Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/402

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A829602 — A829645
JAN.-JUN. 1977

lOOKS C PD9POLSTS JON. — JI0. 1577 n 02 96 52. Cases in financial nacaqenent. By Pincent P. Opilado. Jcto I. Leech, Jerry a. pee & 0. Burr ParOar_ 192 p. 0 Dect Publishing Company; 3Jee77; 0829602. 1829693. Danic prog rn..inq for baniness. BY 0. Theaee Deck. 119 P. 0 nest Publishing na.paey; 3Jan77; 8829603. 8829606. Oicro—Oaeter medajwreeqineeranq •icrefil. dephiontin qeyoteao; the e never te year nerd dnphicatieg reqoireweete, whatever they are! 17 p. 0 Keeffel and oeeer Caeyany; 24Jan77; 8829604. 8829609. The Metric nerte. Level 8. Prepared by (lnotraetien us a teaanieiag science, eel. pree. pub. in Willnors City 6 ottaro deorge macreed & Dee Miederandece. 24 p. 6 p enter in envelope. appl. anu Deree Cerpcratice. w.pleyer for Dire. 0 Oerae Cerporwtiee; 8Sep76; 1829609. a 82 96 06- Uwdaif Beltaanns theology; o critical incerprecaten. ny aebert Campbell eaherta. 333 p. Pentiono of chap. ID appiared ha a slightly aiffereet farm in Scattish jaarnei et theeicgy. ee. 2. 1976. C Willie. B. Serdeane Pablinhing Ccnpany; 8Nov76; 8829606. 0829607. The cpieele cC Joyce. By lanes P. adaaoon. 227 p. 4The New latcrnatieeei ccwmentary en the Now Tcetaacnt) C William 0. Serdseee Pahiiehieg Cevpaey; 15nee76; 0829607. 0029608. 0 Walt in the garden ned ether peene. OP oehy ylewere. no p_ C enhy Planere; 15Dec76; 0829608. 082 9609. Ineltatbons cc celehratiee. By ileyd Jehn Oqilvte. (Xe The 8€. church tyneal. carqregwtienol readiaqo eectiae no. 105—124) C Lecicer eaaio, Inc.; )BJa176; P. Mitchell, 3rd.; 23Jan76; 0029624. 1829609. 1829618. Plato en teaeledge and reality. By Dichalds P. White. 214 p. C Nichelae P. White; 1Dec76; 1829618. 0025611. Dyeo:eindaws of the body aed the seol. Dy Laoean Griffin. 200 p. D Lanean Griffin; 21Dec76; 1829611. 1029612. Waiting fur the Ding ef Spain. By Diane 29Dec76; 0029626. nahashi. 157 P. C Diane Weieeti; 24Nov76; 8021612. 0621613. The Bob Bihle; an nwerioan Granulation. Coapboll OaeecGi 0 Steve Bonowita, artist; By wiuia. P. Bent. I e. en; tran— darien. C era, villa. p. Beet; 23apr76; 8029613. 0029614. The Oegioter of etc Onerinan Saddle— Verne Dreedere’ Ioaaeietinn, Inoerparated. fol. 96. 1975. 598 p. add. ci: aeerican eaddle hence hreedere re gieter. Oppl. aM: thnrlen I. Crenan, Jr. C onenican Saddle Boise Breedere’ nesccintioo; 26nag76; 6829616. 0029615- Shanan eaaeaohoaettc——a hiateny. Bditar: carl n. Oelphe. 355 p. C Sharon nanrican oeenlatiew Bioeeteaaini nem.ittee p. Dpyl. otatas oil nec oaaept N pon.o. 1976; 6Dec76; 6829615. 0829616. Giihert and Snlhiean eperettan adapted far half—hewn perfarnenee. By Odele yhane. 330 p. Dea adaptation. editorial eaSter 0 introdoctiens. C Ddeie Thane; 29Dec76; n829616. D82 96 17. dearhoet at aedene poetry. 1976. fonpiled K edited by lincoln 5. Daeag. 519 P. C Lincoln D. young; 15Sep76; 6829617. 0829610. Library eanagewent. By Dchert B. Stoeant 0 Jchn Taylor Deetlict. 100 p D eahert D. Stneart 0 Jahn Toyler Eaethlct; 3Jen77; 0829610. 6029619. 0 Behaeinral learning ayste.a approach tainocractianl onalynis and nyetheslc. By Donald cenneth Stewart. P. 311—634. 2) C Don Steeont; 5Nov75; 6029619. n02 962 0. The flangIng rein of the edecetor; the inotroctioneer. By Donald K. Stewart. 320 p. (Instroctian asetsma nieinq eoienne eel. 1) C Dna Stewart; 255op79 Oaoyoc’s bocaar & others. C Earl Bohc; DO 296 20. 1029621. Bee ta coca yoor money into none annoy goictly end sofely. ny 9arcia L. Stigsn. 366 p. K Bee Janee—Irwln; 14Dct76; 6029621. 6029622. The ytefit hoc oyote. of fnreoaating oteot prices. By niifned B. oeange. 153 and the northwest coast. Ny Baeld p. C Dew loDen—Irwin; 21Oct76; 0825622. Senettec 6 Croig Mannay. foneeand by allan 6829623. Piatory of the artIllery. caealry. and infantry branch of cereice incignio. By Leon a. Ladroaheiee. 194 p. K Leon a. lotromhecse; 27Dec76; 6029623. 0021624. Dndricb hyperaliwentatian colcnlatnr. nppl. aau larry 0. LaDoee 6 eabent P. Mitchell, 3rd. C larry B. laooee & Debert 68 29 62 5. abet do teeee reolly cost? 1 e. oppl. states copyright net olalaed on any U.S. Goet. e.ateniel or ito an erceo. ne: pontian titled what do taees really oonts o dine and laagblin, o.a.d.o. Bliss and Laoghlin Industries Incorporation (i.e. Inc.); 16Dec06; 0029629. 6629626. The Gift. Ny Don Petersen 6 mccc Petereen. yolder. 0 Ieee Peterone; 6029627. The Gcoen horoe. Vol. l. 60. 1; on anthology of Benson poets. Sditoro; lneao Bitias. 1 B. C The Sggplwet Press; Otntwane. peewa by Oarjenie G. ctttaonn. l5ooy76; 1029627. DO 29 620. Peer oheoo. Poldor. nppl. aol Debby a. Galloway. no: pact 6. 0 aalco; 20nec76; 1029628. 0829629. Grier’o aleacac, 1977. 171st nnnwei ed. flypeooio; 1Jan76; 0825643. 96 p. C Gciers nlannac Poblishing Coapany; 5Jan77; 0029629. no 29 630. Froe The no) to Apocalypse Street; 6 other paces. Dy Thoaes Oaay Occyan. 36 Partinno pane. pnh. in Decalb literacy octo joatnal 6 etherc. C Thanao nary Botyer; 11Dec76; 0829630. 0829631. Oalt ooftly. By catherine B. Medetnr. 2069 16 p. K tatherias B. Bedeter; 25Dec76; 082 9631. 1029 632_ Snneecei n dealero ploy. By Prederict I. zarafaty. 64 p. 0 Bled lanofoby; lPeb77; aOJ9632. n829633. Bout very special obsoletely every oocasicn greeting card. Polder. Oppi. we; Binhaal P. Thiry. C eiohael P. Thiry; 27Sep76; 9621633. 0829636. let ao. 6 colleotine af pootry by Brace BacCartet G a fee fciecds. 52 p. OppI. otatee all nec Accept poemo winch are in the psthic dnwoin 0 p. 49—52. Partiono o Boeoe BaoCarcer d.b.a. 000cree yablinaOicno; 10Dec79; 8829634. 0029635. Sonatchiego; a boat an paeno. By carl Bohe. 03 p. Pactiona yreo. cob, in 21Dec76; 6829635. 6025636. 33. a poem. Dy Bonjnrie Pletoher. 69 p. Pertioao pros. pah. in The Painted bride qaarterly. OM: P. 23—69. O Marjarie fletcher; 2610176; 6829636. D029 637. yield guide to the fish ot Paget Sound C. Delaoy. 70 p. C Onisersi ty af Washington Prsoo; lSnao76; a829637. 0029630. Tres naeelwo latieeaserioanao: eartie Bisac, Maria. aeahia. Condensed K aanyted by William T. Tardy. 99 P. NB; condensation & adaptation. C Nationol Teathont Company; 29May74; 0029630. 6825635. Content perspectinos in Latin 000rican arban neoearcb. Edited by ilejondro Portaa & Barley 1. Dcannieg. 179 P. C nlejandro portes & Varley I. Nrewning; 22Dec76; 0029639. 0029640. ytececaily. 16 p. Opyl. ao; Tho.aa I. Oectett. C Biocetally; 16Dec76; 0029640. 6821641. oliinoio oaacheo directory; athletic directory of Illinoio high echools. colleges oed aaieersbtieo, 1976—77. Edited by ten elena. 19th aecaol ed. 160 P. 0 Ken Olsen; 170ag76; 6029641. 0029642. eoery Chriotaaa from earjacbe and nrthar 1 e. add. ti; GreetinGs Crow Georgia. C Marjorie 0. ohrtmonn; 9Dec76; 0829642. D029643. BlPwoeis——eoPlading tie oyth: the noet—wsted goeotiaco ahont hypnaoia and their onoeena. eo. me—UI. 7 P. C International Society Coo Profesnienal k02 9644. Bow to cheoeeanetbicel typeaoio prsctitianer. Co. IP—102. Palder. C Betereacn anal Society for Prefeooioeal nypeaaio; 1Jan76; n82N644. 0829645. lt’a paetry; anthology. 21 p. (Illinois peetry contest, July 4 1976. vol. 1) C Will Cnscty Coiteral eats noseciation; 24Jan76; 0829645. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist,


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.