. U. Tilden. 4th ed. , rev. 250 p. Appl. au: Keats Publishing, Inc. Keats Publishing, Inc.; 15Jun76; A825820.


Juaper's Flats cooking coapanion. Coapiled by the Baterville Bicentennial Cookbook Committee: Busty «. Bloagren £ others. 193 p. C The Baterville Bicentennial Cookbook Coaaittee; 10Dec76; A825821.


Visual-perception tiles learning kit.

Sets 1-D. By Bayaond Tartakoff £ Olive


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