Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/323

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A826442 — A826482
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A826441 (con.)

3rd ed. 395 p. C The C. V. Bosby conpany: itFeb77: A826441.


Tortipelvis. Vol. 1. By Fred H. Barge. 123 p. e Pred H. Barqe; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976) : A826442.


VanHert, OH. Bobinson's 1976 city and county directory. fiobinson Directories. Inc.; 31Jan77: A826443.


At this point in rhyme. By Edgar Y. Harburq. 93 p. Portions prev. pub. in the sen York herald tribune £ others. Htt: coopilation & additional poetry. C E. y. Harburq; 160ec76: A826444.


Antique -jewelry: a practical and passionate quide. By fiose Leiman Goldeaberq, photos, by Edward B. Heiqht* Jr.. line drawings based on original sketches by ainda Novek i Lee Schiller. 148 p. NH: cOBpilatioa & additions. Bose Leiaan Goldenberg; 20Dec76; A82644S.


Hade in occupied Japan: a collector's quide. By Hariau Klankin. photos, by Charles Klaakin. 184 p. UB: original coiapilation of photos, t original text. Barian Klaakin: 140ec76: A826446.


The Annotated Christoas carol: A Christmas carol. By Charles Dickens, illustrated by John Leech, with an introd.. notes biblioqraphy by Bichael Patrick Hearu. 182 p. NH: annotations, introd.. index & coapilation of illus. Bichael Patrick Hearn; 1Dec76: A826447.


Click: innoiatioc or iaitation? By Thomas Bichael Nickel. 127 p. O Thomas Bichael Nickel: 170ec76: A826448.


The Photoqrapher 's market: scenic G travel ed. 44 p. Appl. au: Floyd J. Abel. O A and B Publishing: 10ec76: A826449.


Code of ordinances, city of Bocknart. Georgia, the charter and general ordinances of the city; adopted Nov. 9. 1976. effective Dec. 9, 1976. 1 v. Bunicipal Code Corporation; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976): A826450.


Psalms as guided by God's hand and inspired by the scriptures. By Jay Barren Heisler. 1 v. 6 Jay B. Heisler; 9Feb77; A826451.


survival quide. 254 p. Latin American Family Education Prograa. Inc. ; 15l(ov76: A82e452.


Tuninq the qreen aachine: an integrated view of environmental systems. By Institute for Environmental Education, edited by Joseph H. Chadbourne. Thomas U. Offutt C Barv B. Boberts. 1 v. Association of New Jersey Environtaeotal commissions; 7Feb77; A826453.


P. E. review: civil engineering 1. By Bobert Harks. 1 v. NH: revisions. 6 Engineerinq Beqistration Studies; 1Peb77: A826454.


Evaluation instrument from clothing alterations curriculum module. 1 v. Appl. au: Kathleen Frances Greenley Beery. G Kathleen Frances Greenley Beery; 2Jan77; A826455.


Operatinq room nursing and other beginnings. By Bette demons. 78 p. NB: compilation £ additions. Bette demons; 14Feb77; A826456.


U.S. Customs duties and hints. Liqhtweiqht passport ed. . 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: Joyce B. Auble. & Joy Auble; 25Jan77; A826457.


French doll dress patterns. No. 2. By Evelyn Ackerman. 1 v. Q Evelyn Ackcrman; 14Feb77; 4826459.


Hayside tabernacle. By Lilyan B. Boche. corroborated by Bichard J. Boche. 282 p. Liiyan B. Boche £ Bichard J. Boche; 5Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A826460.


CB4 review. By Grant U. Newton £ Franklin £. Bayburn. 1 v. NB: revisions C additional text. O Frank B. Bayburn £ Grant U. Newton; 310ec76; 4826461.

A82646 2.

Coachella. Desert Center, Desert Shores. CA. and others, January 1977. General Telephone Company of California; 16Dec76; 4826462.


Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, CA, and others, January 1977. 6 General Telephone Company of California: 21Dec76; A826453.

48 26 46 4.

Las Vegas. North Las Vegas. Boulder City. NV, and neighboring southern Nevada comaunities, January 1977. C Central Telephone Company. Nevada Division; 5JaD77; 4826464.

A8 26 46 5.

The Borris plan. By Karl B. Abt. 239 p. Prev. pub. as The Carver plan. 21Apr76. NB: revisions. 6 Karl B. Abt; 11Feb77; A826465.


The Carver plan. By Karl B. Abt. 224 p. Karl U. Abt; 2l4pr76: A826466.


Investment guide: used/damaged audio equipment. 5 p. Appl. au: Harry Joseph Began. Jr. O The Lepus Company: 1Jan77; A826467.

A8 26 468.

NABGA warehouse security manual. 158 p. National- American Wholesale Grocers' Association. Inc.; 10Bar75; A826468.


Daily Timexpense recorder, January to December 1977. 1 v. O The Drawing Board, Inc.; 14Sep76 (in notice: 1977); 4826469.


To John Deere dealers: technical manual ia-1167, 125 skid-steer loader, November 1976. I V. Appl. au: John Oeere Outside Banufactured Products £ Deere and Company Service Publications Department. 6 Deere and company; 24Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; Ae26470.


Suburban Philadelphia real estate directory. 1976-1977. Issued by Philadelphia Bealty Directory and Service. Sheets. Appl. au: Philadelphia Geal Estate Directory. Inc. 6 Philadelphia Real Estate Directory. Inc.; 7Feb77: A826471.


Instructions for the game Protour; a game for 1 to 8 players. Kit. Appl. au: Paul E. Sain £ Donald L. Tripp. Games Besearch Associates; 4Peb77; A826472.


Georgia criminal law. second edition. By I. T. Bolnar. 1977 suppl.. by Joe 1. Chennault. 163 p. Add. ti: Bolnar Georgia criminal law. second edition. The Harrison Company: 14Jan77: A826 47 3.


Career exploration kit; for secondary school students. By Barlon U. Sandalls. Cards in box. e Barion H. Sandalls; 8Feb77: A826474.


BSP/7 messages, codes, and operating procedures. 6th ed. 1 v. (Systems) O International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation) ; 270ec76; A826475.


7341 textile color analyzer, model 2. parts catalog. 82 p. (IBB maintenance library.) C International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines corporation); 22Nov76; A826476.


Introducing the IBB 3600 finance communication system. 3rd ed. 74 p. (Systems) International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation); 16Jao76; A826477.


supplement to the VTAB macro language guide for the program operator. 1 v. (IBB technical newsletter, no. GN27-1546) NB: revisions 6 additions, e Inter- national Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation: 17Sep76; A826478.


VTAB macro language reference. 1 v. (IBB technical newsletter, no. GN27-1575) NB: additions £ revisions. O Inter- national Business Hachines' Corporation (in notice: IBB Corporation); 70ct76: A826479.


IBB system/370 subsystem support services, user's guide, level 4 and 5. 6th ed. 14 1 p. (Systems) O Inter- national Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB corporation (in notice; International Business Hachines Cor- poration) ; 13Jan77; A826480.


APL concepts and facilities, materials of instruction, student materials. 1 v. O International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Bachines Corporation); 21Jan77 (in notice; 1976); A826481.


IBB 3600 finance communication system management planning quide. 3rd ed. 32 p. (Systeas) e International Business

Bachines Corporation a.a.d.; IBH


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