Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/51

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A815425 — A815417
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Friendship; towards an integration of the behavioral sciences. By Steten D. Saul e, c. Edward Bhoades, Jr. 7 p. e Steven D. Saul C C. Edward Bhoades, Jr.; lJul76: 4815425.


Will Roqers ranch roundup. Vol. 1, no. 1, NOV. 1, 1879-Nov. 1, 1976. Editor: Bea Heibv. nanaqinq editor: Patricia Bleba. 8 p. &ppl. au: Hill Bogers Area Cooperative Association, Inc. Uill Boqers Area cooperative Association, Inc. ; 3Sov76; A815'126.


Ed-u-countability. By Donald Balph Severeid. 1 v. Donald E. Severeid; 2Bar76; 1815427.


Cross the bridqe froo Spanish to Enqlish for all Spanish speaking students; bilingual reading 6 writing, English ed. Book 1. By Eonald J. Lev. 38 p. Portions prev. pub. in Fixed letter pattern fraoes. Nil: editorial revisions £ additional text. Bonald J. Lev; 18Dec76; A815"I28.


This is 200 Yankee. Assistant in the preparation of this booklet: Bobert J. Serlinq. 1 v. Appl. au: National Aeronautic Association. C National Aeronautic Association; 8Nov76; A815I129.


The Dutch biqhlanders. By Florence Ballantine Huguet. 18 p. O Florence Baliantine Huquet; 17Nov76: A815U30.


Master-mind-of- knowledge! By Ernest Kaufman. i|7 p. C Ernest Kaufuan d.b.a. Dealers International Advertising Conpany; 17NOV76; A815U31.


Automotive jobbers net price list, winter 1976; wholesale catalog. No. 1010. 70 p. Idd. ti: Uholesale catalog number 1010, winter 1976. ippl. au: Jack H. Cleaveland. O Jack K. cleaveiand; 1Dec76; A815432.


Eeferences — your business contempo- raries. 2 p. Prev. reg. 1562968 £ A670495. NB: additions t revisions. e National Eesources, Inc. ; 1Dec76; A815433.


In Inalysis of teacher contract proposals. Prepared by Fred B. Lifton 6 Besley A. Bilduan. 116 p. O Iowa Association of School Boards, Inc.; 21Aug75: A815434.


Oak Park as seen by Philander Barclay. 1 V. Appl. au: The Historical Society of Oak Park and Biver Forest. O Ihe Historical Society of Oak Park and Biver Forest; 28Dec76; A815435.


Battle. By Shep, pseud, of Frank aiesen, Jr. Sheets (95 p.) Frank niesen, Jr.; 28Dec76; A815lt36.


On filling out an application. Authored by Shep, pseud, of Frank Biesen, Jr. 6 p. e Frank aiesen, Jr.; 28Dec76; A815437.


Dniversal language. Authored by shep, pseud, of Frank Biesen, Jr. 1 v. O Frank aiesen, Jr.; 28Dec76: A81S438.


An Awakening. Authored by Shep, pseud, of Prank aiesen, Jr. 1 v. e Frank Biesen, Jr.; 28Dec76; 1815439.


Un-vote for a new America (a guide to constitutional revolution) Narrative by Theodore Lewis Becker, cartoons: Paul Bichaei Szep, with Dwight 3. Bitter. 195 p. Ippl. states all new except quoted excerpts and compilation of illus.

Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jul76: 1815440.

181544 1.

Busician*s supply Inc. discount catalog. No. 1, 1977. 70 p. ippl. au: Bobert Eastman. Busician's Supply, Inc.; 15Sep76; 1815441.


Why do visitors come to Niagara Falls? 1 p. e aanagement Services; ejul76;



"Bacho" unisex un-coiogne. Folder. 6 aanagement Services; 12Jul76; Aei5443.


Travel adventures in California. By Prank Riley, original photography 6 design by Bill Buster. 62 p. C on text; Frank Biley: 31Jul76; 1815444.


Travel adventures in California. By Frank Biley, original photography C design by Bill Buster. 62 p. O on photography £ design; Bill Buster; 3IJul76; A815445.


TIPPI Corrugated Containers Conference, 1976. November 9-11, Netheriand Hilton, Cincinnati, Ohio. 162 p. Idd. ti: TIPPI

1976. O Technical Issociation of Pulp and Paper Industry a.k.a. TIPPI; 290ct76; A815446.


Audio linguistics cassette tapes and study sheets. Prepared by Keith F. Sears. 1 V. e Keith F. Sears; lDec76; 1815447.

181544 8.

aoBE. 11 p. Appl. au: Paul Banltelow, James Otz £ Bobert Shafer. e N to the 4th Power, Ltd., Inc.; 15Bar76; A815448.


Treasures from David Fulton's strong box. Compiled by John uichels. 79 p. O John Uichels; 16Dec76; 1815449.


Guide to electrical contractors' claims management. Vol. 1. Ill p. 6 National Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.; 28Dec76; 1815450.


Beverend Charles a ose of Scotland and Hestffloreland County, Virginia; the first four generations in America. Coinpiled by Christine uose, editors: Seymour T. Pose £ Christine Bose. 34 p. Add. ti: Beverend Charles Bose family of Scotland and Virginia. e Christine Bose; 8Dec76; A815451.


Isometric protractor handbook; technical graphics and illustration. By Jan Bracek. 42 p. O Jan aracek; 10ct76; A8154S2.


A Basic guide to heroin for law enforcement officers. By Anthony Joseph Stone, 2nd. 70 p. ti Anthony Joseph Stone, 2nd.; 2Dec76; A815453.


Story spinners: reproducible activities for creative writing. Book 2- By Barjorie Brunk, Anita Coppock Janet Fitzgerald. 1 v. O Creative Teaching Press, Inc.; 1Sep76; A815454.


Story spinners; reproducible activities for creative writing. Book 1. By aarjorie Brunk, Anita Coppock £ Janet Fitzgerald. 1 v. Creative Teaching Press, Inc.; 1Scp76; A815455.


Bluegrass and country bass fiddle method. By Lee Eliot, pseud, of Ernest Lee Elliott. 24 p. e Lee Eliot (in notice on cover: BaT Productions): 15NOV76: A815456.


Los Angeles County almanac: a guide to government, 1976. Editor: Ann F. Bowland, associate editor: David a. Luboff. 15th ed. 288 p. Appl. au: Eepublican Central Committee of Los Angeles County. e Bepublican Central Committee of Los Angeles county; lApr76; A815457.


Tooling progress. Vol. 3, no. 3. 3 1 p. e Ihe Valeron Corporation; 190ct76; A815458.


Tests in basic mathematics (for intermediate and J.H.S. levels) 1 v. Appl. au.- Samuel Abrahamer. C Samuel Ibrabamer; 17Dec76; A815459.


Tests in basic English (for intermediate and J.H.S. levels) 1 v. Appl. au: Samuel Abrahamer. 6 Samuel Abrahamer; 17Dec76; 1815460.


The ABC's of municipal accounting. 32 p. O S. w. Anderson Company; IAug76; A815461.


Computer accessory for Auger data; instruction manual, Sept. 1976. 55 p. O Physical Electronics Industries, Inc. ; 29Sep76; A815462.


Computer accessory for ESCA, Auger and UPS spectroscopy and thin film analysis; instruction manual, Nov. 1976. 88 p. »3 Physical Electronics Industries, Inc.; 12NOV76; A815463.


Taking off: a turning point. By uilliam Oandasan. 8 p. e Killiam Oandasan; 3Dec76; 18 15464.


Zigzag stitchery kit. Appl. au: Badge Huntington Cooper. C Badge Huntington Cooper d.b.a. Huntington Designs; 10ct76; A815465.


The Second Jewish catalog. Compiled £ edited by Sharon Strassfeld £ aichael Strassfeld, illus. by Stuart Copans. 1 v. (Uith The Jewish yellow pages) Appl. au: The Jewish Publication Society, employer for hire. C The Jewish Publication Society of America; 3Dec76; A815466.


The Jewish yellow pages. By Sharon Strassfeld, aichael strassfeld £ Bark Nulman. (In The Second Jewish catalog, p. 401-464) Sharon strassfeld 6 Bichaei

Strassfeld; 3Dec76; 1815467.


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